i have updated steam yesterday, Blitz3d (compiler) won't run anymore (error)

Started by RemiD, April 30, 2021, 09:26:50

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i have updated steam yesterday, Blitz3d (compiler) won't run anymore (error)

there is error (when compiling) :

i have already tried to reinstall Blitz3d.
still there is an error (when compiling) :

any suggestions ?


I cannot imagine that this has something to do with Steam. Just did an Steam update, tried Blitz3D and it works fine (Windows 10 here).

Might be some c++ (redist) libs that the compiler uses, some wrong path settings... Hmm...


Yesterday morning Blitz3d worked well.

Yesterday evening i have installed the last version of steam, and played the games of the competition.

Nothing else installed or changed.

The games made using Blitz3d (Wuhan gang and VShooter) still run well.


Maybe one of the games installed something the compiler doesn't like? I can only imagine some c++ redistributables. Maybe even BB3D doesn't need them, not sure.


Did your virus scanner do anything with it? I've had problems with norton or the others breaking software.

Maybe revert back to a previous windows installation point?


maybe its a sign to move away from old blitz3d and use something that easily replaces it


i have uninstalled Blitz3d
rebooted the computer
deleted the old Blitz3d directory
reinstalled Blitz3d in a new directory (with a different name)
tested to compile / run my last code, same crash happened

reinstalled directx 9.0c
tested to compile / run my last code, same crash happened

tested to compile / run another code, no crash happened...
tested to compile / run a previous code, no crash happened...

so the issue was most likely caused by something in my last code ^-^

finally i have found the cause of the crash :

see the commented line :

Global XQFlare = LoadMesh("shapes colors/QFlare.b3d") : ScaleMesh(XQFlare,0.01,0.01,0.01)
Global XQFlare_Tex = LoadTexture("shapes colors/QFlare.bmp",2) : TextureBlend(XQFlare_Tex,3)
EntityColor(XQFlare,255,255,255) : EntityFX(XQFlare,1)

Global XSpark = CreateSphere(16) : ScaleMesh(XSpark,1.0/2,1.0/2,1.0/2)

Global XQSpark = LoadMesh("shapes colors/QSpark.b3d") : ScaleMesh(XQSpark,0.01,0.01,0.01)
;Global XQSpark_Tex = LoadTexture("shapes colors/QFlare.bmp",2) : TextureBlend(XQSpark_Tex,3)
Global XQSpark_Tex = LoadTexture("shapes colors/QSpark5.bmp",2) : TextureBlend(XQSpark_Tex,3)
;alpha0 background texels
For PX% = 0 To 128-1
For PY% = 0 To 128-1
  If( PixRed = 000 And PixGreen = 000 And PixBlue = 000 )
EntityColor(XQSpark,255,255,255) : EntityFX(XQSpark,1)

apparently, since QFlare.bmp was loaded before as a texture (with alpha flag)
and then QFlare.bmp was loaded again but the alpha of the texels modified
this produced this crash...

now i load another texture with a different filename and no more crash.

the crash was probably caused by how Blitz3d manages textures having the same path+filename...

not a major problem, but to keep in mind.

maybe its a sign to move away from old blitz3d and use something that easily replaces it
no need to, Blitz3d still works very well ;D
(after all these years of coding, i have encountered only a few bugs (5), and there are easy fixes/workarounds.)


Quote from: RemiD on April 30, 2021, 09:41:38
Yesterday morning Blitz3d worked well.
Nothing else installed or changed.

See how your "Nothing" became "nothing" ?

Nonetheless, glad you got it working (again).



when you install a new software or an update of a software, sometimes it can install/update external libs.

and since Blitz3d uses old external libs ( MVC++ 6.0 was released in 1998 ! , Directx7 was released in 1999 ! )  it may be possible that one day, the updated version of another software, installs new external libs which erases the old deprecated versions (that Blitz3d ide needs)

that's what i thought after the steam update...