uploading a cerebus project into my website question

Started by Hardcoal, October 20, 2020, 15:57:24

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How do i upload a cerebus project into my website?
and than run it :)
Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


My two cents applies to any html5 game not just cerberusx

Go to your web maintenance program or ftp system.

Create a sub folder on your website eg 'mygame'

Find your html5 game on your pc - it probably has a file called mygame.html as well as a data folder full of your game's media assets. 

Rename mygame.html to index.html.

Upload index.html and all the subfolders to your website 'mygame' folder.

Then to run your game do the following:

Open browser and point to www.yourwebsite/mygame/ and it should just run.

Some differences between running locally and on website :

In some browsers such as ie the localStorage.setitem and .getitem commands don't function locally only on web.

Audio plays correctly only on desktop browsers easily.  As soon as you go to mobile there are heaps of tricks you need to employ to play audio.

And much more..