SyntaxBomb - Indie Coders

General Category => Showcase => Topic started by: Santiago on March 31, 2020, 00:17:07

Title: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on March 31, 2020, 00:17:07
A Game of airplanes without name (yet)


Version 0.0.5 available to download in (NEW!) 16 april 2020 (


Hello, I managed to finish a first version for testing

I still need to improve the physics, and I must see how to add content so that the campaign works and that the ia is a little smarter.
ships to move, and radio-type messages.
Well, if you try it, will you tell me how it works for you?





i upload in gamejolt


Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 05, 2020, 15:14:44
Nueva version 0.0.3 para pruebas

NEW Version 0.0.3 available for download!!

Added Pre briefing mission
Added Mission report
Realistic fuel
Backspace = torpedo
Enter = Bombs
T = Drop fuel tanks (first wings next center)

now i going to add Radio communications...
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 05, 2020, 15:33:09
very cool. I'm in awe  :o  ;D
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 05, 2020, 16:02:03
Quotevery cool. I'm in awe  :o  ;D

Hi, you play the last version 0.0.3?

all is ok, works fine?
please, if you have, give me some feedback!! :) :)

you found the KEY's good? or are confuse?
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 05, 2020, 22:11:00
I add a 2th plane with water shine only :) im happy with the result when the camera is moving...

Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Matty on April 06, 2020, 01:21:11
It does indeed look good, nice graphical style too.
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 08, 2020, 05:31:08

Now i adding campaign map. you command the aircraft carriers fleets, to take flag the middle islands.

the idea is make a big capture the flag, with strategic map with aircraft to take battles.


This is a mesh front of the camera, and the map is a texture.
is very fast and simply to controller and manipulate pan and zoom. is very good way to do this.

I share the campaign loop code. i realy enjoying this project.

Global camp_ventana
Global camp_textura
Global camp_show_ventana
Global camp_map_texture

Function update_campaing_3d()

Local tam = 1024
Local margen = 11
Local escala = 5

Local pivot3d = CreatePivot()
Local pivot_selected = CreatePivot()

Local selected = 0

Local pointer_x#
Local pointer_z#

map_scale# =.1


c.campaing = First campaing

If camp_ventana = 0 Then
camp_ventana = LoadMesh("maps\sprite.b3d")
ScaleMesh camp_ventana,eo,eo,eo
ScaleEntity camp_ventana,2*escala,2*escala,2*escala
End If

If camp_textura = 0 Then
camp_map_texture = LoadTexture("maps\map.bmp")
EntityTexture camp_ventana,camp_map_texture
camp_textura = CreateTexture(tam,tam,g_vram_texture*256)
refresh = 1
End If

CameraZoom cam,1
ShowEntity camp_ventana
pos camp_ventana,cam
rot camp_ventana,cam
MoveEntity camp_ventana,0,0,2*escala
PointEntity camp_ventana,cam,-EntityRoll(cam,1)
EntityOrder camp_ventana,-500
EntityFX camp_ventana,1
EntityAlpha camp_ventana,1
EntityPickMode camp_ventana,2

If KeyHit(1) = 1 Then End

While Not KeyHit(1)
If mhr = 1 Then
selected = 0
pos pivot_selected,pivot3d

End If

If KeyHit(87) Then save_campaign()

If KeyHit(88) Then
c.campaing = First campaing
time_aceleration = 1
End If

If KeyHit(59) Then time_aceleration  = 1
If KeyHit(60) Then time_aceleration  = 60
If KeyHit(61) Then time_aceleration  = 3600
If KeyHit(62) Then time_aceleration  = 3600*24

For i = 1 To time_aceleration

;Actualiza tiempo de camapaña, fecha y dias de camapaña
l_dia = dia
If l_dia <> dia Then
c\dias = c\dias + 1

;If c_dias > 2 Then

End If



pick = CameraPick(cam,mx,my)
If pick = camp_ventana Then
PositionEntity pivot_temp,PickedX(),PickedY(),PickedZ()
CameraProject cam,PickedX(),PickedY(),PickedZ()
;mx = ProjectedX()
;my = ProjectedY()
End If

SetBuffer TextureBuffer(camp_textura)

Color 180,180,180
Rect 0,0,tam,tam,1

Color 200,200,200
Rect margen,margen,tam-margen*2,tam-margen*2,1

Color 50,50,50
Rect margen,margen,tam-margen*2,tam-margen*2,0

Color 50,50,50
x = 45
x2 = 70 
x3 = tam*.65    ;porcentajes
x7 = tam*.85    ; peso por unidad
x4 = tam*.5 - 40    ;boton MAS
x5 = tam*.5 + 40    ;boton MAS
x6 = tam*.5 + 120    ;boton MAS
x7 = tam*.5 + 200    ;boton MAS
y = 85
sy = 20
fab = 15  ;ancho de boton mas o menos

pointer_x# = (mx -(tam*.5)) / map_scale#
pointer_z# = (my -(tam*.5)) / map_scale#

x = tam*.5 + (pointer_x * map_scale# )
y = tam*.5 + (pointer_z  * map_scale# )

PositionEntity pivot3d,pointer_x#,0,-pointer_z#

Color 120,120,120
SetFont f_small
Text tam*.5,margen*3,"CAMPAING MAP",1,1

SetFont f_small
Text tam*.5,margen*3+20,mes_texto[mes] + " " + dia + ", " + year,1,1
Text tam*.5,margen*3+40,local_time ,1,1
Text tam*.5,margen*3+60,"DAY " + c\dias ,1,1

SetFont f_micro
For isla.island = Each island
x = tam*.5 + EntityX(isla\pivot,1) * map_scale#
y = tam*.5 - EntityZ(isla\pivot,1) * map_scale#
DrawImage  isla\imagen,x,y

Color 50,50,50
Text x,y+15,isla\nombre$,1,1

If Abs(mx-x) < sb And Abs(my-y) < sb Or  selected = isla\pivot Then

Color 255,255,255
tq = 10
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,0
tq = 13
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,0

If mhl = 1 Then
selected = isla\pivot
pos pivot_selected,isla\pivot
End If

End If


SetFont f_micro
For b.base = Each base
x = tam*.5 + EntityX(b\pivot,1) * map_scale#
y = tam*.5 - EntityZ(b\pivot,1) * map_scale#

If b\flag <> 0 Then
Color 200,0,0
Color 50,50,50
End If

tq = 5
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,0

tq = 3
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,1

Text x,y+15,b\texto,1,1


For fleet.fleet = Each fleet
x = tam*.5 + EntityX(fleet\pivot,1) * map_scale#
y = tam*.5 - EntityZ(fleet\pivot,1) * map_scale#

x3 = tam*.5 + EntityX(fleet\dest,1) * map_scale#
y3 = tam*.5 - EntityZ(fleet\dest,1) * map_scale#

sb = 10

If selected = fleet\pivot Then

;Color 80,80,80
;dist# = Int(EntityDistance(fleet\pivot,pivot3d))
;Text mx+10,my+10,Int(dist) +" km"

If mhl = 1 Then
pos fleet\dest,pivot3d
selected = 0
End If

End If

If Abs(mx-x) < sb And Abs(my-y) < sb Or  selected = fleet\pivot Then

Color 255,255,255
tq = 10
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,0
tq = 13
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,0

If mhl = 1 Then
selected = fleet\pivot
pos pivot_selected,fleet\pivot
End If

End If

Color 150,150,150
Line x,y,x3,y3
Rect x3-2,y3-2,5,5,1

If fleet\flag <> 0 Then
Color 200,0,0
Color 50,50,50
End If

tq = 5
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,0

tq = 3
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,1
Text x,y+15,fleet\nombre$,1,1

Tot# = 5
Line x,y,x+ Sin(EntityYaw(fleet\pivot,1))*Tot*3,y+ Cos(EntityYaw(fleet\pivot,1))*Tot*3



If selected <> 0 Then

pos pivot_temp,selected
x = tam*.5 + EntityX(pivot_temp,1) * map_scale#
y = tam*.5 - EntityZ(pivot_temp,1) * map_scale#

x2 = mx
y2 = my

Color 100,100,100
Line x,y,x2,y2

Color 80,80,80
dist# = Int(EntityDistance(pivot_selected,pivot3d))
If y > my Then
Text mx,my-15,Int(dist) +" km",1,1
Text mx,my+15,Int(dist) +" km",1,1
End If

End If

For u.c_unit = Each c_unit
x = tam*.5 + EntityX(u\pivot,1) * map_scale#
y = tam*.5 - EntityZ(u\pivot,1) * map_scale#

If u\flag <> 0 Then
Color 200,0,0
Color 50,50,50
End If

tq = 5
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,0

tq = 3
Rect x-tq,y-tq,1+tq*2,1+tq*2,1
Text x,y+15,u\tipo$,1,1


;show map scale
Color 100,100,100
SetFont f_micro
For i = 0 To 1000 Step 1000
f= 10
If map_scale# = .001 Then f = 100
If map_scale# = .01 Then f = 1
If map_scale# = .1 Then f = 1

PositionEntity pivot_temp ,i*f,0,0


x2 = EntityX(pivot_temp,1) * map_scale# 
If x2 < tam Then
Line x,y,x+x2,y
;Line x,y+1,x+x2,y+1
Line x+x2,y,x+x2,y-10

dist# = EntityX(pivot_temp,1)*.01
texto$ = Int(dist*100) + " km"

Text x+x2,y-20,texto$,1,1
End If


For bt.boton = Each boton
If bt\grupo = grupo_actual Then

If Abs(my-bt\y) < 10 Then
Color 255,255,255
If mhl = 1 And bt\x <> x Then
radio_grupo$ = "recive"
End If
Color 50,50,50
End If

Text bt\x,bt\y,bt\texto$,bt\center_x,bt\center_y

End If

SetFont f_micro

If Abs(y-my) < sy*.5 And Abs(mx-x) < 100 Then
Color 255,255,255
If mhl = 1 Or mdl = 1 Then

End If

Color 50,50,50
End If
Text x,y,"MAP",1,1

If Abs(y-my) < sy*.5 And Abs(mx-x) < 100 Then
Color 255,255,255
If mhl = 1 Or mdl = 1 Then

End If

Color 50,50,50
End If
Text x,y,"FLEET",1,1

If Abs(y-my) < sy*.5 And Abs(mx-x) < 100 Then
Color 255,255,255
If mhl = 1 Or mdl = 1 Then

End If

Color 50,50,50
End If
Text x,y,"SHIPS",1,1

If Abs(y-my) < sy*.5 And Abs(mx-x) < 100 Then
Color 255,255,255
If mhl = 1 Or mdl = 1 Then

End If

Color 50,50,50
End If
Text x,y,"SQUAD",1,1

Color 50,50,50

SetBuffer BackBuffer()
EntityTexture camp_ventana,camp_textura,0,2

If mdr = 1 Then
MoveEntity cam,mxs*.01,-mys*.01,0

If EntityX(cam) > escala Then PositionEntity cam,escala,EntityY(cam,1),0
If EntityX(cam) < -escala Then PositionEntity cam,-escala,EntityY(cam,1),0

If EntityY(cam) > escala Then PositionEntity cam,EntityX(cam), escala,0
If EntityY(cam) < -escala Then PositionEntity cam,EntityX(cam),-escala,0
End If

zoom# = zoom# + mzs
If zoom < 1 Then
zoom = 1
PositionEntity cam,0,0,0
End If

If zoom > 5 Then zoom = 5

CameraZoom cam,zoom


Flip 1


Delay 100
End Function
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 08, 2020, 06:44:32
a couple potential suggestions for you.
add a bit more detail to the sky and slightly darken the water?

I was looking at old navy footage and saw this:

here's a quick mock up with the changes to show you:
the darker sea make the plane 'pop' :)

another thought would be to use some form of old film grain/scratch effect as a render effect...
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 10, 2020, 18:03:42
Hello, thanks Adam for the advice and take the trouble to make the image ...
When I barely saw her I felt that it is the right way to go.

I also want to make the ocean look darker near the camera and brighter towards the horizon, as in the photo.

that the plane stands out also looks great ... thank you very much for the advice!
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 11, 2020, 00:35:27
i found some bugs with incompatibility sistems, so i make this new version trying to fix that.
the problem i think, is the negative millisecs() in some computer, i fixed now.

Version 0.0.4 10 april 2020
Important Add, Campaign, radio, islands, Time acceleration x

- add campaign map (Work in progress)
- add units in campaign map
- add Island
- Add bases in campaign to capture the flag
- fix seaplane far from camera
- add master world translator (this allow to have very big sceneries without see shake triangles and vertexs
- fix negative millisecs() in some modern computers
- Add Radio Send messages [R] key
- Add Radio log message
- Add encripter enemy msg function (%)
- add exit to windows msg when press exit
- add Time acceleration X2 X4 X8 X16

The idea is to make a campaign game in which one must capture bases and destroy the enemy fleet until successful. or manage to attack and destroy the main base of the enemy side.
Fleets are groups of ships.
The aircraft carriers, or battleship, will be the fleet leaders.
Air missions can be generated at any time of the campaign such as:

- Bomb defending enemies on islands
- Attack enemy ships or convoys
- Bombard airfields or islands
- Air patrol to discover new enemy contacts
- Reconnaissance (missions to obtain intelligence of the situation of an island or of enemy fleet positions)


Campaign map KEYS
[SPACE] over fleet to create a mission
to Ungroup a ship of the fleet

oher keys
[R] Radio windows
[E] Equipament
[M] Map
[F] Flaps
[ESC] exit

[F1] Normal Time acceleration x1
[F2] Time acceleration x2
[F3] Time acceleration x3
[F4] Time acceleration x4
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 11, 2020, 08:59:44
looks like you've got a darkened top skybox - try to keep it pale :)

I'de maybe even darken the sea a touch and make the plane slightly whiter. Use the texture map for the plane to add some more details like panel lines (or add them into the normal map if you are using one)

Here's a good reference for panel lines, etc:
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 11, 2020, 14:01:39
taking the name: how about: Tora! Tora! Tora!

Here's the cockpit of the Zero

I can't read Japanese, but you could take the relevant dials and use them as your ui:
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 11, 2020, 14:39:15
 :o :) :) :) :) :)

Tora Tora Tora!!! amazing man!, i love the menu image!!!
If the name is free i can use it!, is very nice, but there is a movie with that name.
Thanks for taking the time to do that! It's very stylish!

At the beginning, I wanted to keep a Low Poly style, so that I don't take too long to build models, but now it's too late to support a lowpoly style, and I definitely have to move to the new White & black style.

your Mainmenu imagen, is Excellent.
I'm still solving what method to use with the menus, the current one I don't like how it looks.

Cockpit Zero
I have to do the interior cockpit in 3D, including the pilot. I want the pilot to shake his head, wave his hands, I want you to feel that there are humans inside an airplane.
like in the shots of the movies. (I have to do all this)
the board you shared is perfect for working based on that image !!!!

Quotelooks like you've got a darkened top skybox - try to keep it pale :)
Lol, I'm still working on it, I'm not getting to the style you proposed, but it's the goal.
In the video, I filmed it on TV with the phone so it looks very dark because of that.
Even so, I darkened it to have a brighter horizon, but now it's very dark.

Your contributions are very useful to me, I appreciate it! Now I have a lot to do based on these tips :).

Often, abandon projects by spending too much time on non-game details. In this case, I am trying to focus first on finishing the basic and important, and then moving on to the aesthetic, although the temptation to improve and improve the aesthetic always wins me out.

Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 11, 2020, 15:16:58
the name is free to be used. yes it's also the name of a film about the attack on Pearl Harbour.

QuoteTora Tora Tora means "Ware Kishuu ni Seikou Seri (ワレ奇襲ニ成功セリ)" which in English is "I have succeeded in the surprise attack." This was a codeword used during Pearl Harbor.

Quoteon the voyage to Hawaii Commander Tadakazu Yoshioka worked out the attack signals. Because the bombers were outfitted with telegraphs rather than microphones he chose the easy to recognize Morse-style signals: to (.."..) and ra (...). To was to signal the attack. to ra was to indicate the attack had been a surprise. It was a code. The message was tapped three times to make sure it was received.

so .. ...   .. ...   .. ...  is tora tora tora!
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 11, 2020, 16:32:38

working in the sky and sea plane

I add Skycube.b3d with a sky_cube_map and fix the fog distance over the horizont.

i smooth the airplane mesh, i go to work in airplane texture next.

new screenshot.


Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: makis on April 11, 2020, 17:36:08
 It gives me a 1942 The Pacific Air War by Microprose vibe!
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 12, 2020, 01:40:29
QuoteIt gives me a 1942 The Pacific Air War by Microprose vibe!

that is very good!!
Aces of pacific is one of the games that I loved to play, and I am trying to reproduce the feeling that I felt when playing them.

Other games that I was passionate about are:
- Red Baron, (the campaign, its menus, such as rank ups and missions)
- Aces of pacific 1942, it was impressive.
- IL2, the airplane game that transported me inside a cockpit, and I felt that I was really flying.
Nowadays, I see simulators with amazing graphics, but they do not attract me because they do not transmit essence to me ...

I hope with my game, to be able to reproduce that essence that I so much enjoy from the old airplane games.
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 13, 2020, 08:39:25
very nice :)

Here's a concept with old film look added:

What model format are you using?
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: makis on April 13, 2020, 08:52:31
Personally i find the non smoothed mesh of the Zero more pleasing to the eye and also gives a more nostalgic vibe to it .
Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 13, 2020, 19:11:08
QuotePersonally i find the non smoothed mesh of the Zero more pleasing to the eye and also gives a more nostalgic vibe to it .

Hi, thanks for this comment.
There is an acceptance / realism curve that I always keep in mind, the more realistic I make them, but that does not look real, the greater the rejection one feels.
I do not remember what that curve is called, but it has an abyss near 90% of realism, and it rises again near 99%.
I think it has more style with lowpoly, because if I try to make a game that pretends to be realistic it will be a losing battle.

QuoteWhat model format are you using?

I am modeling objects with 3dsmax9, I export with B3D pipeline.

.b3d format

I try to keep the objects in SUPER-LOWPOLY, to avoid resource drop due to graphics at this point in development.

Here's a concept with old film look added:

Yesss, is very niceee!!

looks great!!
That effect, I can use it in repetitions, or in films that one sees for objectives.

Also, in reconnaissance missions one takes real photos, and based on that intelligence is obtained, there you could use this type of filter.

When playing I don't want to use that filter, why would it be confusing, since it seems that you would be playing in a filming or broadcast ... no?

Title: Re: An airplanes game without name - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 13, 2020, 21:57:23

what do you think?

i change the name, thanks Adam for the advice!! thanks!!

i love this new name!

new link is (

soon i upload new version 0.0.5 with ships roll, new collision physics and other stuff
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 14, 2020, 06:01:04
I'm going to give a link today. Put this into your search engine and view pictures:
japanese war template

It should give loads of ideas for potential UI, 1943 maps, etc

If you were to have reconnaissance, you could put in the following:
old photo template

That would give ideas for making a pic look old and also layout for ui, etc

combine the two...

Agreed about the low-poly. it has a better feel than the smoothed version. I'd like to see it with panel lines/texturing and make a decision from that :)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 14, 2020, 07:34:15
I think the splash screen is great, especially the japanese - genius  ;D

My personal take on it would be not to add too much:

repetition and mirroring are always a good concepts.
The main font has been changed to be more bold and more in keeping with the style and times. It is Rockwell Extra Bold.
I've taken the 2 types and mirrored them.
I've separated the background from the plane. The background gets the old photo treatment, the plane doesn't (which makes it stand out more). the background is also given a very slight blue tint - where as the plane is kept it's original color :)

The bottom red tora was given a black outline to make it jump from the darker sea
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Derron on April 14, 2020, 08:27:24
The black outline should not be "rounded" (so maybe use a "border - inside" instead of "border-outside" - if you do not want to "thinner" the font, you need to add each letter individually with a bigger scale and place them behind).  Why? The original font has hard 90° edges.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Kronos on April 14, 2020, 12:15:43
Nice. I like the wavering camera effect.

I don't know how many people remember Dropship: United Peace Force on the PS2 but on my list of things I would like to try was the shaky, focus/unfocus camera thing they used to do on the replays.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 14, 2020, 15:28:03
Thanks for the comments and ideas and contributions! This is getting interesting!

Today I am focused on mission objectives, that there are messages of mission accomplished, detectors and triggers for missions to work.

I did a test, to make a very lowpoly 3D model of the "AKAGI" Japanese aircraft carrier, it was quite good, it can be improved, but at the moment it becomes the ideal method for ships, since it allows to recognize its shape and does not take more than a while to model it.

Now I must decide what method to use for the wake left by the ships. rather troublesome subject.

New lowpoly model carrier "Akagi"





Also add a double mesh for the propellers, one for low revs and one for high revs using a texture. so the screenshots do not appear that the engine was stopped.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on April 14, 2020, 16:00:37
Looking good!   8)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 14, 2020, 23:15:34
thanks Steve!

Now i finish the function to give live to mission objetives.

testing patrol mission, when i go to my carrier i found this damage, because an aircraft crash on the deck :) very funny

when i take off

when i back


Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on April 15, 2020, 06:32:14
I really like your aircraft carrier, awesome work  :D
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 15, 2020, 06:58:44
looking very nice. Here's some reference images of the Akagi:
first an overall texture map -thing to note is the detail on the deck plus the red orb and not flag (looks like the flag was not used at sea):

actual photo - you can just see the orb and not flag underneath the planes - another not would be the planes themselves being biplanes - this must be a very old shot before the zeros and no tower:

last a closeup of the tower with flack padding:

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 16, 2020, 01:19:56
Today I received on my first donation in 12 years of programming games.  :D :D :D :D

Happy and motivated by how this project is turning out and the feedback I am having.

I am going to model a new ship, and I am going to transmit it to youtube so I share it in the forum, it is a very simple method and I want to share it. I don't know if speaking in English or YouTube will automatically translate what I say with subtitles?

Quotefirst an overall texture map -thing to note is the detail on the deck plus the red orb and not flag (looks like the flag was not used at sea):

thanks again adam for all the information !, that image is very good, I will advance with the model using this new image!

At first I saw in a documentary that the Akagi was an aircraft carrier with 3 tracks on different levels, something that I didn't even know existed until yesterday when I saw it.

Now I am wanting to move forward on creating pilots, squads and bases.

that a pilot can choose squadrons, and when he goes up in rank he can direct his squadron, choose base and planes to have different types of missions.

but i'm thinking how to shape all that.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 16, 2020, 12:56:13
I found this little gem which shows the original with bi planes and 3 level take off. it later transforms into the later version with Zero support and top take off, plus additional tower. What I also found interesting is the 'spout' funnel design where water was pumped through the side curving funnel to mask the smoke trail...

a possible thought would be to have both the original and biplane and later with Zeros as 2 different missions/stories?
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 16, 2020, 15:29:12
Quotea possible thought would be to have both the original and biplane and later with Zeros as 2 different missions/stories?

I thought that you could have the learning course with biplanes, like the pilot school, where you have to do the practices as in the movie Tora Tora Tora, with false targets.

You could use the first version of 3 decks, or I also saw a very interesting mini Japanese aircraft carrier, "Aircraft carrers ESCORT".

"Akitso Maru" is small and cute

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 16, 2020, 15:31:57
excelent Video, there is very nice detail to model, like flag mast, and other stuff. thanks!
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 16, 2020, 21:37:24
New version 0.0.5 available for download  :) :) :)

download (

Version 0.0.5      16 april 2020

- The game has a new name: Tora Tora Tora!
- add Discord server
- add Instagram
- add new model of Akagi japan carrier
- add Proppeller mesh and texture for high rev. effect.
- add camera zoom keys (Sup - end - Av.Pag.) (x1 - x1.5  - x2)
- add Hook for landing on carriers [H] Key (not working yet, only visual)
- improve iilot camera roll
- add [CTRL] + save screenshots in game\screenshot folder.   
- Improve a little the physic of airplanes
- Improve the collision with carriers
- add Japan voice when you recibe radio - no sence voice.
- add movement and roll to the ships
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Kronos on April 17, 2020, 10:44:05
Hi Santiago,are you the guy who was working on that Bloody Desert game a long time ago? I found those videos very inspirational back in the day.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 17, 2020, 15:01:04
QuoteHi Santiago,are you the guy who was working on that Bloody Desert game a long time ago? I found those videos very inspirational back in the day.

Yes, Bloody Desert is undoubtedly a great pending to finish in my life.

Sometimes I take it as a failure on my part, since there were many people who followed the project, but I did not know how to carry it out at the time and I ended up getting frustrated.

Nowadays, with what I have learned with the "Naval Simulator", now with the airplane game, and the "Combat Pack" that I have sharing all my games, it is possible that I will be inspired and come back, perhaps with the same method that I am using for Tora Tora Tora, accessible development.

I do not know..
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 17, 2020, 18:58:38
Starting to modelling the cockpit of the A6M, based on the texture of Adam.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 17, 2020, 19:56:58
now i need to give him live, gauges and other things




tomorow i go to make the texture with shadows render to texture method.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 18, 2020, 06:35:51
Bloody Hell!!!  :o :o Estoy Muy, MUY Bien!

is that max 4? I used to use it all the time, but never with that sort of proficiency. Seriously excellent :)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 18, 2020, 18:38:39
Quoteis that max 4? I used to use it all the time, but never with that sort of proficiency.

Hi Adam!

For my games I use 3dsmax 9, very old, along with B3D Pipeline, it is an excellent tool.

I am very happy with the result, although from a lowpoly style it happens to have too much detail, which contradicts the rest of the game.

Perhaps the game should be based on a colorblind pilot with serious eyesight problems. as an excuse for so much lack of style.

finish the modeling and render-to-texture work.

Now you should start bringing the gauges to life.

this is the end result of the cockpit so far.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on April 19, 2020, 06:17:45
Tora, Tora, Tora, blooming awesome work Santiago - your attention to detail is something else! Very very well done, I love your work - even as plain screen grabs it looks awesome ;)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on April 19, 2020, 19:31:29
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 20, 2020, 21:28:30
 ;D :D hi!,

Thanks for the comment, if you have any suggestion or idea is really very welcome!.
Today i finish the cockpit, the more important things for fly, speed, altitude, heading, climb, compass.
and i change the projectile to one more nice.

now i need to compile and upload the new version with cockpit 3d for testing.

And i'm a little obfuscated about what be the next step in this game.

weel, i salute you, be good and be safe :), next post i hope with the link to new version.








Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Matty on April 21, 2020, 00:31:25
Hi Santiago, you mentioned you weren't sure the next step re gameplay.

I will share some logic that relates to all games about conflict such as war etc.

There are four steps in a conflict simulation, these are:

1. Lead to or setup.
2. Deployment.
3. Action.
4. Result.

Different game genres focus on the four elements in different ways.

A grand strategy game, such as Hearts of Iron, would focus mostly on point 1.
A collectible card game often focuses on the first 2 points.
An arcade game like 1942 focuses on point 3.
A turn based tactics game  focuses on point 2.

Most flight simulators focus on point 3.

Modern games that focus on point 3 typically provide no decision making to the user for points 1 and 2 by simply posing a set of missions.

Some wargames allow the user to affect point 1 such as allowing them to distribute forces on a map before putting them into point 3 as a pilot.

If you think like this you can break an aircraft simulator into these stages too and decide:
Do you want users to have control of steps 1 and 2? Eg choices of where and who to fight. you want users to be lead down a path determined by the game for steps 1 and 2 and focus purely on step 3, the action.

Some players like having control over steps 1 and 2. Your game appears to be focused on step 3.  But that does not mean you cannot give your players some choices in steps 1 and 2

The easiest option is for the user to have no input on steps 1 and 2, but doing so takes away an element of gameplay that may attract some users.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 21, 2020, 02:20:45
Hi Matty!

I really didn't know these details, and they are a great point to base me on.

My idea is that the player regulates 2 strategies, the campaign one, on which islands to conquer, where to send resources.

and before each battle, where you have your starting point, your objective, and on the map you decide how to carry out the mission, simply setting wayopins and equipment at the beginning, and then see if I can put squadrons, number of planes and that .

It is really good to understand, to know these points, because maybe going by eye step by step, I was never clear on that objective to follow.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 21, 2020, 22:26:33
pre briefing with mission planning options

hi, im working in the player config mission, this is photoshop just to see and evaluate how can i do this.

what do you think?

Squad info and setup formation, numbers of planes for the mission.


Set waypoints for the mission before take off
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Matty on April 21, 2020, 22:52:50
That depends....

Do decisions made at the planning stage affect the flight/battle stage and if so, is it clear to the player how?

One thought may be larger scale.  Eg...perhaps there are 3 battle areas and only 5 or so aircraft in your fleet, and intelligence may tell you there are likely x enemy aircraft in each zone with some room for error and you decide which aircraft will attend each zone and whicn aircraft you will pilot.  That gives the player a belief of control over the outcome and where they win, where they might lose and where they will fight themselves...just an idea.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 22, 2020, 17:46:39

New Version 0.0.6 with cockpit 3D. please, if you test, tell me if works or not :)

Version 0.0.6 22 april 2020

- add Cockpit 3D with gauges and other details, with texture shadows.
- add altimeter, speed, climb, compass, rpm,  clock, heading, horizont, roll, turn speed,     acelerator and other stuff in the 3d cockpit.
- working in pre.briefing mission options.
- add altitude limitation, more high less sustentation.
- add new ammunition mesh and effect glow, looks better now.
- add discret glow shinny in propeller effect
- improve pilot view, when you look back the camera moves to a side
- add metallic reflection texture


Quotehat depends....

Do decisions made at the planning stage affect the flight/battle stage and if so, is it clear to the player how?

One thought may be larger scale.  Eg...perhaps there are 3 battle areas and only 5 or so aircraft in your fleet, and intelligence may tell you there are likely x enemy aircraft in each zone with some room for error and you decide which aircraft will attend each zone and whicn aircraft you will pilot.  That gives the player a belief of control over the outcome and where they win, where they might lose and where they will fight themselves...just an idea.

Thank you, I really take note of all these things, I have been thinking about them a lot.

I will try to make it possible to choose the following before each mission.

you have 4 squadrons at your disposal, each with 4 planes maximum

the player decides what objective to mark each squadron and what type of equipment to carry, bomber, torpedoes, fighters, recon.

and the player, decides in which squadron to fly, the rest, as you decide, is handled by the ia and that will give that feeling that you mention.

thanks for the tips, they are really useful !!! I hope I can do well.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 24, 2020, 16:57:59
Hi, yesterday i add fire effect using entltyblend particle.
Im working in a new tactical prebriefing, to give a player a strategic choices according the advices.

add Fire effect.



Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Matty on April 24, 2020, 19:05:53
I love that look.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 25, 2020, 06:19:03
better and better - love the cockpit view :)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 25, 2020, 13:36:51
 ;D thanks!
today i add B24 bombrs, for hunt or escort misions. now i need add the Betty, japan bomber.

and i add a lowpoly pilot.


and i working in a face generator for pilots logs, album and other things..
the idea is put the texture over the face of each pilot, each pilot in the game, go to have a name, age, and other data random generated.
i want to make an album, for all pilots in the game, with data id,  missions. if is alive where, and if die in combat, when, etc. (ia or human pilots)

i wish to give sence of live to the crews of airplanes. i don't know why.

for the moment, face generator is only in photoshop, i working in the pictures at the moment.


Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on April 25, 2020, 14:02:41
a suggestion for the faces would be to use the filter: Noise > Add Noise

That way the background image, the new eyes/mouth, etc would all have the same sort of grain 'photo' noise :)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 25, 2020, 23:04:46
Quotea suggestion for the faces would be to use the filter: Noise > Add Noise
yesss!!, maibe i can have 5 photo filters and put random to have variations.. thanks  :) :) :)

Add Squad create, add airplens
Add Waypoints for Squad.
add target for squad.

IA folow waypoints :)
Today i fly following another Zero Squads, was nice.

When they reach a waypoint send a msg radio with new heading distance and number of waypoint.

IA planes follow his waypoint and attack enemies if is visible to IA.


Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 27, 2020, 17:07:25
add Dogfights, enemy contact report by radio.
add IA select objetives and report.

radio activity reports in combat.


Work for this week. (my next step for this week)

1. HUD UI more clear and easy data, now i lost directions, distance, my squad position, i need to clear this.
2. Time Skip, go to next stage of the mision until something happends.
3. IA attack better
4. request radio vector for next waypoints and distance
5. Squad, leaders and upgrate.
6. Add Betty japan bombers :)
7. Bombers attack with bombs, torpedo ships and islands.
8. Islands, defenses, canon, artillery, flacks, airfield. strategic stuff
9. Fix map mission, Is not working now.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on April 29, 2020, 07:42:34
I made a few things.

I add waypoints and works fine.
add a new heading help, with directions to friends and enemies, cam angle, our heading and waypoint heading.
add Flak defenses in ships

now i am more  closer to finish the hard work. and start to play more and program less with this game.

i go to sleep now...  bye



Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: chalky on April 29, 2020, 08:44:44
That looks incredible - amazing work!
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 03, 2020, 22:32:03
Thanks fo the comment Chalky!.  :D

i add the event camera, like old videogames, the camera follow the action, like explotions, bombs, units when are destroy.

i lost some days working in the campaign, and don't like the result, so i go back to a lineal campaign, more easy to do right thank a complex strategic dinamyc campaign... i stock in this part of the game.

DEVLOG work in progress.
; ---------------------
; add Event camera
; add Autopilot [CTRL] + [A]
; add Aircraft return to carrier when finish waypoints
; add mouse pointer system for screen in the game, now the pointer is visible and absolute.
; add wave wake tail for ships
; add statistics to save data
; add improve the aerodinamics stall (a little)

; fix return to main campaign menu when you are not in camapaign.






Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Xerra on May 04, 2020, 10:40:24
I am really impressed with the work you've been doing on this game. Your attention to detail is fantastic. Unfortunately I'm on a Mac so can't actually test it but I do love looking at the screenshots and video's as it comes together.

Well done, is all I can say, and I think you should have a crack at trying to sell this game when it's finished.

Another thing I think could be interesting is to incorporate the kind of attack strategy that the american bombers did in the recent film, Midway, that I watched recently. If you haven't seen it then I'd recommend it as a great bit of research to give you ideas for your game.

The bombers used this attack where they would raise their planes as high as possible and actually dive bomb down towards the cruisers from directly above, unloading their weapons all the way down. Naturally, unlike the Japenese, they would pull up before actually getting too close to the ship to recover but I could imagine it would make a fantastic, scary game experience being able to do that. In the film they show that it's an incredibly risky tactic that often resulted in the planes destruction. Goes to show how brave the pilots were in that war, I think.

Watch the movie, if you can. These were fantastic scenes when they showed this approach.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 04, 2020, 11:58:21
yep agreed with above, love the flak, gives a real sense of depth.

1 possible suggestion - Add the panels lines to the plane (bitmap) possibly thing about a top side and bottom side for the wing textures - the bottom being slightly darker. As you are spening so much time looking at the plane, give it just a bit more detail - but not loosing the low poly look :)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 04, 2020, 15:47:29
Hi, thanks for the comments!!!

They are my only ground wire on this project.

Yes, I saw the movie, the SBDs, deep bombers, or dive bombers.

I have it pending to model, the idea is to have a fighter and a bomber on each side.

Japan A6m and B5n
US Hellcat and SBD

I guess I will differentiate 2 versions of the game.

FREE, very basic but with the possibility of playing single mission and perhaps a small linear campaign, with 4 planes and very lowpoly ships, without much more graphic details.

- boats with more details
- planes with more details
- ocean with animation and reflection texture
- Linear and dynamic campaign

- and the basic mission generator, you put ships and squadrons.

- Pilot campaign in small planes or in support of warships, such as the Akagi or other ships that had planes and were not aircraft carriers.

What I want to achieve is to have an attractive game, but that there is a jump in content between one version and another to justify that someone pay me at least 2 dollars to play my game.

Yesterday I managed to get the AI ​​to pilot in closed formation, which was very difficult!

Also now the squadron takes off orderly on the aircraft carrier and they gather in formation as soon as they finish taking off.

The game is taking good shape, I am very excited and I hope that at least people will download and play it.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 04, 2020, 21:41:35
i finish the B5N lowpoly model

i use a simple texture to colors and next put aircraft line and texture, like i say, in the free version, for the moment don't go to improve to much the aircrafts.



Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 06, 2020, 04:16:19
Im working in the Menu game style, i want something better, more modern.

This is the idea im working, you see your airplane in the hangar.

im using fastlibs, fastimage now, so, i need to find the fonts creator for this soft, to have a better font for the style of my game.


this is how is look right now with the 3d implemented on the menu.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 06, 2020, 06:29:31
hanger - doood  :o

only suggestion would be to change the font to something army or older looking. the one above looks more modern/scifi
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 06, 2020, 23:29:01
Quotehanger - doood  :o
lol... it's Hanger or Hangar?, is the question of my day!

I found another font, less moderen, but is not the ideal yet.

I Add new menu today, and the game go to be like this.

You have points for your missions, and in the begining, you start with the biplane, and with more points you can use level 2 and level 3. a6m b5n

im trying to do a good menu, is extreme dificult for me this part of the game.

and maibe i can use icons in the buttons, i don't know.



Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Matty on May 07, 2020, 00:15:07
Your game looks excellent.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 07, 2020, 00:45:11
Thanks Matty, the part more dificult for me is the menu graphics, is very dificult design a good menu, and that menu have good game way to play, for feel the game when you are in the menu.

is realy hard, i have many problems with that
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 07, 2020, 06:21:13
I had a quick search on the font front and fount this:

This is the font I would go for :)
can be found free here: (

ok for the menus and UI, you must have something that is consistent (and Stand out). This is the sort of thing I would come up with:

and for the in game ui something like:
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 07, 2020, 22:41:49
Thanks Adam!!!!!!

now the steps are more smallers :), i go very slow now..

thanks for the help!, i realy like your style!

Today i work, so i have less time to make progress, only test the E4N in fly, its nice.



my stadistics for Tora.
is like a city :)

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 17, 2020, 21:52:29
Tora Tora Tora! in AGK.

My first screenshot in AGK of Tora.

i going with real small baby steps, but i just starting :) muajajajajja :)

thanks guys for all advices, i like AGK, i thing is going to work fine... but a going real slowly :)

This is the first step.

Ocean plane
Type ships
type Airplanes

now the ships and aircraft move fowards and turn, just to start manipuating.

the idea is keep the graphics like original Blitz3D, maibe in the future i going to start to use shaders, but not now.

again, thanks for the advices!!!


Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 18, 2020, 16:13:03
Today i start to fly control airplanes.

Control$ = "ia" and "player"
Update_cam - camera free or camera follow player aircraft
Add virtualjoystick() to control airplane.

i write some blitz3d style funcitons, like, entitydistance, pointentity, because in agk somethings are realy diferent.


function pointentity(origen,destino,roll#)



function update_mouse()

// get the position of the pointer (mouse)
    mx = GetPointerX()
    my = GetPointerY()

function coord(entidad)

screen_x# = GetScreenXFrom3D(GetObjectX(entidad),GetObjectY(entidad),GetObjectZ(entidad))
    screen_y# = GetScreenYFrom3D(GetObjectX(entidad),GetObjectY(entidad),GetObjectZ(entidad))


function linepick(origen,destino)


function getDistance_vector(objectID as integer,objectID2 as integer)
    distance as float
    distance=GetVector3Distance(vec1,vec2 )
endfunction distance

function getdistance(origen,destino)

//Returns the distance between the start point for the ray and the collision point.
//float GetObjectRayCastDistance( index )

//x1, y1, z1 - x, y, z coordinates of the first object
//x2, y2, z2 - x, y, z coordinates of the second object

x1# = getobjectx(origen)
y1# = getobjecty(origen)
z1# = getobjectz(origen)

x2# = getobjectx(destino)
y2# = getobjecty(destino)
z2# = getobjectz(destino)

//dist# = sqrt(pow(x1# - x2#, 2) + pow(y1# - y2#, 2) + pow(z1# - z2#, 2))

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on May 19, 2020, 06:28:18
Great looking work and great suggestions from iwasadam.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 19, 2020, 23:19:27
Yes!, i very greatfull for all help i recibed.

now i still working to start thinking like agk. trying to understand how to do everything with agk way.

- start menu, start game, end game, reload menu functions...
- add fire gun proyectiles
- add collision detect of proyectiles
- add explotion types and working Spheres for the moment.

im still fighting about how i go to work with loadobject with textures.

The thing is, all format, have diferent scales when i export, i don't know why, but thats make me crazy :).

with blitz3d that is so easyy

This is the old menu, i load with agk, and i need to add elements and menu options.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on May 19, 2020, 23:59:48
now i still working to start thinking like agk. trying to understand how to do everything with agk way.

The only way to get the best from a system.

with blitz3d that is so easyy

Yes, sadly IMO no current language has the best of everything.  Fast, compact, easy to use, activately developed, runs on all platforms and has 2D and 3D support...There are plenty of general purpose languages for logic, but then you have to add graphics, sound and input through a game engine.  Products like Blitz3D and AGK are strong on those features, even if the actual language for logic is weaker.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 20, 2020, 21:17:10
Today i thinking in Adam, because he find me this font for menu :), thanks Adam!

Today i make my first Menu in AGK, very very simply...

I have the 3D hangar load with a simple texture
i can add a plane in the menu
i can rotate the camera like in the blitz3d version of Tora.
i have Fly text button to go to game, and when i exit the gameplay i come back to menu

This are simple baby steps, but importants...

i have a create_game function workin, to place airplanes and ships, and a destroy_game_content() for when i go to menu i destroy airplanes and ships and generate menu_obj and texts again.


next steps:
- try to make aircraft collisions
- try to load childs like wheels, engine, prop, to give life to my airplanes
- add particles, smoke, explotions
- add clouth background
- add 3d particles clouth to feel the fly speed
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on May 20, 2020, 21:22:32
Looking good ;)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 21, 2020, 05:45:48
Can I do a Derron?
Check your texture UV and the wheels - the UV is missing and I can see the full texture...
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Xerra on May 21, 2020, 07:55:07
Quote from: iWasAdam on May 21, 2020, 05:45:48
Can I do a Derron?


Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Derron on May 21, 2020, 09:41:50
There is a little Derron in everyone of us :)

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 21, 2020, 15:04:05
 :)) :)) :)) :))

QuoteCheck your texture UV and the wheels - the UV is missing and I can see the full texture...

lol, yes!..actually I have not yet defined how to load the mesh, I am learning and started a code to load mesh in a primitive and temporary way. since I have problems with scales, textures, colors, transparencies ... not to mention findchilds ()

in Blitz, i load the 3D file easyly, and i can have airplanes with orwithout elements, so, if the prop exists, then use it, if i have gears and wheels, give life, if not, don't worry.
this was very good because some iA planes don't need every elements of players airplanes.

this is the way i load mesh in blitz
a\entidad = LoadAnimMesh("objetos\Aircrafts\"+tipo$ + "\" + tipo$ +".b3d",a\pivot)
ScaleEntity a\entidad,eo,eo,eo

a\pilot_mesh = FindChild(a\entidad,"piloto_mesh")

a\piloto = FindChild(a\entidad,"piloto")
a\fuselaje = FindChild(a\entidad,"fuselaje")
a\cola = FindChild(a\entidad,"cola")
a\hook = FindChild(a\entidad,"hook")

For i = 1 To 4
a\ala[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"ala"+i)
a\canon[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"canon"+i)
a\helice[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"helice"+i)
a\motor[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"motor"+i)

a\prop_mesh[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"prop_mesh"+i) ;helice 3d paletas
a\prop_on[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"prop_on"+i)  ;plano con textura de la helice
a\prop_on_shine[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"prop_on_shine"+i)  ;plano con textura de la helice

For i = 1 To 3
a\rueda[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"rueda"+i)
a\tren[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"tren"+i)

If a\rueda[i] <> 0 Then
ruedas = ruedas + 1
End If


If ruedas = 3 Then
pos a\pivot_base,a\rueda[1]
PointEntity a\pivot_base,a\rueda[3]
DebugLog "ANGULO DE APOYO : " + EntityPitch(a\pivot_base)
End If

For i = 1 To 2
a\flap[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"flap"+i)
a\aleron[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"aleron"+i)
a\timon_cola[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"timon_cola"+i)

For i = 1 To 12
a\soporte[i] = FindChild(a\entidad,"soporte"+i)

a\sombra = FindChild(a\entidad,"sombra")
If g_shadow = 1 And a\sombra <> 0 Then createshadowcaster a\sombra

i working in a findchild function in AGK now.

function loadmesh_indiesoft(path$,archivo$,escala#)

archivo$ = (path$ + archivo$)

print ("ARCHIVO : "+ archivo$)
obj_id = loadobject(archivo$,escala#)

childs = GetObjectNumMeshes(obj_id)

print ("childs : "+ str(childs))

for i = 1 to childs

[b]obj = CreateObjectFromObjectMesh(obj_id,i)[/b]
//~ translateentity(obj,1,0,0)
//~ textura$=GetObjectTextureName(obj_id,i)
//~ print( str(i) + "leyendo textura " + textura$)
//~ sync()
//~ if len(textura$) > 0
//~ textura$ = path$ + textura$
//~ if GetFileExists(textura$) = 1
//~ menu_tex = loadimage(textura$)
//~ print ("TEXTURA " + textura$)
//~ setobjectmeshimage(obj_id,i,menu_tex,1)
//~ endif
//~ textura$ = ""
//~ endif
    next i
    translateentity (obj_id,-100,0,0)
endfunction obj_id

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 21, 2020, 22:25:41
Ok, this is the first video to show the progress with AGK version.

today i add clouds plane manual particles and i improve the camera movement

I working in the new aircraft models to export in .x for AGK.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Coder Apprentice on May 23, 2020, 10:38:52
Very nice! It's good to see your progress with AGK. This game could be an awesome showcase for the 3D side of AppGameKit which gets less attention. If you keep the "simulation" and control arcade like/simple then I can't see why people wouldn't want to shoot some virtual bullets over the Pacific on any of their devices.

Just make sure using 'Tora! Tora! Tora!' as the name won't cause any problem because of the film with the same title released by 20th Century Fox. 
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on May 23, 2020, 12:30:46
Fantastic progress - and I was happy just getting my grenades to fly in a parabola ;)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 23, 2020, 12:34:28
I have agk here, so can build a mac version for you if wanted/needed :)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 24, 2020, 14:13:14
Hi!, happy Sunday!!!!

today is sunday i think...   :-X

QuoteJust make sure using 'Tora! Tora! Tora!' as the name won't cause any problem because of the film with the same title released by 20th Century Fox.
lol, talk with Adam!!, hi bring with the idea :).... i don't know nothing about laws or copyrights, so, maibe if this is a problem, i can send a letter, to ask permition, or simple, change something little. i don't know

QuoteVery nice! It's good to see your progress with AGK. This game could be an awesome showcase for the 3D side of AppGameKit which gets less attention. If you keep the "simulation" and control arcade like/simple then I can't see why people wouldn't want to shoot some virtual bullets over the Pacific on any of their devices.
1. i'm noted that about 3D in agk, i don't know why, because is a powerfull, but i see in blitz3d better 3d games than agk, how this is posibble?

3, Keep simple, i test the Virtual control of AGK, and is realy nice fly with that.
if i do the mobile version, that's controls are perfect.

i point the project to PC-MAC version for steam, and i can reduce the graphics and content to make a more simple game in mobile. i don't know how work the mobile market. i need to learn that

QuoteFantastic progress - and I was happy just getting my grenades to fly in a parabola ;)
my way to learn agk is go ahead and no look my sides, no collision, no problem, no this and that, no problem, just go ahead to next objetive, and forget the rest of things, thats is the only way i think.

i make a verctor forces in blitz and i migrate to AGK, is very nice way to move and rotate objects.
y acumulate forces, and apply the movement and rotation when you want, if you wan't i can share.

is a way to move and apply many forces likes you want, and calculate the "resultante?", just like in teoric calculation paper.

are good for granates, bullets, airplanes, cars, bombs, torpedos, ships.

QuoteI have agk here, so can build a mac version for you if wanted/needed :)

Thanks Adam!, yesss, why not!, i even yet compiler agk in my PC yet.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on May 24, 2020, 23:02:38
Great progress again.

Just make sure using 'Tora! Tora! Tora!' as the name won't cause any problem because of the film with the same title released by 20th Century Fox.

lol, talk with Adam!!, hi bring with the idea :).... i don't know nothing about laws or copyrights, so, maibe if this is a problem, i can send a letter, to ask permition, or simple, change something little. i don't know.

It's a great vibe to go with so I can understand why Adam suggested the name and style.  But when the game is complete I would strongly suggest you change it at that point.  You will get problems.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 25, 2020, 06:32:25
the film is "Tora! Tora! Tora!"
it was the signal given that the mission was a success and morse code. so I'm not sure that there would be issues as it's not an original title, but the actual code given (which you can't copyright) - there have beenn quite a few games/booke/tv shows, etc with tora tora tora being their titles too.

QuoteFuchida ordered "Tenkai" (Take attack position), and upon seeing no U.S. activity at Pearl Harbor. He then opened his canopy and fired a single dark blue flare known as a "black dragon", to signal to attack.
so "Tenkai" or "Black Dragon" would also be good alternatives?

The blue flare an interesting one, as you could use that in game as a potential mission "mark xyz with Black Dragon" and use blue color too?
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on May 25, 2020, 07:47:05
Fair enough, the alternatives are strong too.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Derron on May 25, 2020, 08:13:10
Black Dragon
Should be generic not be copyrightable that easily.

You could maybe mix it with other words.

Black Dragons (overlapping the "Banzai!" written in a "shouting" font).

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 25, 2020, 08:50:25
Banzai is more an army term, to ra was used by the pilots
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Derron on May 25, 2020, 10:36:51
You can use other terms too... Mixing makes them more unique and chances are lower to have an existing title twin.

To ra to ra...
To...totsugeki (attack)
Ra...raigeki (torpedo attack / sudden attack)

Tora understood by American radio observers means "tiger"

Source... German wiki entry of the movie Tora! Tora! Tora!

Maybe play with both variants and have a torpedo painted with a tiger face :-)

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: hosch on May 25, 2020, 11:18:36
Great stuff! If I am allowed to make a suggestion: instead of filming your screen, you could use OBS (which is totally free) to capture the videos or screenshots from it. If you need help setting it up, just give me a shout. This looks a bit more professional and allows us to see more details. However, great work so far!
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 25, 2020, 11:57:21
not quite correct Derron:
QuoteBecause the bombers were outfitted with telegraphs rather than microphones they chose the easy to recognize Morse-style signals: to (.."..) and ra (...). To was to signal the attack. to ra was to indicate the attack had been a surprise. It was a code. The message was tapped three times to make sure it was received.

The fact that tora sounds like "tiger"虎 in Japanese was coincidental.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Derron on May 25, 2020, 13:32:37
Yeah "telegraphs" ... in German you just say "Funksignal" (so "radio signal").

That they did not actually meant "tiger" is clear - but as a "you know that fact" thing you could put a tiger on the torpedo in the title / logo.


Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 28, 2020, 00:26:49
Hi guys!,  :D :D :D

you are the best!, your ideas are amazing!!,

really want you to name it! I really like all your suggestions!

I guess until the game is about to be published I have time to decide, so I will be attentive to what they say, really, I love the idea of putting all those names on it, I would not know which one to choose.

After several, almost 5 days of frustration, I was able to load my 3D model and be able to access control of children and bones, since AGK works very differently than my friend Blitz3D when loading 3D models.

but thanks to the help of many people, I already found a way to achieve this, and now that I have item control, or childs, I can move forward freely to complete all the functionalities of Tora.

I have to install the OBC, although I admit that I like the effect of a filmed screen, but yes, I should be more professional about that :).

In this new video, I was encouraged to speak in my badly spoken English of Spanish with an Indian accent on my nerves.


Just today, I got access to the children, which allowed me to give life to the ailerons of the plane, place the camera on the pilot's head, and have the lowpoly mesh that represents the plane and I use it for collisions and detection of ammunition against planes .

i need to improve my speack english, so, sorry about that

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Matty on May 28, 2020, 00:55:14
How about this name, since Tora sounds like Tiger in Japanese:

"Sky Tigers over the Pacific"
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 28, 2020, 08:13:34
"sky tigers" already exists
how about:
Tora Tora
Tora Tigers

I'm loving the camera movements :)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Xerra on May 28, 2020, 13:15:41
Is it just me or is anyone else waiting for a demo to show loop the loop and some barrel rolls?

Just me? Nar!
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 28, 2020, 15:37:09
Tora Tora   <<<<    this like me very much....

I think the word tiger is like a lot used, and alluding to the fact that they are planes over the sea, I think that tiger does not fit me.

I think Dragon is more related. Still, I am tempted to use a name that is as emphatic as Tora Tora, a rare word for me, but one that sounds great.

Although of course, I do not know anything legal and this issue of whether it can be used or not ... I am usually a half hippie.

I'm going to gossip on the internet, to see what the Japanese called the Pacific.

A word that I really like is "Akagi", which means red castle, which is the name of a mountain or something like that in a town.

Since the aircraft carrier was originally going to be a battleship, they gave it a mountain name, but the carriers by convention must have a name for birds in Japan, but they still kept that name.

Still, I don't want it to be a friendly name, and using Akagi is perhaps too strange for many people.

so friendly words are my favorites.

Now that I'm moving further, I'll make the ships sink, the planes crash, and I'll do the first demo using AGK.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 28, 2020, 15:40:12
but I admit that I am very square to decide some things, so really, I trust your opinion more than mine on this matter

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: MikeHart on May 29, 2020, 14:40:49
I must say, this looks great. Love the lowpoly look, great job man.

If you ever come to a point, where AGK Tier1 becomes to slow, you can always use Cerberus X ( to target AGK Tier 2 (Windows/OSX, IOS and soon Android).

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 29, 2020, 16:14:46
Thanks MikeHart!

QuoteIf you ever come to a point, where AGK Tier1 becomes to slow, you can always use Cerberus X to target AGK Tier 2 (Windows/OSX, IOS and soon Android).
would you tell me how would that be? I don't know how it would be. I don't know those tools.

With AGK tier 1, I estimate that I can have a little more motor than with Blitz3D, even so I am aiming for the game not to be heavy. so I don't think it should slow down.

but with so little AGK experience, it's just my guess.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: MikeHart on May 29, 2020, 20:48:45
Cerberus X is a compiled language. All your logic code in AGK Tier 1 is interpreted at runtime. The API calls perform the same in Tier 1 and Tier 2.
But don't get distracted. I just wanted to mention this, that IF you run into performs issues regarding your game logic, then there is an option.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 29, 2020, 20:56:14
Ahhh, excelent!!!!!, is good to know that!!!

im not realy good with the technical stuff...

Today i make the IA pilot airplanes.
I make the ship dies, and sink.
now i making the airplanes kill

and my next challenge is make the landing physics....

i susessfull put the skycube over the agk_sky, so i can modify my sky using a texture and the agk sky too.




Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: MikeHart on May 30, 2020, 07:15:01
Will the propeller spin someday?
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on May 30, 2020, 11:04:58
I wouldn't fancy my chances with that flotilla beneath me - sure too catch a bullet or two!
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 30, 2020, 11:34:15
This might be of interest - give you an idea of how AAA have approached the same thing. there might be a few trick you can extract from it :)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on May 30, 2020, 12:43:00
Thought about the title TORA TORA. How about this:
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on May 30, 2020, 15:12:36

I think this is simply and perfect.
This is greatttt!, I love it!, Thanks for taking the trouble to do this!

QuoteThis might be of interest - give you an idea of how AAA have approached the same thing. there might be a few trick you can extract from it :)
sorry, my english is bad, google translate don't helpme to much to understand :), this in other word sayssss....? :)


They at this moment dosent have defenses yet, but today they will have..

With AGK, i have a linepick, but returns all entitys who intercept my linepick, so i can have information about, where the bullet touch, and what parts of the aircraft are hit.

so now i can make simple volumetric objects, like fueltanks, engine, pilot, controls, and i can simply give very nice realistic hits, with some fancy graphics to show me where my plane hit.

QuoteWill the propeller spin someday?
will see!! :), i love the words of the Zen Master... :) i have to make my nice propeller again..

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: AntonM on May 31, 2020, 19:48:40
I like the shorter name more, the logo also looks good.
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on June 02, 2020, 21:37:55
I like the shorter name more, the logo also looks good.

I agree.   8)
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 03, 2020, 02:02:55
 8) 8) 8)

the hammer hits solid on the wood. Tora Tora! will be.... :)

i playing with twitch when i programming on the nights.Tora Tora!

I improve the fly dinamics.
Flak  and AA from ships
but, now im fighting againts low fps

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on June 03, 2020, 12:17:07
Here are the icon files for mac and windows
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 03, 2020, 18:36:38
 :D Thanks Adammm!!! looks great!! i love it!
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 05, 2020, 20:50:24
Hello, how are you ?, I hope well ... !!

These days, focused on optimizing the disaster I had with the fall of FPS, I made less progress than I would have liked.

- Add sounds to FLAK's
- Improve flight physics, the plane enters STALL and falls like a stone.
- Add OVERspeed, which generates a nice vibration on the plane and its ailerons, in the future the idea is that the plane falls apart slowly due to speeding. (I have to add sound to this)
-Add some interface for the first time in AGK, using the font that Adam recommended, and the arcade style is nice, but I would like to know how you see it?

I am very happy with the sensation of flight, I must focus on the particles now, and the explosions of ammunition hits.

I just made a tour of the history of this post, to assess whether I stayed on the road or there were deviations, I think the approach remains intact, now, with almost the basic elements already assembled in AGK, I must start with what most It costs, which is the gameplay and its menus.

As I always tell you, I am very grateful for all the help I have received here!

I leave you some screens, I also began to broadcast on twicth some sleepless nights that I am programming.

well, I send you a greeting!





Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Coder Apprentice on June 07, 2020, 22:23:41
Could you figure out what caused your fps drop significantly? Also, what GPU do you have?
Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 08, 2020, 02:03:15
QuoteCould you figure out what caused your fps drop significantly? Also, what GPU do you have?

yes. It had a bad function of eliminating ammunition, so the physics types of each ammunition were accumulating.

I found out that AGK is slow for FOR NEXT loops, I also have a problem with that.

I have to find a way not to loop through all types to get things done.

Blitz3d forgave this kind of thing more.

I also have to do 2 things.
Do not calculate Updates of objects, ships, planes, ammunition, in each frame.

And I must use the Deltatime to update the speeds.

Now I started using AGK 3d particles, its performance looks great.

Tomorrow Monday, I start to program the 1st playable version, which will be simple, I will base it at the moment on highscores topten.

then I will add more things in the future. but I will go little by little so as not to run over.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Coder Apprentice on June 08, 2020, 03:30:50
Cool! Now you just need to optimize a bit. Very exciting to see the progress of your game Santiago. Once it's out I'll definitely buy a copy.

Title: Re: Tora Tora tora!! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on June 08, 2020, 09:24:46
You might need to move to C++ using AGK Tier 2 eventually.
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 22, 2020, 22:29:16

now i add airplanes.

As I mentioned before, menus are my biggest problem, what I find most difficult to develop.

Now I am with the map, learning, testing and moving slowly.

to have a previous menu with the mission information, and then another at the end of the mission with its respective report.

I still don't define styles, I'm trying to base myself on the documentary that Adam sent me, so I'm testing.

QuoteCool! Now you just need to optimize a bit. Very exciting to see the progress of your game Santiago. Once it's out I'll definitely buy a copy.

Thanks Kris!! :) thats is realy nice for me.

QuoteYou might need to move to C++ using AGK Tier 2 eventually.

I feel like Don Quixote fighting against the mills.
Since it costs me horrors using basic, I can't even understand the concept of pointers by understanding the idea.

It gives me panic to think about having to change again, but everything will go as needed, I guess, right?

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on June 22, 2020, 22:35:21
You might need to move to C++ using AGK Tier 2 eventually.

I feel like Don Quixote fighting against the mills.
Since it costs me horrors using basic, I can't even understand the concept of pointers by understanding the idea.

lol pointers are all I'm dealing with at the moment in C.  You don't generally need to use them so much in C++, but the algorithm is the best way of producing efficient code - even in a (fast) BASIC.  Look to learning AGK more and come up with better optimizations - in BASIC.   :)
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: blinkok on June 23, 2020, 01:53:18
Map is looking awesome!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 23, 2020, 06:26:18
who are the good guys, the blacks or the white ones?
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on June 23, 2020, 11:36:12
There is a problem with clarity. Everything being a shade of grey means it becomes difficult to work out what everything is. In this case a bit of color might help you:
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on June 23, 2020, 11:45:53
as for showing what side is which how about flags:  ;D

You could click a ship for more information, etc :)
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Coder Apprentice on June 23, 2020, 14:15:27
Definitely better with colors. I would suggest not to overlap the ships since it's a kind of tactical view so you want to see what ships there are exactly where you're looking at. Bad guys good guys and their color...I would say player should be able to choose a color and the side (JAPAN/USA) independently. Like I want to be with the Japanese fighters and my color on the map is black. The semi transparent flags are cool but I would make them optional. 
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 23, 2020, 19:21:21

I am panicked to use colors in Tora, except red, although the cockpit has some colors that I have to decide whether to remove or not.

I would like to try to achieve everything, as if it were an old game, and the lack of colors I think would help.

I am choosing to put everything together so that it can be personalized.

the colors of the units and what file it calls, will be inside a .txt, the .png images, it will all be put in accessible files.

the flags are very useful.
I had put them in the blitz3d version, very small.
and they got on when a ship captured an island.

now I am in the valley of the indesicion, and the syndrome of the blank sheet.
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 24, 2020, 00:47:26
ok, now i trying to force updates, even if i don't know how to do it.

i using the Logo that Adam made!, thanks Adam!!!!
i just playing to merge the player to a wood desk style for all menus. in 2D

if i don't know how do it, then, i do the most simple way to do it.

like the new prebriefing screen.

1. Splash screen at start game.
2. Main menu
3. select mision screen
4. pre-briefing screen
5. mission results of the mission
6. draw_map function to use ingame and in menu.

i just finish the more basic way to do a pre-briefing mission. style type machinne document ww2


Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 24, 2020, 05:37:13

I think this is nice and simple..

Red is when you over the option with the mouse

testing another style of map
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on June 24, 2020, 06:10:51
the key is to develop a uniform style that brings together everything. You'll know when it works and when it doesn't.

Don't be afraid of color. but if you want to keep it more... mono, then you can desaturate.

and the map screen could then be overlayed:
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Derron on June 24, 2020, 07:05:25
The key to "immission" here is "overlapping".

See how the cup of coffee is OVER the map?
Now compare it to your map with the "compass" in the bottom left (with the ship drawn OVER it). If your ships are drawn "over" a piece of paper, then they should gain a kind of "sticker" effect (with pins to move or so).

Stuff cheaply "drawn over each other" makes it look exactly as this: cheap. Add some bells and whistles to your graphical approach and it can look sleek and "integrated".

@ Adam
The "map" on the map screen almost cuts the map ... a little scale down to at least have same space between "text and map" - and - "map and screen end" should be targeted for.
In both cases I would avoid too much "simple drop shadows". Draw a quad-shape, move and bend the sides a bit, place the shape behind the rectangular image (map, document, ...), make the shape 0% opacque, give it a drop shadow. The bending will lead to the effect of "curled" paper (so that it does not lay flat on the table).

The map itself could benefit from slight "folding marks". Also - in your case - it should have the white border + "caret" markers. (albeit not as big as in Santiago's suggestion). Maybe approaches of both need to be mixed here.
(BTW: I know you only do quick n dirty created mockups of your ideas - I just wanted to extend your presented vision a bit) 

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 24, 2020, 14:29:53

Thanks guys!

I will do it!

yesterday, playing with this type of menu, I made the map "Pan", and then I wanted to pan everything, so I came up with the idea of making a big desk, and the player panned on the desk to see the briefing, map , setting of weapons, all as if they were elements on the desktop which is accessed by panning.

Right now I am doing this test, to see if it works.

so Map, pre-briefint, aircraft-settings, and all that would be integrated into a single menu.

And surely, if I do that, I would have to discard the hangar3D with 3D airplane as the main menu ... because with this new menu the previous one loses sense.

There is something there that needs to be adjusted, but I will wait to see that topic.

I want to make the menu a game in itself.
that the feeling that the menu is a game within the game.
maybe with little details, at the moment I know it is not essential, but I would like to achieve that effect on the menu

As always, I am very grateful to you, your help is great! and that is very motivating!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on June 24, 2020, 14:53:16
I want to make the menu a game in itself.
that the feeling that the menu is a game within the game.

I think it might be better to keep the menu just a menu:
- first you are adding feature creep (which is detracting from the 'game')
- second, the user wants to play the airplane game not the 'hunt for the game' game
- third, no feature should be more than 2 clicks away. having to drag about a virtual desktop would possibly annoy more people that it would please. dragging anything around that it's not obvious you need to is never a good concept.
The only place that really works is in art and desktop publishing.

There are times when sticking to trusted way of working is the best approach...  ;D
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Derron on June 24, 2020, 15:22:07
Maybe he was more talking about a desk containing all the stuff. Camera only shows part of the screen. If you then go from briefing to aircraft setup the camera moves from the one position fluently to the new position on the desk.

Stuff there could be later polished by having interactive elements (a cigar with smoke, an old ventilator thing having these little plastic sheets in front so you see it is "on" ...).

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 24, 2020, 17:15:31

ok I understand.

I made a video, although the sound of the game did not appear in the video and my way of speaking is quite pathetic ... but leaving all that aside, the idea was to show them the concept of the menu.

It sounds scary to do things that detract from the game, and I hope I don't fall for it, so all my effort will be on this.

either going backwards or changing to another concept. since it is difficult for me to define what kind of menu to have in general.
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 25, 2020, 01:41:51
now i finish the first attemp of 2d map in game


have a background, a frame.png, and the sprites of each object.

the icons show the X/Z position of each real ship or airplane.

in the future can  i work with icons style

the zoom works, but no change the grid, i need to work on that too.

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on June 25, 2020, 05:35:10
I did a bit of research and came up with these 2: ( (
which detail the map:

This sort of makes me think that 'printed' maps didn't exist, so a hand drawn look would fit better. There is also potential evidence that the pilots didn't use maps, possibly directions, or even very basic cloth maps?

and (
scrolling down shows a closeup map using black and red (with some purple ink), but gives the japanese style for TOP Secret and military.
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 25, 2020, 06:24:55
I think the pilots used a vector navigation chart, and they had the help of a radio that shot a vector at them.

since in the middle of the ocean there are no visual references, they would keep track of time, heading, speed + winds, and to that they would calculate the supposed position of their aircraft carrier to return and find it wherever it should be.

only use nautical charts when you are close to land i think

In the movies, you see the pilots who are hanging a table, with the map they would use, and who has the drawing elements on that table.

I personally like both styles, the one that is hand drawn, or the one that was printed in that old style.
I have no preference for that, I think both can be very good.

In the Blitz version, he already had radio communications working, which you could request vectors, give reports, and listen to enemy communications to obtain enemy ship positions.

that helps a lot to find your aircraft carrier.
but without a doubt you have to polish the radio interface, since it was only textual and it was rare or not very intuitive.


Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on June 25, 2020, 06:36:06
very interesting maps. I'm sure that something can be worked out :)
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Derron on June 25, 2020, 07:17:43
Remember to NOT make them old and worn - at that time they there mostly shiny new (but of course they might not be so bright as nowadays paper).

If you used such a map with slight textures on it - and you want the ships/flags/... to look like "printed on it", then do not draw them "SOLID" but you need to "MULTIPLY" them (means the background shines through a bit).

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 25, 2020, 15:28:41
QuoteRemember to NOT make them old and worn - at that time they there mostly shiny new (but of course they might not be so bright as nowadays paper).

Very good point!!!!!

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 25, 2020, 23:51:03
working on radio.

I am adding the radio message system.

in blitz3d it was already working

In AGK I am just starting it now, and although I have not yet defined the graph, or the style it will have, I will advance and then it will be given the appropriate graphic style.


add a simple shadow cloudh texture over the ocean.
in the future, i go to make a nicer ocean, but for the moment, this flat ocean is ok .

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 27, 2020, 06:49:53

A dream that is coming true day by day.
I could already start filling the info for the Steam page, it will take me a long time since there is a lot of information to complete, and I never did anything like this before.
I think it is a great step for me, in my decision to professionalize myself a little and lose all these fears that I always had.

Sometimes I think, I could have done this 10 years ago, but maybe I wasn't ready. Now I don't know if I'm ready but at least gather the courage to do it!

In the history of my life, this is something very important, since practically every day I remember when I told my old man that I wanted to dedicate myself to making video games, that I had found a "blitz3D" program that would allow me to make the games that I wanted. .

I remember that I made a car in 3d, and each wheel had more than 30 thousand polygons, it was very round! It was the first thing that was taught to me in the Blitz3d forum, and I learned to save polygons from then on.

Later, they told me that I had to have a criterion, since I mixed many styles in a single game, and that was another great tip.

In this huge post, they have helped me a lot, in some way they have given me a good push to keep going, and even betray my friend B3D and redo everything from scratch with AGK.

This quarantine makes me very sentimental.

Thanks guys!

I hope Tora is worthy of so much noise!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on June 27, 2020, 15:59:33
Quote.     In the history of my life, this is something very important, since practically every day I remember when I told my old man that I wanted to dedicate myself to making video games, that I had found a "blitz3D" program that would allow me to make the games that I wanted. .       

So pleased for you, great work!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Xerra on June 27, 2020, 21:18:22
Well done, mate. Get that game out there. It looks amazing.
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on June 28, 2020, 09:47:41
My last job was supporting flight sims for the British Mod (I now work from home mainly at the mo), you're game really looks the bizness.
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 28, 2020, 22:18:49
thanks Guys, there is a lot to finish it, but starting to prepare steam is motivate me.

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 29, 2020, 01:06:41
QuoteMy last job was supporting flight sims for the British Mod

It gave me a bit of intrigue, I wonder what that is like? Could you tell a little more about what you were doing? What kind of simulator was it?
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on June 29, 2020, 08:03:14
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 29, 2020, 15:34:57
Wowww, the dream of my life!, give me one of that sims, and i never out again :)
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on June 29, 2020, 22:10:59
lol yes, I did buy a lotto ticket so maybe I'll make a purchase...Or save my money for something else...Flying a real plane was an incredible experience though.  I do miss it.
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on June 29, 2020, 22:51:37
QuoteFlying a real plane was an incredible experience though

Don't worry! You will soon be able to fly a fast Japanese fighter over the Pacific!



i start with a list of good thing to do in tora.

open/close canoppy, done!! 2 hours of work :)
Eject pilot, and parachute, all in first person view.
land on water simulation, pilot must escape from cockpit in first person, and plane go underwater fast.
so if your pilot is on the water, you teorical survive and rescue

with this 3 new thing, i trying to give sence of the flying over ocean.
if you don't find your carrier, or if you aircraft can't fly anymore, you go to water or jump.

like when in "Red Baron", when you crash, show a picture of a hospital with the pilot in the bed.

cockpit view, fist test with glass opaque texture.

parachute ready

pilot on water, first person view

is nice to see the ships, the gun fire and airplanes from the water, and you can't do nothing

now with [T] Key auto select target, and the camera point to target, ideal for dogfights
show a target icon sprite over the target you selected
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on July 01, 2020, 23:11:33
Wow, pilot ejections, now That is attention to detail!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on July 02, 2020, 21:38:06
Hi, how are you? Today I am trying to get my energies back on track.

and focus on how important it would be to have a defined main menu.

As I can not decide, choose again to return to as simple as possible, a menu of basic 2D options

and that the background, is the 3D of the game that gently moves the camera, which in the future allows me to put planes, birds, ships, or whatever occurs.

I have the neuron of menus totally ruined. so I will force this process to pass it and not have to deal with it anymore :)



Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on July 03, 2020, 06:01:53
I like the ocean background and foreground 2d overlay :)
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on July 09, 2020, 04:07:47
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Today is the first day :)!!!!

very happy, my first game in STEAM :)
i need to learn more about steam, and improve the data :), i put wrong data, 2021 :p, and my idea is put dec, 2020.
but, i can edit the page when work in Tora.

im very very happy with this new step.

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on July 09, 2020, 23:19:51
Congratulations, a big step! 😁👍
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on July 09, 2020, 23:23:59
Great stuff, good luck.   :D
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: GaborD on July 09, 2020, 23:46:55
Hope it does very well on Steam.

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on August 06, 2020, 20:38:08
hello !, how are you so long! :)

These days I'm working a little more inspired with Tora Tora !, I was a bit traumatized by the fact that I couldn't even use AGK's Getparent (), among other things that made me a little crazy. but it is already a solved issue.

Among the most outstanding novelties, is that Adam has joined to help me with the project, and being part of it, his creative contribution and his way of seeing things will undoubtedly make Tora Tora a better game.

Some of the things I was able to do was add Bombs and Torpedoes and make them work ....

Planes can now land and take off, and taxi on deck, although some details need improvement.

Menus can now be used with the keys in addition to the mouse

The menu design was proposed by Adam, so I am super happy with how it looks, although I still have to work much more to achieve everything proposed.

flight physics improve it, but I'm still not 100% satisfied

In itself, there have been many advances, but there are a thousand important things still to be done.

Today, watching videos of planes firing at ships in WW2, I did a very similar effect to what I saw in the videos about the hit of the shells on the ships, and the explorations that are generated.

I still have to improve them, and add pieces that fly off leaving a trail of smoke, that will be nice.

I am very satisfied with the effect of the projectiles, I still have to improve the SPLASH on the water ...

When all the basics are done, I start with the AI ​​pilots, squad formation and mission development, I hope that is next week.

I did a small private test to compile the game in AGK, it worked for everyone, although there are some technical details that came up that are not serious, of course there were many details about things to fix about the game.

I also tested the game on a computer with few resources and it worked quite well, so the AGK would be working pretty well compiled.

I am using the Zero to do the tests, although that plane never had bombs on the wings and less than less, torpedoes, but it is used for the tests ...

On Steam, I had some comments and other criticisms, but all very positive, little by little I am getting to know steam and feeling more comfortable with how it works.

I set the date for December 20 for the first version .....

well friends, I send you my regards!
and surely now I will start to be more active around here ...

In this video show the guns, splash, bombs and torpedo..

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Coder Apprentice on August 07, 2020, 19:21:58
Awesome! Really great to see your progress!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Steve Elliott on August 07, 2020, 19:26:24
Loving the atmosphere as always, keep going dude!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on August 07, 2020, 23:36:20
Gobsmackingly impressive stuff!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on August 08, 2020, 03:55:28
hola amigos!!!

tonight, watching midway documentary videos, a video that streamed yesterday appeared on youtube and was uploaded just today.

listening to very good music, and watching this video on my TV, having a few beers and satisfied with the day I had, I sat down and enjoyed watching my video .... to see what feelings it transmitted to me.

notebook in hand, and let's see it ... it lasts 25 minutes ...

I admit that I really enjoyed watching the video.
When I did, I wanted to transmit the peace of flying, the adrenaline of a fight, the possibility of death, of failing in the attack or of having a successful attack.

but everything is based on the plane, right?


everything is based on your aircraft carrier ....

Your aircraft carrier, the AKAGI, flagship of the Japanese fleet, is Japan, like the emperor, it is sacred! And you are a pilot of a plane that takes off from that ship, so that ship is everything for you.

According to the Japanese culture in the 40's, the emperor, divine being, and you a simple human pilot, I suppose it was not easy to balance things, even so, you were a human, but your aircraft carrier was still sacred. .. you had to land in it, nothing more sacred than that for us.

A big mistake I made is that my Japanese plane, during the video, shoots the Akagi, which I noticed, that for the symbolism of this whole, it is a very serious mistake, and I asked myself, if I am not taking all very serious ?. and I think that my fascination for this whole thing makes me feel good, it awakens something in me, and I think that is the precious grace of videogames ... well. that something inside us awakens.

I share this long streaming, see it with some background music that you like ...
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on August 10, 2020, 18:35:00
the Yorktown CV-5 us carrier




Using the same 3d style i use in AKGI, i start to model this US Carrier

next step. battleships, destroyers, cruisers, subs... and aircrafts
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: gosukiwi on August 12, 2020, 19:32:09
Looks really impressive Santi :D Keep it up!
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on August 13, 2020, 16:30:55
working in the new cockpit of the B5N

first day of modelling, 3d basic model.

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on August 14, 2020, 21:42:48

added squad type, allow to have a huge airplanes in game, like representative airplanes.

only convert in real airplanes if you are very close to them.


Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: iWasAdam on August 17, 2020, 10:22:02
great work - I don't like the map at all!

NEVER mix scales - it looks like you have flocks of birds, or the planes have babies - not a good thought...

The way the map is just sitting in the middle of the screen doesn't feel right!

A suggestion would be to have something along these lines that comes up from the bottom with the bottom being kept offscreen - sort of like the following:
Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: Santiago on November 18, 2020, 12:44:57
Hi, i still working on Tora Tora!.

I had a stop for mental reasons that allowed me to recharge the batteries, and now I'm happy to program it again.

As I am close to the release date, I am working on the most important details, this week it is the Mission Editor's turn, which will allow me and the users to test the game to the fullest.

I managed to advance on many things, even so there is still a lot missing.
The game is well oriented, but I am thinking of not launching until I am 100% satisfied with the at least basic of the game.


testing the editor is amazing the number of units that i can add, so when jump to fly, i can use the close units to creat 3d real units on the game.

this is very good for the game.


Pilot, special made for close camera and for the video trailer.
the face texture is the pilot profile image

i start to detail some special ships


i add particles for smokes, diferent lenguages support, improve the landing and takeoff physic...

but the list to do is very huge yet... :)

about the name, i thinking that maibe is go to be a legal problem with the movie, so i trying to solve that with a japan friendly name.

One of the tasks that took me a lot of work was to improve the performance of the game, eliminate memory leaks, abuse of use of objects, poor cleaning of objects, images, textures.

At this moment, the performance of the game improved a lot, even so, I am very fair when it comes to manipulating projectiles, flaks, physics and all that together in the middle of combat it can get a bit heavy.

I also worked on the realism of starting the engine in a fun way, making the internal camera more realistic, and opening the cockpit the pilot pokes his head a little more.

the engine can be turned off, improve the flap theme, even so the flight physics lacks a bit of grace and realism.

The aircraft carriers can now have faithful escorts, who try to navigate in their proper position, it is nice to see how the ships list when turning.

I'm also adding merchant ships, occasional fishing boats, tankers and freighters, so I can shoot some tempting targets or have to protect them.

I also share the statistics of my game while I am developing it, it is a file that stores some information for ... I don't really know why.

estadistics file
1440,game inicialization
1381,game exits from menu
242524,time in game in seconds
227,mission played type take_off
1050,Aircraft mission flys with a6m
76,mission played type torpedo_attack
22,torpedo dopped torpedo
22,total torpedo dopped
218,Cockpik open/close
161,Landing gear swicth use
419,Flap switch uses
600,mission played type landing
361,bomb dopped bomba
361,total bomb dopped
85,Total External fuel tank dopped
12,Eject atemps
94,Aircraft mission flys with b5n
73,Landing Hook switch uses
13647321,total distance fly long in meters
13619,total distance fly long in kilometers
203113,total local time on game in seconds
181,autopilot swicth use
61,mission played type free_fly
104,Engine started
192,Engine off
109,mission played type dog_fight
34,mission played type campaign mission
48,total local time on game in minutes
18,mission played type bomb_attack
10,mission played type hunt_bombers
341,Select new target
8,mission played type patrol
8,Aircraft mission flys with e4n
9,mission played type editor

Title: Re: TORA TORA! - An airplanes game with a new name :) - DEMO
Post by: 3DzForMe on November 18, 2020, 19:22:14
That's an impressive list of testing Santiago, good work and progress  :D