something interesting

Started by iWasAdam, January 14, 2024, 11:29:35

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I thought this would be fun to see. On the left is a photo. bits were copied (screenshots) taken into the editor and a quick scene made from the results:


Are you saying it is an automated process? Or did you have to create the model on the right manually in the editor?
This world's philosophy seems to be: "Accept our bullsh!t or pay through the nose for your social fun - oh and if you do that we won't let you have any money're stuck in bs land matey!"


all the models are pre existing - there are around 1000 - it's just a simple case to pick a model and apply the created texture.

Here' is the bitmap editor page showing the 3 'taken' images. the middle grass one I hand drew in a few minutes using the grass texture for the color info...


your editor adam, is super cool. I have it somewhere


Oh no you dont - lol - I'm still writing the damb thing...

But you can see the full connections with my other editors. there is a definate history where one concept has been taken and used to build something else. E.G.
fonts, palettes and UI, image and sound editors, etc.

The only app that hasn't been integrated is the 3d editor. but it's used as a fedder into the main editor with the primitives. There are currently 976 individual 3d models. These cover all general bases:
floors, ceilings, walls,
doors, frames, mantles, and items,
and then you have all the dressings. these cover everything from plants, trees, grass, to object, barrels, blocks, decals, you name it - something approaching it can be built.

Each 3d models is already pre uv textured, you just pick a color and texture and it's done. you have control over rotation, size and other fx such as movement, rotation, etc.

Then you have a full multi-particle system... and audio plus all things realated to connections switches, etc. and more...


Here's a quick look at the general operation of the editor:

And here's what can be done with a little thought and all the systems...


I like the look and style of that. It works quite well.

Your animation looks like something I've seen in a menu for a game somewhere a long time ago.
This world's philosophy seems to be: "Accept our bullsh!t or pay through the nose for your social fun - oh and if you do that we won't let you have any money're stuck in bs land matey!"