T-minus 4 days until pukka Broadband

Started by 3DzForMe, January 13, 2024, 03:56:27

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Out here in deepest darkest Lincolnshire, Sky's broadband over ADSL has been increasingly pants.

Hooray for Quikline Fibre, for the same price, infinitely faster connection! 12 time faster than sky's advertised 28 MBps - but when Sky is offline most of the time (despite repeated engineer visits) - cheerio Sky! Been hotspotting of mobile for the last fortnight.
BLitz3D, IDEal, AGK Studio, BMax, Java Code, Cerberus
Recent Hardware: Dell Laptop
Oldest Hardware: Commodore Amiga 1200 with 1084S Monitor & Blitz Basic 2.1