[bb] Simulate mouse click by Andres [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:39

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Title : Simulate mouse click
Author : Andres
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Simulate left mouse click where you want to.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
Function SimulateMouseClick(x%, y%)
cur_x% = MouseX():cur_y% = MouseY()
api_SetCursorPos(x%, y%)
api_mouse_event($0201, 0, 0, 0, 0)
api_mouse_event($0202, 0, 0, 0, 0)
api_SetCursorPos(cur_x%, cur_y%)
End Function

Comments :

jfk EO-11110(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Sometimes useful. Tho, decls are missing, for those who are not so familar with the API stuff.

blade007(Posted 1+ years ago)

 ya im not familar with the API stuff

ZJP(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Just create a file named for example "mouse_api.decls" and put it in the blitz3d userlibs directory.mouse_api.decls
.lib "user32.dll"
api_SetCursorPos% (x%, y%) : "SetCursorPos"
api_mouse_event (dwFlags%, dx%, dy%, cButtons%, dwExtraInfo%) : "mouse_event"

Wings(Posted 1+ years ago)

 well i go code my wow bot then ... so i can code in bb while loling my account on wow  :)   )

blade007(Posted 1+ years ago)

 this is great!can you simulate the right mouse button too?

AJ00200(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Thanks, this works good!

blade007(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Hey I figured out how to do the right mouse button tooFunction SimulateRightMouseClick(x%, y%)
cur_x% = MouseX():cur_y% = MouseY()
api_SetCursorPos(x%, y%)
api_mouse_event($0204, 0, 0, 0, 0)
api_mouse_event($0205, 0, 0, 0, 0)
api_SetCursorPos(cur_x%, cur_y%)
End Function

Andres(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I've noticed thatapi_mouse_event(2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
api_mouse_event(4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
does a "better" clicking, the other or older one had some glitches, i think it didn't very good work on key-up function. Atleast it didn't work in Morrowind. But the decimal numbers worked fine. [/i]