Entity Animation

Started by Pfaber11, December 03, 2022, 12:04:37

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I am having a problem with animation in that I load the ogre.mesh file and it displays fine but with no animation . What is the animation name and where do I find it or is it just a name I apply. Thanks for reading .
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


I'm still working this out apparently I need a .skeleton file which I hope I can make soon. Any help and advice much appreciated .
Thanks for reading.
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10