[bb] String splitting function by UUICEO [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:38

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Title : String splitting function
Author : UUICEO
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : This is a very simple function I created to split a comma separated string in to it's component parts. This will automatically Dimension an Array to the appropriate size and will also return the # of items in the string.

in your main program you need to create an initial dim statement for the array that will hold the data returned from the split.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; By Robert Quackenbush

Dim SplitData$(1); This is the array that will contain the returned information

; This is sample code to demonstrate how the function works

Junk$ = "This will be line #1,This is the next line,Line #3 here,And so on"

; Here is the call to the function, the variable 'totalSplits' will contain the # of items being returned in the array 'SplitData$()

totalSplits = Split( Junk$ )

; This will display the returned information

For i = 1 To totalSplits
Print SplitData$(i)

; Here is the function that does all the work.

Function Split(DataToSplit$)

;Declare our variables

Local splitcounter = 0, pntr = -1, pntr2 = 0, counter = 0

; Continue to check for splits until we reach the end of the string

While pntr <> 0
pntr = Instr(DataToSplit$, ",", pntr + 1)

; If we found a split then add 1 to the counter

If pntr > 0 Then splitcounter = splitcounter + 1

; Now we have the amount of items (-1) in the string so we can dimension our array

Dim SplitData$(splitcounter + 1)

; the first item in the string is handled differently than the rest since there is no comma preceding it

pntr = 0:pntr2 = Instr(DataToSplit$, ",", 0)
SplitData$(1) = Left$(DataToSplit$, pntr2 - 1)

; After splitting off the first item we move on to the rest of the string.

For counter = 2 To splitcounter

; These 2 pointers keep track of the beginning and ending of the item we are looking for in the string.

pntr = pntr2 + 1
pntr2 = Instr(DataToSplit$, ",", pntr)

; Now that we have the items location we can pull it from the main string and insert it in to our return array

SplitData$(counter) = Mid$(DataToSplit$, pntr, (pntr2 - pntr))

; Once we have done every instance of the comma delimiters we are left with the very end of the string

; This also is handled differently than the rest of the string since there is no comma after it.

SplitData$(counter) = Right$(DataToSplit$, Len(DataToSplit$) - pntr2)

; Now we can return the # of items located in the string back to the calling program.

Return (splitcounter + 1)
End Function

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