Google cloud oauth id

Started by om963, November 20, 2024, 18:17:01

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I have recently looked into network requests, leaning heavily on ChatGPT, since completely new thing to me. I just created an oauth id for Google cloud. I used the package name and SHA1 fingerprint extracted from the the package apk. I haven't put it to use yet, but I suppose these are the right credentials to use in this context, since SmallBASIC programs don't run independently. That"s at least what ChatGPT says, for what it is worth. :)

SmallBASIC package name

Certificate #1:
Owner: CN=Chris Warren-Smith, OU=SmallBASIC, L=Brisbane, ST=Queensland, C=au
Issuer: CN=Chris Warren-Smith, OU=SmallBASIC, L=Brisbane, ST=Queensland, C=au
Serial number: 2d9be48b
Valid from: Fri Nov 30 21:54:25 GMT 2012 until: Tue Nov 24 21:54:25 GMT 2037
Certificate fingerprints:
         SHA1: 6B:E0:79:E9:8D:FB:3F:A8:FF:F8:58:2A:38:AB:4A:F3:A1:3B:26:92
         SHA256: 5A:61:79:EF:23:D4:CE:54:E0:F9:F0:01:21:91:39:CE:1D:63:BF:37:67:34:C2:3B:2A:BC:5B:C9:7F:F3:7E:91
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: BA D1 73 B0 5E 11 C7 D4 F6 DD 1B CC A5 9B BD D5 ..s.^...........
0010: 68 9B 80 3D h..=