Blitz Basic and mod files

Started by lucidapogee, February 05, 2023, 20:08:11

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Does anyone remember the Blitz2D demo with the cool free mod files? It had great examples, links, and sprites too.

Using the PlayMusic command in Blitz Basic, you are able to play mod files. In my experience, Blitz languages have better and more stable support for mod files than other sound files (especially midi) which makes a lot of sense considering it originated on the Amiga. I couldn't get midi to work quite right.

If you use Blitz languages and would like to make great music for your game, then I recommend a great program called Sound Club. Available here It runs on DOS, 95, XP, 10, whatever. It's simply great. If you have used Anvil or FL Studio (or any piano roll midi editor) this will feel right at home. Much simpler than a tracker. What's really cool is that you are able to open up the old mod files from the Blitz2D demo and see the notes.

In my little studio, we are using it to develop some amazing tracks for some upcoming game releases.
Ebox Thin Client with Windows 95
EEE PC 701SD with Windows XP
Atari 1040STFM with GEM/TOS
Playstation 2 with FreeMcBoot Yabasic
Keyboard Famiclones with GBasic and FBasic
Xerox Sunrise 1800 with MSBasic and CP/M

Adam Novagen

Hey, that's awesome! I actually still have all of those in a dedicated folder in my music library. I never really use .MOD much since (as far as I can tell) the format is strictly limited to 2 tracks per Left or Right channel, but they are great for when you want that certain kind of retro game feel.
We all know the main problem with dictionaries is that they contain too many words, and not enough butterscotch sauce!


I guess it's a matter of taste. Some of us are stuck in the 90s.  8)

Some of the best electronic music trance/techno are literally amiga mods.

I'm not too familiar with their limits, but I can say that one would be very talented to max out it's capabilities.

Another thing to mention is that mod offers a lot of sound effects royalty free like gunshots. These sound effects can be low profile as well by having small file sizes.

For low budget projects, I think it's the way to go.
Ebox Thin Client with Windows 95
EEE PC 701SD with Windows XP
Atari 1040STFM with GEM/TOS
Playstation 2 with FreeMcBoot Yabasic
Keyboard Famiclones with GBasic and FBasic
Xerox Sunrise 1800 with MSBasic and CP/M


Im stuck in the 80's But i suppose we started the 90's  ::)

Kindest regards Baggey
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