Delaunay triangulation

Started by Santiago, May 02, 2023, 23:47:23

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Hi, I decided to do the Delaunay triangulation in Blitz3D.

I share what I am doing, at the moment incomplete, but I am advancing step by step.

maybe it will help someone too.

; trying to solve the Delaunay sistem to have a surface of triangles from a line of points.

Graphics 1800,1000,0,2
SetFont (LoadFont("Blitz",20))

Global c_edges
Global c_points
Global c_triangles

While Not KeyHit(1)

mx = MouseX()
my = MouseY()
mhl = MouseHit(1)
mhr = MouseHit(2)

If mhl = 1 Then  create_point(mx,my)

Color 0,0,0
Rect 0,0,100,100,1

c_edges = update_edges()

c_points = draw_points()


Color 255,255,255
Text 10,10,c_points + " Points"
Text 10,30,c_edges + " Edges"
Text 10,50,c_triangles + " Triangles"




; triangles,

Type triangle

Field id
Field p_id[3]

Field x#[3]
Field y#[3]

Field cx#
Field cy#
Field radius#

End Type

Function update_triangles()
c_triangles = 0

For t.triangle = Each triangle

t\radius = Sqr((t\x[1]-t\cx)*(t\x[1]-t\cx) + (t\y[1]-t\cy)*(t\y[1]-t\cy))

c_triangles = c_triangles + 1

Color 255,255,0
Rect t\cx-a,t\cy-a,a*2+1,a*2+1,1
Text t\cx+5,t\cy,t\id + " r:" + t\radius

Color 150,100,0
r#= t\radius#
Oval t\cx-r,t\cy-r,r*2,r*2,0


End Function


Type edge

Field id
Field x#[2]
Field y#[2]

Field cx#
Field cy#

Field valid

End Type

Function update_edges()

c_edges = 0
For e.edge = Each edge

c_edges = c_edges + 1

Color 0,0,150
x1# = e\x[1]
y1# = e\y[1]
x2# = e\x[2]
y2# = e\y[2]

For d.edge = Each edge

If d\id <> e\id Then

x3#= d\x[1]
y3#= d\y[1]
x4#= d\x[2]
y4#= d\y[2]

End If

Line x1,y1,x2,y2

Color 100,100,255
Rect e\cx-a,e\cy-a,a*2+1,a*2+1,1

;Color 255,255,255
Text e\cx+5,e\cy,e\id


Return c_edges

End Function

;points, future vertex

Type point

Field id
Field x#
Field y#

End Type

Function draw_points()

c_points = 0
For p.point = Each point

c_points = c_points + 1
Color 255,255,255
Rect p\x-a,p\y-a,a*2+1,a*2+1,1

Text p\x+5,p\y,p\id

Return c_points

End Function

Function create_point(x,y)

c_points = c_points + 1

p.point = New point
p\id = c_points
p\x = x
p\y = y

For d.point = Each point

;si no es el mismo
If p\x <> d\x And p\y <> d\y And p\x <> 0 And p\y <> 0 Then

x1# = p\x
y1# = p\y
x2# = d\x
y2# = d\y

cx# = (x1 + x2) /2
cy# = (y1 + y2) /2

e.edge = New edge

c_edges = c_edges + 1
e\id = c_edges
e\cx# = cx#
e\cy# = cy#

e\x[1] = x1
e\y[1] = y1
e\x[2] = x2
e\y[2] = y2

End If

If c_points > 2 Then

For p2.point = Each point
For p3.point = Each point
;if is not the same point 1 2 and 3....
If p\id <> p2\id And p\id <>  p3\id And p2\id <> p3\id Then
If p2\id > p3\id And p\id > p2\id Then
t.triangle = New triangle
c_triangles = c_triangles + 1
t\id = c_triangles
t\p_id[1] = p\id
t\p_id[2] = p2\id
t\p_id[3] = p3\id

;t\cx = (p\x + p2\x + p3\x) / 3
;t\cy = (p\y + p2\y + p3\y) / 3

t\x[1] = p\x
t\y[1] = p\y
t\x[2] = p2\x
t\y[2] = p2\y
t\x[3] = p3\x
t\y[3] = p3\y

x1# = p\x
y1# = p\y
x2# = p2\x
y2# = p2\y
x3# = p3\x
y3# = p3\y

xc# = ( (x1^2 + y1^2) * (y2 - y3) + (x2^2 + y2^2) * (y3 - y1) + (x3^2 + y3^2) * (y1 - y2) ) / (2 * (x1 * (y2 - y3) - y1 * (x2 - x3) + x2 * y3 - y2 * x3))
yc# = ( (x1^2 + y1^2) * (x3 - x2) + (x2^2 + y2^2) * (x1 - x3) + (x3^2 + y3^2) * (x2 - x1) ) / (2 * (x1 * (y2 - y3) - y1 * (x2 - x3) + x2 * y3 - y2 * x3))

t\cx# = xc#
t\cy# = yc#

End If
End If

End If

End Function