Android Beginner HELP!

Started by bplus, December 26, 2024, 13:09:39

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I can code sB just fine in Windows, when I fell in love with it 2014 but Android!?!? Just started trying to use phone for more than car emergencies.


What is right click in Android?

If Android does not use external files (according to Android Phones for Seniors (and dummies)) how do you save stuff and where? I did find my downloaded sB app in Files where it seems I have to start it up.
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You can save all your SmallBASIC related files in "/internal storage/SmallBASIC". It is also possible to create subfolders in that directory. The SmallBASIC IDE can't access this subfolder, but your program can do. An easy way to copy SB files from your computer to the mobile phone is to use the SB file transfer:

1. Enable WIFI on your mobile to access your home network.
2. In the the [setup] screen, give a port number, say 8080 and then select a font.
3. Follow the instructions to restart SmallBASIC.
4. Display the [about] screen to display the device IP and token.
5. On your desktop browser, navigate to the web service address using the prefix: http://
6. You should see a login screen with "Enter your access token".
7. Enter the token as per the [about] page.
8. You can now upload and download SmallBASIC files between your desktop and your mobile.


Ah so you can't actually write code while in Android, you do it on regular computer?

Still would be nice to run your own apps on the phone, besides from Samples that is.

Thanks for your help @J7M
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Sorry, I think I was not clear. Of course you can write code on Android directly in the app. That's the big advantage of SmallBASIC compared with many other Basics. Please have a look here for a short instruction:


Ah beautiful, bookmarked!

I do rememeber trying the 3 dots but nothing useful was coming up. I think those 3 dots answers the question what the right click substitute is on Android.

Thanks again @J7M 
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