Dungeons of Mysteria

Started by GrindalfGames, October 03, 2023, 19:47:30

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So this is a game I finished a couple of years ago but I doing a big update and releasing on Steam(Something I should have done ages ago :P but never mind)

If you could help me out with a wishlist that would be great(You don't have to buy, but the amount of wishlists I have will determine how much I am pushed by steam in the week before release in the coming soon section). I am waiting till 15th of November to release to try and get wishlists as high as possible.
I have been working on a large update, New enemies, New items, New game mode and a new map
Check it out on here Dungeons of Mysteria on Steam (steampowered.com)
 Let me know what/if I should change anything on the store page :)


already wishlisted.

good luck  :)


great, nice to see blitzers on steam.


Great looking game, love the style and the sound, wishlisted, good luck!
BLitz3D, IDEal, AGK Studio, BMax, Java Code, Cerberus
Recent Hardware: Lenovo Re-furb'd Laptop
Oldest Hardware: Commodore Amiga 1200 with 1084S Monitor & Blitz Basic 2.1


I just released a smaller open source version of Dungeons of Mysteria
All the code is included and its CC0(Images and textures are not CC0)
Although I did release some source code before this version has completable floors, extra enemies, items, and the corner map.


great it will be nice to look at

btw I call us all blitzers on here as its our common root.


nice tidy code, i wish i coded like that


I am honoured to be called a Blitzer ;)



congrats ! 

and good luck  


Quote from: GrindalfGames on November 14, 2023, 11:00:29The day is here.
The FINAL release is available now on itch.io and steam.


This is the link for the full version on Itch:


I can't wait to get my hands on this, but need to create an Itch account.  May not get to it until tomorrow.  Wiped out and the brain isn't working too well when half asleep (the joys of old age).

*edit*  Seems I have an account created in 2018, but can no longer remember my password or email address attached to it.  Grrr...


Had to create a new account.  Bought it and I love it!  Very well-done.


Glad you're enjoying it :D
Pushing a new update in a couple of days that adds a new dungeon type, new enemy, and adds UI scaling so that people playing the game at 4k can actually see whats going on in the menus :P


I just bought all of your other stuff on Itch.  Awesome work!  Thank you.

FWIW, as a customer, I like buying from Itch.  With Steam, I have to install their crap and do not want to do that as Steam clutters up my system.  You have your stuff on Itch and I am happy to support a developer I like who is creating stuff I like and who is selling it on Itch where I can simply buy the game.

Your stuff is F U N !  and helps keep this old fart busy and out of his wife's hair.  :))


Thanks for the purchases Swampie :)
A new update is live on Itch for Dungeons of Mysteria, as you've already purchased you should have access to it(But let me know if I've screwed something up) It has a new dungeon type(Flooded Dungeons) and a new enemy Sea Snake. The UI will auto resize itself for resolutions higher than 1360x768(So now the inventory is actually usable at 4K resolution :P )