[bmx] BlitzPing/1.0 by Otus [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:41

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Title : BlitzPing/1.0
Author : Otus
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Finds all external links on a web page and tries to ping those using the pingback protocol <a href="http://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback-1.0" target="_blank">http://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback-1.0</a>

You don't need a fancy blogging platform to engage in conversation - you can ping even links on a static HTML website. Also recommended to make up for Blogger's poor trackback support.

Note: Does *not* currently check for robots exclusion protocols. Probably should.

Code :
Code (blitzmax) Select

'GETs a document, and pings the external links found.
'Uses the pingback protocol http://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback-1.0


Framework BRL.Blitz
Import BRL.Socketstream
Import BRL.StandardIO

Type TPingSource
Field URI:String
Field host:String
Field doc:String
Field data:String

Const agent:String = "BlitzPing/1.0"

Function Open:TPingSource(URI:String)
'Opens a socket to the URI specified, and reads the content to data.
'Closes the socket and returns the created object.
Local s:TPingSource = New TPingSource
s.host = URI[URI.Find("//")+2..URI.Find("/",7)]
s.doc = URI[URI.Find("/",7)+1..]
Local sock:TSocket = CreateTCPSocket()
If Not ConnectSocket(sock,HostIp(s.host),80) Return Null
Local stream:TStream = CreateSocketStream(sock)
"GET /"+s.doc+" HTTP/1.0~n"+..
"Host: "+s.host+"~n"+..
"User-Agent: "+agent+"~n~n")
While Not Eof(stream)
If sock CloseSocket(sock)
Return s
End Function

Method Process:Int()
'Reads the data. Creates a ping target from any anchors it finds.
'Pings valid targets, and returns the number of successful pings.
Local pos:Int = 0, tag:String, target:String, t:TPingTarget, pings:Int
While data.Find("<a ",pos)>-1
pos = data.Find("<a ",pos)+1
tag = data[pos..data.Find(">",pos)]
If tag.Find("href=")>-1
target = tag[tag.Find("href=")+6..]
If target.Find(" ")>-1
target = target[..target.Find(" ")-1]
target = target[..target.length-1]
End If
Print target
t = TPingTarget.Open(target,host)
If t
'Print "Found: "+t.URI
If t.Process()
'Print "Pinging: "+t.server
End If
'Print "Skipping: "+pos+"/"+data.length
End If
End If
Return pings
End Method
End Type

Type TPingTarget
Field URI:String
Field host:String
Field doc:String
Field data:String
Field server:String

Const agent:String = "BlitzPing/1.0"

Function Open:TPingTarget(URI:String,host:String)
'Opens a socket to the URI specified, and reads the content to data.
'Closes the socket and returns the created object.
Local t:TPingTarget = New TPingTarget
t.host = URI[URI.Find("//")+2..URI.Find("/",7)]
If t.host=host Return Null 'Don't ping the same host
t.doc = URI[URI.Find("/",7)+1..]
Local sock:TSocket = CreateTCPSocket()
If Not ConnectSocket(sock,HostIp(t.host),80) Return Null
Local stream:TStream = CreateSocketStream(sock)
"GET /"+t.doc+" HTTP/1.0~n"+..
"Host: "+t.host+"~n"+..
"User-Agent: "+agent+"~n~n")
While Not Eof(stream)
If sock CloseSocket(sock)
Return t
End Function

Method Process:Int()
'Finds the ping server from data, and finds out host and doc.
'Returns True is ping server found, False if not.
Local pos:Int = data.Find("X-Pingback:")
If pos=-1
'No pingback HTTP header - search for head link
While data.ToLower().Find("<link",pos) > -1
Local area:String = data[pos..data.Find(">",pos)]
If area.Find("pingback")>-1
server = area[area.Find("href=")+6..area.Find(" ",area.Find("href="))-1]
End If
server = data[pos+11..data.Find("~n",pos)].Trim()
End If
If Not server Return False 'Server not found - not pingable
host = server[server.Find("//")+2..server.Find("/",7)]
doc = server[server.Find("/",7)+1..]
Return True
End Method

Method Ping:Int(source:String)
'Sends an XML/RPC ping to the ping server with source as source and URI as target.
'Returns True on a successful ping, False on a fail.
Local sock:TSocket = CreateTCPSocket()
If Not ConnectSocket(sock,HostIp(host),80) Return Null
Local stream:TStream = CreateSocketStream(sock)
If Not stream Return Null
Local request:String
request = ..
"<?xml version=~q1.0~q?>~n"+..
request = "POST /"+doc+" HTTP/1.0~n"+..
"Host: "+host+"~n"+..
"User-Agent: "+agent+"~n"+..
"Content-Type: text/xml~n"+..
"Content-Length: "+request.length+"~n~n"+..
'Print "Sending request..."
'Print request
WriteLine(stream, request)
'Print "Receiving response..."
While Not Eof(stream)
Print ReadLine(stream)
End Rem
Return True
End Method
End Type

Local source:String = Input("URL for ping source:")
'Open the ping source
Local s:TPingSource = TPingSource.Open(source)
If s
Print "Open Successful"
'Process the source and ping the links
Print s.Process()+" links pinged"
Print "Open failed!"
End If

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