SQLite in Cerberus-X

Started by Scaremonger, July 22, 2020, 12:55:23

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Hi guys,
Hope you're all well and keeping safe.

Does anyone know if there are any Cerberus-x or Monkey-x modules that work on the Android platform?



Im so confused so many Monkey versions..
which one is the best to invest?
Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


Define best to invest. What is your goal?


i want to make 2d games.. and chat site..

Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


2D games you can make with all versions. If you want to target mobile and want to use Ads or IAP and Android, then currently IAP is not up to Googles latest requirements. But it will get there. In general Cerberus X would be better to use then the old Monkey X. Regarding Wonkey, let's IwasAdam tell you about its current state.

A chat site... you would be better use HTML5/Javascript and php directly for it. That would be much more simple.


Yep, as Mike says, for a chat site you would need some form of pho/python.

On the wonky front. It's very mature with a lot of advanced 2d stuff built into the core. You are already using blitz, so Cerberus and wonkey (although differnt) share similar cores. Cerberus being more advanced language than blitz, and wonkey similarly.

But... wonkey has one single advantage for you; it has much more advanced sound. And I can open my system stuff to you which answers every issue you recently had with audio. You can check in with me personally if you want more details.


awesome. than wonkey it is :p
in my future
where can i get it?
Things I've done:   https://itch.io/profile/hardcoal  [I keep improving them btw]


I'll get something ready for you

pop along here

look down the page and follow the instructions for windows/macos, etc