Maze in Lisp

Started by TomToad, October 27, 2019, 10:36:06

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Here is an example of a maze generated using Common Lisp
;;;seed the random number generator
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))
;;;constants to hold width and height of maze
(defconstant WIDTH 20)
(defconstant HEIGHT 10)

;;; the cell structure, north, south, east, west -> t = path, nil = wall
(defstruct cell
(position '(0 0))
(north nil)
(south nil)
(east nil)
(west nil)
(visited nil))

;;; the array of cells,
(setf maze (make-array (list HEIGHT WIDTH)))

;;; this function takes a cell as input and returns a list of valid directions
;;; i.e. not across border, not visited
(defun get-valid-directions (cell)
(let ((directions nil)
(position (cell-position cell)))
(if (and (> (first position) 0) (not (cell-visited (aref maze (- (first position) 1) (second position)))))
(push 0 directions))
(if (and (< (second position) (- WIDTH 1)) (not (cell-visited (aref maze (first position) (+ (second position) 1)))))
(push 1 directions))
(if (and (< (first position) (- HEIGHT 1)) (not (cell-visited (aref maze (+ (first position) 1) (second position)))))
(push 2 directions))
(if (and (> (second position) 0) (not (cell-visited (aref maze (first position) (- (second position) 1)))))
(push 3 directions))

;;; fill the array with cells
(dotimes (column WIDTH)
(dotimes (row HEIGHT)
(setf new-cell (make-cell))
(setf (cell-position new-cell) (list row column))
(setf (aref maze row column) new-cell)))

;;; our stack for the recursive-backtracker algorythm.
(setf stack nil)

;;; pick a cell at random and place it on the stack
(setf current-cell (aref maze (random HEIGHT) (random WIDTH)))
(setf (cell-visited current-cell) t)
(push current-cell stack)
;;; repeat until the stack is empty
(do ((current-cell (first stack) (first stack)))
((null stack))
(let  ((directions (get-valid-directions current-cell))
(position (cell-position current-cell))
(direction 0)
(chosen-cell nil))
(cond ((= (length directions) 0)
(pop stack))
(t (setf direction (nth (random (length directions)) directions))
(cond ((= direction 0)
(setf chosen-cell (aref maze (- (first position) 1) (second position)))
(setf (cell-north current-cell) t)
(setf (cell-south chosen-cell) t)
(setf (cell-visited chosen-cell) t))
((= direction 1)
(setf chosen-cell (aref maze (first position) (+ (second position) 1)))
(setf (cell-east current-cell) t)
(setf (cell-west chosen-cell) t)
(setf (cell-visited chosen-cell) t))
((= direction 2)
(setf chosen-cell (aref maze (+ (first position) 1) (second position)))
(setf (cell-south current-cell) t)
(setf (cell-north chosen-cell) t)
(setf (cell-visited chosen-cell) t))
((= direction 3)
(setf chosen-cell (aref maze (first position) (- (second position) 1)))
(setf (cell-west current-cell) t)
(setf (cell-east chosen-cell) t)
(setf (cell-visited chosen-cell) t)))
(push chosen-cell stack)))))

;;;print the maze :):):):)
(format t "~&+")
(dotimes (column WIDTH)
(format t "--+"))
(dotimes (row HEIGHT)
(format t "~&|")
(dotimes (column WIDTH)
(if (equal (cell-east (aref maze row column)) t)
(format t "   ")
(format t "  |")))
(format t "~&+")
(dotimes (column WIDTH)
(if (equal (cell-south (aref maze row column)) t)
(format t "  +")
(format t "--+"))))
8 rabbits equals 1 rabbyte.