Existence CAN be a beautiful thing

Started by Matty, January 03, 2018, 20:59:00

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Hello folks again,

Sometimes it bears worth mentioning that existence can indeed be a marvelous, wonderful, amazing thing.

Some days you wake up with a contented feeling in your stomach, drive to work with the sunshine beaming through the windows of the car and giving you a sense of warmth and delight. The radio is playing some nice music and the green trees and blue skies rush past.

You may not have everything else right and good in your life but for the moment there is a sense of calm and contentment rushing through your body.

It begins in your stomach and moves its way outwards to the rest of your body. Often related to how you've slept the night before, whether you've had a good meal and a good night's sleep.

It is in moments like these that as I go about my duties I think to myself that it is better to exist than to not exist, better to be alive than dead, better to have experienced such things than to not have.

It is in moments like these that difficulties, challenges and hardships are forgotten and instead you are in a kind of positive dream state.

Existence can be beautiful.

Conjured Entertainment

Then, as a big juicy bug splatters on the windshield, you start to wonder what his life was like at that moment, and you realize the last thing through his mind at that moment was his butt... Life can be cruel too.

Things are what they are, regardless of perceptions, so I must not let my emotions override my logic.

I am what I am, I am...


No doubt, life can be cruel too - agreed.

But at least in my mind I like to savour every moment of goodness, warmth, delight and remember it, focus on it and keep it in mind for as long as possible - keep those neurotransmitters firing in the brain for as long as possible to hang on to for when times are cruel, tough and difficult.

Having sign posts along the way (such as my first post above) in places where they can be revisited and remembered is a way of bringing hope to myself and others during those 'cruel' times that things can actually be good and that all states positive and negative are temporary so far.


You can always find beauty in any thing/event, it is always how you interprete a thing/event which shapes your perception and make you feel good or bad.
However the real (objective) world does not care about your interpretations and perception. So even if gratitude/appreciation and optimisim are qualities (imo), don't become in denial of the real (objective) world (with good/beneficial things/events and bad/harmful things/events), or it can get you hurt/sick/killed.

So yes, but no, or rather maybe it depends ;)

"oh look at this beautiful tsunami, so powerfull and majestuous, i am gonna go wavehug it, be one with the nature/the universe" (guess what will happen next ? Powerful sensations and feelings indeed ahahah ;D)

The other day, i have seen and taken a photo of a double rainbow, i was in my car, eating some tasty foods, listening to some progressive/melodic trance, this was a good moment, i was an happy man. :)


Here's a thought for you:

Most events are just neutral, a mere event - eg driving in the rain to work. To apply a 'good' or 'bad' experience to this is subjective.

But...my thought is this:

Our interpretation and emotion of feeling 'good' or 'bad' about such an event has more to do with the state of our stomach - whether it is filled with nice food giving rise to nice bacteria giving rise to nice chemicals being sent to the brain.

So things like our night's sleep, the food we eat, the drinks we consume, the bacteria in our gut have more of an impact on whether we interpret neutral events as positive or negative?


Good thoughts. I can relate to this most of the time.

Naughty Alien

...as for myself, i could watch waves with no end..for some reason, thats incredibly entertaining for me and very rich experience...other folks may think its soooo boring :) ... same with gym, where i beat up myself so hard that i can hardly walk back home, but i feel very positive about whole thing...well..it seems to be related to thing called dopamine..so, i guess, best is to find something which will supply us with rich doses of dopamine on such way that nothing/nobody else is hurt on any way in that process...that will be good one :)


In terms of chemical/drug happiness....

I had my wisdom teeth removed in 2016, May.

After the operation I awoke still under the influence of the drugs they used to anaesthetise me.

It was the most blissful, joyous, amazing and wondrous experience.  I was truly floating in clouds of laughter, joy silliness and so on.

I remember telling the nurse next to me - 'I might take up illicit drugs if this feels so good - it's amazing!!' - she smiled and said that wouldn't be a good idea.

In some ways it would be quite sad and dreadful for human beings to be placed on a cocktail of happy drugs to place them on cloud 9 for their entire life. In a sense they'd miss out on the reality of existence - the good and the bad, the trials and triumphs, the challenges and achievements.  They'd experience bliss without actually achieving anything - and that in my mind is a bad thing.


Most events are just neutral, a mere event - eg driving in the rain to work. To apply a 'good' or 'bad' experience to this is subjective.
of course... but since your existence is a human existence, we (humans) can objectively define what is harmful or beneficial for us (without ideology)...


In some ways it would be quite sad and dreadful for human beings to be placed on a cocktail of happy drugs to place them on cloud 9 for their entire life. In a sense they'd miss out on the reality of existence - the good and the bad, the trials and triumphs, the challenges and achievements.  They'd experience bliss without actually achieving anything - and that in my mind is a bad thing.
that's the main idea in the movie "Matrix", and in some ways the main undisclosed idea of the mainstream (hedonist) medicine and the pharmaceutical empire... They don't educate/help you to get rid of the causes of health problems, instead they give you drugs to not feel disconfort/pain... Maybe guys proponents of maintenance medicine will manage to change it, but lobbies and people with titles and power will not give up easily... (and since most of alternative solutions are poorly efficient, with plenty of unverifiable claims, proposed by scammers or people lost in their fantasies, mediocrity reigns...)

Naughty Alien

Quote(and since most of alternative solutions are poorly efficient, with plenty of unverifiable claims, proposed by scammers or people lost in their fantasies, mediocrity reigns...)

..very true..however, trough my life i have spent living with tribes in jungle, one thing i learn that there is no really diseases..they claim that body contain everything to self heal if used in proper relationship with spiritual self as thats the true one,
union of body and spiritual element drives it(person, they never use term person to describe someone, instead always 'one', and that was interesting)..generally, i came to conclusion that most of issues human today has, came from way we live today...in some real sense, i can see massive denial in aspect of 'one' as jungle people said..separate these two, and problems will come in all forms and sizes..hence, modern medicine, patch this or that..shiny and polished outside...rotten inside..no surprise at all..


there is no really diseases
then you are ignorant of some things... there are real causes of "diseases" (which can affect/notaffect a human depending on his constitution, resistances/sensivities, cleanliness, reserves, vital energy), and i bet that i can make any of your tribe member sick/dead with the right substances/organisms.

i came to conclusion that most of issues human today has, came from way we live today
partly true, partly false, some "diseases" are most likely caused by the modern environment and modern foods/drinks, modern habits, but also by "nature" (and the substances, the organisms, parts of it), there is a never ending competition for ressources and energy and life, and also some randomness. Whether we like it or not...

i can see massive denial in aspect of 'one' as jungle people said
reality seems to shows the contrary : some humans can survive in wild nature nowadays because their ancestors have adapted to this specific environment and the weak/sensible/notadapted died...
Change the environment (like what is happening in south america with modern agriculture (GMOs/pesticides)) and the "wild humans" will get sick and die (are getting sick and are dying, right now)
Another example is what was reported by european sailors in the time of the discoveries of the american continent and of their inhabitants, the humans who were living in wilderness, while they were adapted to the local substances/organisms were not adapted to some of the foreign substances/organisms brought by europeans. So the most weak/sensitive got sick and died...

Naughty Alien

..im not ignorant..if you ask me, is there anything to go wrong, answer is yes (disease)..if you look at it from angle that you live on such way that body is fed with what it really need and that such sources (food, oxygen/air, water) are clean and in amounts of need rather than desire, and that body actually do some physical workout instead of carry monumental amounts of fat on its bones and joints designed for far less, then what you going to see rapid declination of any form of disease..

..how people live today?? Overweighted, eating meat (which is basically corpse frozen for who knows how long),moody and lazy to move creatures attached to their devices of entertainment of some sort while sitting on beach and with beautiful sunset, fed with all kind of junk..im surprised that all kind of diseases are not present at much higher rate than it is..near every aspect of psychological stress today is directly connected to way modern human lives today..

..denial is basically what i already mentioned...how many people will go crazy if you take away their mobile device?? I have seen it myself on some people..its insane..entire world is standing there to be seen, right in front of them, and they are lost because no connection to internet/fb..denial of first class..

Conjured Entertainment

QuoteThey'd experience bliss without actually achieving anything - and that in my mind is a bad thing.
Judging their choices that they make for their life based on what makes us happy, is worse in my mind.

Just like the ..."do unto others as you would have done unto you"

??? Why would I want to do that?

They are not like me and may not like or want the same things I do, so wouldn't it be better to ... ?

"Do unto others as they want to have done unto them"

Personal achievements are for personal reasons, and one man may measure success by society's financial gains, where another measures success by their own happiness level.

To each his own, and as long as he is happy and not affecting me, then who am I to complain or feel bad about it?

One's own quest for happiness is most important.


I needed a routine hospital check over yesterday - all is good.

While in the waiting room they show regular 'day time' tv. So many people were hooked and making comments about what they see. One show was about the best looking chicken - WTF? best looking? They had prizes for placement too. People were so engrossed and loved it. Next show about some dodgy old guys claiming to be antique dealers. They start the week with £200 and see how much they can make in 5 days by dealing in antiques. So yesterday was day 3... One guy was now the proud owner of $204 plus some change. Jeez... Just under £1.50 per day... WTF? What kind of job is that? Is it part of brain washing for people to just accept rubbish way of life.

Admittedly we are all in a hospital so it could have just been that there isn't much to do while waiting so why not watch the tv, so I asked some of people 'is 'day time tv' always like this?' Some people replied... 'Yes I love it, you get to learn so much'. I just raised my eyebrows, acknowledged the comment then looked away thinking to myself... OMG These people are 'gone' already.

What really did it for me was all of the people sitting like zombies are watching OTHER people on the tv live their life while they do nothing with their own life, just sitting there all day, every day. 1st world can be quite sad really.

QuoteJudging their choices that they make for their life based on what makes us happy, is worse in my mind.
Judging people is OK. Projecting your judgement upon them is not good.

"When you observe the world through social media, you lose your faith in it."