[bb] Vector 3D Math Library [v1.7] by Chroma [ 1+ years ago ]

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Title : Vector 3D Math Library [v1.7]
Author : Chroma
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Here's my conversion of the Vector3D functions from C++. I originally posted this in the archives over 2 years ago.  I've recently perused the code and made some improvements.  Hopefully you'll find this immensely useful because I know I have.  Have fun!

-Last Updated on November 30, 2004

v1.0 initial release Sept 15, 2002
v1.1 fixed errors in crossproduct Sept 17, 2002
v1.2 cleaned up some functions July 15, 2004
v1.3 most functions return vectors now! July 22,2004
v1.4 added function AddVectorTimeStep for easier physics use - July 23, 2004
v1.5 vTmp was not a good idea for internal calcs - caused vector bleeding - fixed! - July 23, 2004
v1.6 changed ReverseVector to use 2 vectors for ease of use
v1.7 renamed and rearranged the code slightly

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
;// Vector Math Library v1.7
;// by Chroma

;// Last Update: November 30, 2004
;// Comments: Renamed and rearranged the code slightly

;// Testing...
;// Remove ";--" in front of lines to see the Vectory Library test demo
;--Graphics 400,300,16,2
;--SetBuffer BackBuffer()
;--AppTitle "Vector 3D Math Library v1.7 - Vector Addition Test"

;// Create two test vectors
;--this.Vector = Vector()
;--that.Vector = Vector(1,2,3)

;// Loop
;--While Not KeyHit(1)


;//...End Test

;// Tolerance
Const tol# = 0.001

;// Vector Type
Type Vector
Field x#
Field y#
Field z#
End Type

;// Create a Vector
;// Example: this.Vector = Vector()
;// Example: this.Vector = Vector(1,2,3)
Function Vector.Vector(x#=0,y#=0,z#=0)
v.Vector = New Vector
Return v
End Function

;// Set a Vector with New Components
Function Vector_Set(v.Vector,x#,y#,z#)
vx = x
vy = y
vz = z
End Function

;// Vector Component Set
;// Example 1: Vector_SetX(this.Vector,1.0)
;// Example 2: thisx = 1.0
Function Vector_SetX(v.Vector,x#)
vx = x
End Function

Function Vector_SetY(v.Vector,y#)
vy = y
End Function

Function Vector_SetZ(v.Vector,z#)
vz = z
End Function

;// Vector Component Retrieval
;// Example 1: myvar# = Vector_GetX(this.Vector)
;// Example 2: myvar# = thisx
Function Vector_GetX#(v.Vector)
Return vx
End Function

Function Vector_GetY#(v.Vector)
Return vy
End Function

Function Vector_GetZ#(v.Vector)
Return vz
End Function

;// Vector Addition
;// Form of: Vector1 = Vector2 + Vector3
Function Vector_Add(v1.Vector,v2.Vector,v3.Vector)
v1x = v2x + v3x
v1y = v2y + v3y
v1z = v2z + v3z
End Function

;// Vector Scalar Addition
;// Form of: Vector1 = Vector2 + Scalar#
Function Vector_AddScalar(v1.Vector,v2.Vector,s#)
v1x = v2x + s
v1y = v2y + s
v1z = v2z + s
End Function

;// Vector Addition * Time Step
;// Form of: Vector1 = Vector1 + Vector2 * Time_Step#
Function Vector_AddTimeStep(v1.Vector,v2.Vector,time_step#)
v1x = v1x + v2x * time_step
v1y = v1y + v2y * time_step
v1z = v1z + v2z * time_step
End Function

;// Vector Subtraction
;// Form of: Vector1 = Vector2 - Vector3
Function Vector_Subtract(v1.Vector,v2.Vector,v3.Vector)
v1x = v2x - v3x
v1y = v2y - v3y
v1z = v2z - v3z
End Function

;// Vector Scalar Subtraction
;// Form of: Vector1 = Vector2 - Scalar#
Function Vector_SubtractScalar.Vector(v1.Vector,v2.Vector,s#)
v1x = v2x - s
v1y = v2y - s
v1z = v2z - s
End Function

;// Vector Scalar Multiplication
;// Form of: Vector1 = Vector2 * Scalar#
Function Vector_MultiplyScalar(v1.Vector,v2.Vector,s#)
v1x = v2x * s
v1y = v2y * s
v1z = v2z * s
End Function

;// Vector Scalar Division
;// Form of: Vector1 = Vector1 / Scalar#
Function Vector_DivideScalar(v1.Vector,v2.Vector,s#)
v1x = v2x / s
v1y = v2y / s
v1z = v2z / s
End Function

;// Cross Product
;// Form of: Vector1 = U.Vector |CrossProduct| V.Vector
Function Vector_CrossProduct(v1.Vector,u.Vector,v.Vector)
v1x =  uy * vz  -  uz * vy
v1y = -ux * vz  +  uz * vx
v1z =  ux * vy  -  uy * vx
End Function

;// Dot Product
Function Vector_DotProduct#(u.Vector,v.Vector)
Return ux * vx + uy * vy + uz * vz
End Function

;// Magnitude
;// Example: this_magnitude# = Vector_Magnitude(this.Vector)
Function Vector_Magnitude#(v.Vector)
Return Sqr(vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz)
End Function

;// Normalize
;// Example: Vector_Normalize(this.Vector)
Function Vector_Normalize(v.Vector)
mag#=Sqr(vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz)
vx = vx / mag
vy = vy / mag
vz = vz / mag
If (Abs(vx) < tol) vx = 0.0
If (Abs(vy) < tol) vy = 0.0
If (Abs(vz) < tol) vz = 0.0
End Function

;// Reverse a Vector
;// Form of: Vector1 = -Vector2
;// Example: Vector_Reverse(this.Vector,that.Vector)
Function Vector_Reverse(v1.Vector,v2.Vector)
v1x = -v2x
v1y = -v2y
v1z = -v2z
End Function

;// Reset a Vector to Zero
;// Example: Vector_Reset(this.Vector)
Function Vector_Reset(v.Vector)
vx = 0.0
vy = 0.0
vz = 0.0
End Function

;// Vector 1 is set to Vector 2
;// Example 1: Vector_Clone(this.Vector,that.Vector)
;// Example 2: this.Vector = that.Vector
Function Vector_Clone(v1.Vector,v2.Vector)
v1x = v2x
v1y = v2y
v1z = v2z
End Function

;// Free a Vector
;// Example: Vector_Free(this.Vector)
Function Vector_Free(v.Vector)
Delete v
End Function

;// PositionEntity Replacement for Vector Object
;// Example: Vector_PositionEntity MyEntity,v.vector
Function Vector_PositionEntity(ent,v.vector)
PositionEntity ent,vx,vy,vz
End Function

;// Show Vector Values
;// Place This Function After Renderworld
;// Example: Vector_Show(this.Vector,15,15,"Test")
Function Vector_Show(v.Vector,xpos,ypos,label$)
Text xpos,ypos, label$ + "_X=" + vx
Text xpos,ypos + 15,label$ + "_Y=" + vy
Text xpos,ypos + 30,label$ + "_Z=" + vz
End Function

;// Degrees To Radians Conversion
Function DegreesToRadians#(deg#)
Return deg * Pi / 180.0
End Function

;// Radians To Degrees Conversion
Function RadiansToDegrees#(rad#)
Return rad * 180.0 / Pi
End Function

Comments :

LarsG(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Hey Chroma..I enhanced your code a little bit.. I hope you don't mind?!
'// Vector Math Library v0.9
'// by Chroma
'// rewritten, extended and OOP'ified for use in BlitzMax by LarsG

'// Last Update: June 23, 2005
'// Comments: Enhanced and OOP'ified by LarsG

'// Testing...

Global vec1:TVectorF
Global vec2:TVectorF

'// Create two test vectors
vec1 = TVectorF.Create(1,2,3)
vec2 = TVectorF.Create()
Print "Vec1: "
Print vec1.show(", ")
Print "vec2 cloning vec1..."
Print "Vec2: "
Print vec2.show(", ")
Print "Adding vec2 to vec1..."
Print "Vec1: "
Print vec1.Show(", ")
'//...End Test

'// Vector Type Float (32 Bit)
Type TVectorF
Field x:Float
Field y:Float
Field z:Float

Const TOL:Float = 0.001

'**** THE METHODS *****
Function Create:TVectorF(x:Float=0, y:Float=0, z:Float=0)
Local v:TVectorF = New TVectorF
v.x = x
v.y = y
v.z = z
Return v

Method Set(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z

Method SetX(x:Float)
self.x = x

Method SetY(y:Float)
self.y = y

Method SetZ(z:Float)
self.z = z

Method GetX:Float()
Return self.x

Method GetY:Float()
Return self.y

Method GetZ:Float()
Return self.z

Method Add(plus:TVectorF)
self.x :+ plus.x
self.y :+ plus.y
self.z :+ plus.z

Method AddScalar(scale:Float)
self.x :+ scale
self.y :+ scale
self.z :+ scale

Method AddTimeStep(plus:TVectorF, tstep:Float)
self.x :+ (plus.x * tstep)
self.y :+ (plus.y * tstep)
self.z :+ (plus.z * tstep)

Method Subtract(sub:TVectorF)
self.x :- sub.x
self.y :- sub.y
self.z :- sub.z

Method SubtractScalar(scale:Float)
self.x :- scale
self.y :- scale
self.z :- scale

Method SubtractTimeStep(sub:TVectorF, tstep:Float)
self.x :- (sub.x * tstep)
self.y :- (sub.y * tstep)
self.z :- (sub.z * tstep)

Method DivideScalar(scale:Float)
self.x :/ scale
self.y :/ scale
self.z :/ scale

Method CrossProduct(vec1:TVectorF, vec2:TVectorF)
self.x =  vec1.y * vec2.z  -  vec1.z * vec2.y
self.y = -vec1.x * vec2.z  +  vec1.z * vec2.x
self.z =  vec1.x * vec2.y  -  vec1.y * vec2.x

Method DotProduct:Float(vec:TVectorF)
Return vec.x * self.x + vec.y * self.y + vec.z * self.z

Method Magnitude:Float()
Return Sqr(self.x * self.x + self.y * Self.y + self.z * self.z)

Method Normalize()
Local magnitude:Float = self.Magnitude()
self.x :/ magnitude
self.y :/ magnitude
self.z :/ magnitude
If (Abs(self.x) < self.TOL) Then self.x = 0.0
If (Abs(self.y) < self.TOL) Then self.y = 0.0
If (Abs(self.z) < self.TOL) Then self.z = 0.0

Method Reverse(vec:TVectorF)
self.x = -vec.x
self.y = -vec.y
self.z = -vec.z

Method Reset()
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.z = 0

Method Clone(vec:TVectorF)
' not sure if it's neccesary to do it this way..
' oh well.. it's there anyway
' maybe self = vec will do..
self.x = vec.x
self.y = vec.y
self.z = vec.z

Method Show:String(sep:String)
Return String(self.x) + sep + ..
String(self.y) + sep + ..


'// Vector Type Double (64 Bit)
Type TVectorD
Field x:Double
Field y:Double
Field z:Double

Const TOL:Double = 0.001

'**** THE METHODS *****
Function Create:TVectorD(x:Double=0, y:Double=0, z:Double=0)
Local v:TVectorD = New TVectorD
v.x = x
v.y = y
v.z = z
Return v

Method Set(x:Double, y:Double, z:Double)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z

Method SetX(x:Double)
self.x = x

Method SetY(y:Double)
self.y = y

Method SetZ(z:Double)
self.z = z

Method GetX:Double()
Return self.x

Method GetY:Double()
Return self.y

Method GetZ:Double()
Return self.z

Method Add(plus:TVectorD)
self.x :+ plus.x
self.y :+ plus.y
self.z :+ plus.z

Method AddScalar(scale:Double)
self.x :+ scale
self.y :+ scale
self.z :+ scale

Method AddTimeStep(plus:TVectorD, tstep:Double)
self.x :+ (plus.x * tstep)
self.y :+ (plus.y * tstep)
self.z :+ (plus.z * tstep)

Method Subtract(sub:TVectorD)
self.x :- sub.x
self.y :- sub.y
self.z :- sub.z

Method SubtractScalar(scale:Double)
self.x :- scale
self.y :- scale
self.z :- scale

Method SubtractTimeStep(sub:TVectorD, tstep:Double)
self.x :- (sub.x * tstep)
self.y :- (sub.y * tstep)
self.z :- (sub.z * tstep)

Method DivideScalar(scale:Double)
self.x :/ scale
self.y :/ scale
self.z :/ scale

Method CrossProduct(vec1:TVectorD, vec2:TVectorD)
self.x =  vec1.y * vec2.z  -  vec1.z * vec2.y
self.y = -vec1.x * vec2.z  +  vec1.z * vec2.x
self.z =  vec1.x * vec2.y  -  vec1.y * vec2.x

Method DotProduct:Double(vec:TVectorD)
Return vec.x * self.x + vec.y * self.y + vec.z * self.z

Method Magnitude:Double()
Return Sqr(self.x * self.x + self.y * Self.y + self.z * self.z)

Method Normalize()
Local magnitude:Double = self.Magnitude()
self.x :/ magnitude
self.y :/ magnitude
self.z :/ magnitude
If (Abs(self.x) < self.TOL) Then self.x = 0.0
If (Abs(self.y) < self.TOL) Then self.y = 0.0
If (Abs(self.z) < self.TOL) Then self.z = 0.0

Method Reverse(vec:TVectorD)
self.x = -vec.x
self.y = -vec.y
self.z = -vec.z

Method Reset()
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.z = 0

Method Clone(vec:TVectorD)
self.x = vec.x
self.y = vec.y
self.z = vec.z

Method Show:String(sep:String)
Return String(self.x) + sep + ..
String(self.y) + sep + ..


Braincell(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Thanks. I will probably use some of this in my free stencil shadows library, incl your credits.

Chroma(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I'm guessing that's it converted to BMax.  Looks pretty nice.  I personally would have substituted the word "self" for "this". :)Just looking at your conversion makes me want to buy BMax right now...but I'm gonna wait until the OpenGL module is totally complete.  I hate hacking graphics.

LarsG(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Yeah.. I basically converted it.. and added the option of using Doubles as well..Hope I got it right.. (seeing as I'm not very good at this kind of math.. just followed your calculations.. :P)side note; cool that the code makes you want to buy BMax right away.. hehe.. and you should.. that way you can play with it, and make yourself familiar with it, until the 3D module is released.. :)

Chroma(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Just bought bmax today and I'm finishing up my vector lib conversion...and it's looks pretty darn similar to yours.  Nice job there LarsG. :)

Chroma(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I took out the Reset command.  Seems very unnecessary since you can just do a:vPos.Set(0,0,0)Also set the Set command to default x,y,z to 0.  So you could also just do a:vPos.Set()Edit:  Also took out the SetX,Y,Z and GetX,Y,Z since you can access them directly with something like:vPos.x = 20Local this:Float = vPos.xStill tweaking here. [/i]