[bmx] Multithreaded PHP Server by Luke111 [ 1+ years ago ]

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Title : Multithreaded PHP Server
Author : Luke111
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : I have heard talk of, "How do we make BlitzServe2 work with PHP, Here it is! Also check out my next submission into the miscellaneous archives for install cache root. If there is any copyrights or anything that makes it not look public domain, disregard it. It is now public domain (My poor standards), anyways, I didn't write the first version!

Code :
Code (blitzmax) Select
'Lukehttpd Web Server (Based on BlitzServe2)
'v0.0.0.2 Added Base PHP Support
'WINDOWS ONLY (for now)
'Well this is pretty much the same as BlitzServe2
'For PHP, change phproot$ to the base php directory
'Also, change php.exe to the PHP binary name
'The CacheRoot Structure:
'Your Base Cache Root Location(C:cacheroot)
'Inside there is 800000 folders, all with a file named batch.bat inside.
'Yes, I know this is not the easiest way of going about the serving, but I have
'2x2TB Hard Drives and 8 GB RAM and really don't care at the moment.
'If you want a different algorithm and a different solution for the Dining Philosopher's problem
'then you implement it yourself.
'The folders are named 0-800000
'That's about it. It is pretty slow, but good for learning; as is most code-archives work.
'There is a rogue print statement somewhere in there (that I used for debugging),
'I am not in the mood to find it.
'Look for InstallCacheRoot in the Miscellaneous Archives. It is the program that installs the
'800000 folder-file combo. (Unless you implement your own method, which is strongly reccommended).
Import pub.freeprocess
'Document Root
'The place where all the files to serve are stored
Global documentroot:String = "D:htdocs"
'Set the apptitle, or the title of the application
AppTitle = "LUHTTPD (Luke HTTP Server)"
'fix the document root for windows
documentroot$ = Replace(documentroot$,"/","")
Global phproot:String = "D:php"
Global phpmodule:String = "php.exe"
Global cacheroot:String = "D:cacheroot"
If Right(documentroot$,1) = "" Or Right(documentroot$,1) = "/" Then
documentroot$ = Left(documentroot$,Len(documentroot$) - 1)
If FileType(documentroot$) <> 2 Then
RuntimeError "Error 0001: Document Root Invalid"
Const OPTIMUM_IO:Int = 65535
'Document root is now fixed, or has errored.
'PLIST: Threading support type
'main field
Field list:TList = CreateList()
'add something to the list field
Method Add(inf:String)
ListAddLast list, inf
End Method
'print the whole list field
Method PAll()
For Local i:String = EachIn list
Print i
ListRemove list, i
End Method
End Type
'CON: Each connection has a socket and a socketstream
Type CON
Field socket:TSocket
Field stream:TSocketStream
End Type
'ToPass: Container for the parameters to pass to the thread
Type ToPass
Field nthread:Long
Field nsock:TSocket
End Type
'Thread list and mutex, to stop the client from reconnecting and corruption
'and stuff of that sort
Global ThreadListMutex:TMutex = CreateMutex()
Global ThreadList:TList = CreateList()
'start of the good stuff :)
Local Thread:TThread
Local NumOfThreads:Int = 0
'set up the array of threadnumber
Global threadnumary:Byte[800000]
Local y:Long = 0
For y = 0 To 800000 Step 1
threadnumary[y] = 0
'the grabber socket
Local serversock:TSocket = CreateTCPSocket()
'was the grabber socket successfully created?
If serversock Then
'bind the socket to port 80
If BindSocket(serversock, 80) Then
'some backlog stuff
SocketListen serversock, 5
Print "LUHTTPD Listening on Port 80"
Print "LUHTTPD Serving Document Root: "+documentroot$
Print "LUHTTPD Ready To Roll!"
Print "Awaiting Connections..."
'main loop
'accept a connection
Local remote:TSocket = SocketAccept(serversock)
'is there a new connection?
If remote Then
'create the new ToPass
Local passer:ToPass = New ToPass
'create the new thread
Local threadnumber:Long = FindOpenThreadNumber()
passer.nthread = threadnumber
passer.nsock = remote
Thread = CreateThread(ProcessConnection,passer:ToPass)
'add the thread to the thread list
ListAddLast ThreadList, Thread
'Increment the number of threads, because we have a new one
NumOfThreads = NumOfThreads + 1
'kill done threads
For thread = EachIn ThreadList
If Not ThreadRunning(thread) Then
ListRemove ThreadList, thread
NumOfThreads = NumOfThreads - 1
'stop being a cpu whore
Delay 5
'start shutdown if the esc key is hit
'shutting down
Print ""
Print "Waiting for connections to close..."
'close it all!!!
LockMutex ThreadListMutex
For thread = EachIn ThreadList
WaitThread thread
UnlockMutex ThreadListMutex
CloseSocket serversock
RuntimeError "Error 0002: Could not bind to port 80"
RuntimeError "Error 0003: Could not create server"
Function ProcessConnection:Object (obj:Object)
Local obji:ToPass = ToPass(obj)
Local g:Long = obji.nthread
Local p:PLIST = New PLIST
Local c:CON = New CON
c.socket = obji.nsock
If SocketConnected (c.socket)
p.Add ""
p.Add "Request from " + DottedIP (SocketRemoteIP (c.socket))
c.stream = CreateSocketStream (c.socket)
p.Add "ERROR: No stream created from socket!"
' No stream was created -- this can happen!
KillConnection c
Return Null
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' Some variables (see further down for meanings)...
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Local eoc:Int
Local eop:Int
Local command:String
Local parameter:String
Local file:String
Local http:String
Local program:String
Local incoming:String
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' HTTP requests end with a blank line, so we read until we get that...
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' Read a line from an incoming HTTP request...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' The format of an incoming request line is:
' "Command" [space] "parameters"
' Examples...
' "GET /thisfile.txt"
' "User-Agent; AcmeBrowse"
If SocketConnected (c.socket)
incoming = ReadLine (c.stream)
KillConnection c
Return Null
If incoming <> ""
' -------------------------------------------------------------
' Got a line? Let's parse! Split command and parameter(s)...
' -------------------------------------------------------------
eoc = Instr (incoming, " ") ' End of command part of incoming
command = Lower (Left (incoming, eoc)) ' Command part of incoming
parameter = Mid (incoming, eoc + 1) ' Parameter part of incoming
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' Let's see what command we've got...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
Select command$
Case "get "
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' Got a HTTP file request!
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' Format of GET is: "GET /thisfile.txt"
eop = Instr (parameter, " ") ' End of first parameter ("GET")
file = Mid (parameter, 1, eop - 1) ' First parameter ("GET")
http = Mid (parameter, eop + 1) ' Second parameter ("/thisfile.txt")
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' Requesting program's name/identifier...
' ---------------------------------------------------------
Case "user-agent: "
program = Mid (incoming, eoc + 1)
End Select
Until incoming = "" ' Got blank line after headers, so all done here...
file = Replace (file, "/", "")
' -------------------------------------------------------------
' Remove  from end of filename (used for folder redirection)...
' -------------------------------------------------------------
If Right (file, 1) = "" Then file = Left (file, Len (file) - 1)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' Lessee what we've got...
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
p.Add "Requested file: " + file
p.Add "Requested by: " + program
p.Add "Requested HTTP version: " + http
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' OK, we barely know what we're doing, so only accept HTTP 1.1...
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
If http$ <> "HTTP/1.1"
' Very wary of streams now!
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, "HTTP/1.1 505 This server only accepts HTTP version 1.1"
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, ""
Catch error:Object
p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Received non-HTTP 1.1 request, but stream failed outside error-checking!"
KillConnection c
Return Null
End Try
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' It was a HTTP 1.1 request...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------
' Convert any %xx (Hex) codes in URL to Chr (ascii) character...
' (Eg. %20 is ascii 57, ie. Chr (57), ie. a Space.)
file = UnHexURL (file)
If file
If Left (file, 1) <> ""
file = "" + file ' Add leading "/" if not found...
' -------------------------------------------------------------
' Does the requested file exist in our 'site' folder?
' -------------------------------------------------------------
Local file_type:Int = FileType (documentroot + file)
If file = "" Then file_type = 2
Select file_type
Case 0 ' File does not exist...
p.Add "404: File not found (" + file + ")"
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, ""
Catch error:Object
p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Stream failed outside error-checking!"
KillConnection c
Return Null
End Try
Case 1 ' File exists!
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, ""
Catch error:Object
p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Stream failed outside error-checking!"
KillConnection c
Return Null
End Try
Local bit:Byte = 0
If Lower(Right(file,4)) = ".php" Then
Local oofile:TStream
oofile = WriteFile(cacheroot$+""+String.FromLong(g)+"atch.bat")
WriteLine(oofile,phproot$+""+phpmodule$+" -f "+documentroot$+file+" > "+cacheroot$+""+String.FromLong(g)+file)
CloseFile oofile
bit = 1
Local requested:TStream
If bit = 0 Then
requested = ReadFile (documentroot + file)
requested:TStream = ReadFile (cacheroot + "" + String.FromLong(g) + file)
If requested Then
While Not Eof (requested)
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream)
Local buffer:TBank = CreateBank (OPTIMUM_IO)
Local bytesread:Int = 0
Local offset:Int = 0
If buffer
bytesread = ReadBank (buffer, requested, 0, OPTIMUM_IO)
' This line may trigger Try/Catch error (write-to-stream)...
WriteBank buffer, c.stream, 0, bytesread
offset = offset + bytesread
Until Eof (requested)
buffer = Null
p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Socket lost while writing file"
If requested
CloseFile requested
If SocketConnected (c.socket)
If Not Eof (c.stream)
WriteLine c.stream, ""
p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): No socket for sending blank line after file"
KillConnection c
Return Null
Catch error:Object
' This can be triggered during file read/write While/Wend loop,
' for reasons unknown (socket lost just after socket and stream
' checked valid?)...
p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Error while writing file to stream"
KillConnection c
Return Null
End Try
Case 2 ' Folder...
' Try index.htm and index.html...
Local redirect:String = file + "index.php"
If FileType (documentroot + redirect) = 0 ' Nope!
redirect = file + "index.htm"
If FileType(documentroot + redirect) = 0 Then
redirect = file + "index.html" ' We'll see...
If FileType (documentroot + redirect) = 0
redirect = ""
If redirect
' Re-direct browser to index.htm or index.html if present (browser will make new request, ie. new thread will kick in)...
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, "HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect"
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, "location: " + redirect
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, ""
' No index.htm or index.html found, so show folder listing message...
Local html:String = "<HTML><TITLE>Folder request</TITLE><BODY>Folder listings not allowed!</BODY></HTML>"
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, ""
If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (c.stream) Then WriteLine c.stream, html
Catch error:Object
p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Stream failed outside error-checking!"
KillConnection c
Return Null
End Try
End Select
KillConnection c
'fix the thread number array with this thread's index
threadnumary[g] = 0
Return Null
End Function

' Made separate as it's referenced a lot...

Function KillConnection (c:CON)
If SocketConnected (c.socket) Then CloseSocket c.socket
If c.stream And Not Eof (c.stream) Then CloseStream c.stream
End Function

' Helper functions...

Function UnHexURL:String (url:String)
Local pos:Int
pos = Instr (url, "%")
If pos
Local hexx:String = Mid (url$, pos, 3)
url = Replace (url, hexx, Chr (HexToDec (hexx)))
Until pos = 0
Return url
End Function

Function HexToDec:Int (h:String)
If Left (h, 1) = "%" Then h = Right (h, Len (h) - 1)
h = Upper (h)
Local a:String
Local d:Int
For Local r:Int = 1 To Len (h)
d = d Shl 4; a = Mid (h, r, 1)
If Asc (a) > 60
d = d + Asc (a) - 55
d = d + Asc (a) - 48
Return d
End Function
'Added Function to find the first open thread number
Function FindOpenThreadNumber:Long()
Local z:Long = 0
For z = 0 To 800000 Step 1
If threadnumary[z] = 0 Then
Return z
RuntimeError "Error: Max Connection Limit Reached!"
End Function

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