Lóvr IDE

Started by Pfaber11, May 28, 2024, 00:12:26

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Hi I'm trying to find an IDE for Lóvr and would appreciate some help. Thanks
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


Never heard of it. And if it's new, and they haven't supplied an IDE or a plugin extension for it, then nobody else will have.

Naughty Alien

..since you are in to LUA, this may be very good choice for you as its open source, and complete 2D and 3D game engine with integrated editors and IDE and fully programmable with LUA.



Nice suggestion Alien I had ruled out Defold as I thought it was almost all 2d . Just downloaded it to take a look and it looks promising and I hope the 3d is useable. The reason I like Lua is I tried it a few years ago and I liked it but had problems with creating exe's. Defold seems a good place to begin and if the 3d is good enough for me all should be good and I can stop searching for the Holy Grail. BASIC and Lua are what I'm into. There are jobs out there for Lua and it is mainstream( I think ). It comes with it's own IDE also so It's all systems go .  I think Lua will be around for a long time to come as it's 
used in many situations. I looked at other Lua engines and frameworks and did not find what I was looking, Hopefully this will do what I want. I really hate learning a new language, sitting staring at a blank screen but I know from experience once you get those first lines of code down and get the ball rolling it's all systems go. Thanks Dawlane and thanks Alien.
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


I can't believe I missed Defold after spending days trying to find a solution. I think of a game engine being mostly drag and drop (Mostly) and a language as being nearly all coding. Hence Unity and Godot are out of the picture for me. AGK to me is coding and I would describe it as extended BASIC a framework and I think Defold is probably the same. I looked at leadwerks and wicked engine and Lóvr and Love and a few more. I can't believe I'm doing this again but in a few weeks or months I should be up to speed. Have an excellent day.
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


Quote from: Pfaber11 on May 28, 2024, 19:14:08I can stop searching for the Holy Grail
There's no such thing as "The Holy Grail". You will be looking forever and getting nowhere. And judging from your other topic posts, this is exactly what you have been doing.
Each language is suited to a particular task. The next best thing that everyone praises as the language that will solve everyone's the problems, usually ends up having it's own problems that you have to find workarounds for.


Well I have a plan and that is to use AGK S for as long as I can and to learn Lua 5.4 without a game engine. 
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


I have lovr working as it should and I believe it is LuaJIT so should be quite nippy. What took me ages was looking for a suitable IDE and it turns out vs code is a good match. I thought I would need a file to use lovr with vs code but you just need the Lua language and Lua debug files. Anyway it all works fine all I have to do now is learn Lua which will take some time. This is my stab at a main stream language. If I fail at this for any reason I've got AGK S to fall back to. 
       Have a nice day.
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


So far I have learnt very little I will try and find a suitable learning approach. I think I need a bit of help however finding the right tutorial is taking a little while. I think I am just gonna type Lua code for now then try to use the 3d when
I have sorted it. With AGK I had it easy as I knew the basics of BASIC , stos , BBC BASIC, zx basic, it was very useful when I tried Blitz3D and AGK Classic and a few others Pure BASIC. Now I have to learn Lua as well as Lovr. Hmm. 
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


There must be a few people here who could recommend a good book to get me kickstarted with Lua. A sort of if I could have only one book. 
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


I have many many years of LUA experience but i can offer you no good book to read on it. It's a language easier to pickup and understand than BASIC itself.

I suppose if you had to start somewhere with NO programing experience what so ever I would suggest https://www.lua.org/pil/1.html

video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMacxZQMPXs

But if you have the slightest skill in coding in ANY language there really is no need to tutorial LUA.


I think Lua will most likely still be around in a fair while from now I guess it depends what computers will look like compared to now in 10 or 20 years. I think this is gonna be a similar experience to using AGK but with Lua instead of BASIC. It should be a bit faster than AGK tier 1 so I will gain some performance. For the time being I'm still going to continue using AGK Studio and the idea is to learn Lóvr and Lua over how ever long it takes. I think maybe I'll spend a couple of hours a day on Lua and the rest on AGK Studio. I've decided on my next project and hope I've not bitten off more than I can chew. Space trading with beaming up and down , phasers , planets to visit ,etc. Why Lua because I thought it would be easy (Hmm. not so far ) I think with the right book or documentation  I will make fast progress but still looking. I have learnt a few things so far and at least I can use it with the IDE (vs code) and test things. It can use height maps too and goto label  and is procedural so I think I will get along ok. 
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


Hi made some progress today as in managed to produce my first .exe . Not too difficult and it runs fine. At least I know that part is good now. I have got a bit skeptical about computer languages as in bugs and problems but I have faith in AGK S and hopefully I will be able to say the same thing about Lóvr in a couple of months or whatever it takes. In a way I would of liked to stay with AGK S since I'm a bit fluent in it now but I figure if I'm gonna take on a new challenge then I need to get on with it. I will post here with progress or problems. Happy coding  
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


I have managed to create the ö. This will make it easier to search. Hold alt and type 0246 release and there it is, you have to use the NUMBER PAD on the right of the keyboard. Lövr . This might be useful to know. 
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10


Well I'm finding this is a stressful thing to do (Learning a new language). My advice would be do not learn a language as a starter language but learn a language because that is what you want to use going forward. It may be harder initially but in the long run may save you considerable time. I'm pleased I know AGK S somewhat and consider it to be a complete language. This was hard to start with but with some  work I managed it .If I had started with Lua It may be I would be sitting pretty right now or would of found it too hard and given up on the whole thing. Have a nice day.   
Windows 11 home edition
PureBasic 6.20 and AppGameKit studio
ASUS Vivo book 15 16gb ram 256gb ssd
HP Desktop; AMD 3700 A10 16GB ram 2 GB graphics card windows 10