BrushFactory - browser touchscreen pixeling tool

Started by Pakz, January 10, 2023, 21:37:26

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Another day. Another project.

I noticed a great pixel art tutorial and decided to create a brush that has the same effect. I checked what common brushes could do. Mostly the in depth features of tools are not that well described. So I started making my own.

I made a basic paint editor and started on the first brush in the second day(today). I had done some procedural pixel art mountains before. So several techniques I could instantly figure out.

I have a light source that is from a certain(settable) angle. The brush moves into a certain angle. With this I know which side of the pixel area placed should be darker and lighter. The current brush is round and has a settable size. >5 and <32.
I determine the center and the distance and know what is inside the brush area. By getting the angle and a area around it I fill the lines inwards(or outwards, I forgot) Dark to light for one half of 2xPI and the other Light to dark for the other half of 2xPI.
Adding a bit of highlight and details based on the side of the direction the results in the video are created.

There is a bunch of tweaking done. And there are problems with the app still. But I am at day 2 right now.

I have no idea what kind of art can be created with the first brush. There is a randomize color palette button. I am looking at other pixel art references. A tree/bush brush might follow after I made some new interface things for the current brush.

See my github for the html file. (Pakz001 / html5examples/tools)


One week into development.

I crossed the c64 memory size for the size of the main source code file.

I spent a couple of days trying to think about and making a new system for brushes. I am collecting art and looking at pro and newbie art. Trying to figure out how I could make (brush)tools to create what I see.

All this math magic is close to be unsolvable for me. Better to eat chocolate PI.

I lost track of what I was doing in one side app. Turning one line array that should be the length of a circle. Into a large array of a thousand+ slowing down the fps. I only noticed what I did wrong yesterday.

The user interface is slowly filling up.