4D Game and Understanding the Fourth Dimension ..

Started by Hardcoal, October 01, 2017, 06:23:16

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Theories are exactly that... just a self educated guess that stands up to scrutiny by other people that make theories ;)

Little Johnny was asked in school 'what is the difference of theory and reality?'
When he got home he asked his dad this question. His dad said to ask his mum if she would sleep with David Beckham for £2 million and she replied 'of course I would'. The dad said to ask the sister if she would also sleep with David Beckham for £2 million to which also replied 'Duh, of course I would'. The dad then explained the difference... 'There you go son, in theory we could be millionaires, but in reality are living with a couple of sluts'  ;D

"When you observe the world through social media, you lose your faith in it."


Watching the video is supremely strange. When I was in the hospital, I perceived the scene where I was cased as if I was the spectator of a movie in the cinema..... :o :o

Rick Nasher

I think it's not the fourth dimension, just a math way of trying to 'invent' something.

Interested in ramblings of a madman? :-) see below:

Time is simply the difference between the displacement of objects, as seen in each frame of a film. Individually they do exist already all at once on the film roll, but it's the connection(displacement) that makes it come to life(to us) and also generates forces such as time.

The whole 'faster-than-light means travel-influences-time' theory is based on assumptions:
When I'm in a spaceship that starts from Cape Canaveral flies round Earth faster than speed of light, then I would be back before people can witness the start of the spaceship(does that include me? don't think so).

But nevertheless, that is perception due to the slowness of our/their senses.
So basically time would be determined by our senses, which is odd for they are never real-time anyway; all we see has already occurred; If we look a the stars then due to distance and slowness of light/sensors we look at images of events long gone, so time is relative to the eye of the beholder.

If the sensor cannot detect an event it doesn't mean the event didn't take place. Time is just something we(as sentient beings) use to describe things, but is in reality(if there is such a thing) something that is also happening without us being there and probably doesn't obey the laws we made up to be real.

If you ask me, time is, as basically every force, such as gravity, heat, etc, just a side-effect of matter movement. If nothing would move, time would not exist. And I dare say: as would nothing. So if all stops moving, it moves backwards. the big crunch would appear, leading to nothingness again and then as the 1 universal law that *does* exist: 'everything strives to be equalized', so then as there's nothing existing, something also has to exist, leading to a big-bang again. This is the eternal paradox that drives everything.

Based on my own personal, weird out-of-this-world experiences this is something God put in place and influences. I think of it as a giant pool table, where one initial hit leads to a chaineffect and sometimes a ball gets repositioned for the desired effect which then influences events differently.
The end goal could be that we eventually overcome/outgrow being part of the pool table and also become a God like creature, which might happen with the coming of the 'singularity'(or not.. :-). In that case everything is like a school experience and all will be revealed in due time. But one question that comes to mind then is of course(where most 'believers' say stop thinking just believe..): why does *that* exist then?
But probably the same 1 rule applies: if nothing exists then also something must exist, as +/-, black/white, light/dark, good/evil etc. Without the contrast of black ink on a white paper or other way round, there literally would be nothing to see..

It's either this or we are living in one giant simulation a la matrix or something, for there are just tooo many weird things I've experienced in one lifetime.
B3D + physics + shaders + X-platform = AGK!
:D ..ALIENBREED *LIVES* (thanks to Qube).. :D