Make a GadgetItem in a listbox visible?

Started by hackball, May 17, 2020, 20:32:06

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I am still running Mac OS X, not macOS, because of the limitations.I can test my apps on Mojave, HighSierra if i want, but for now i keep my 10.9 Mavericks. It looks better.


What limitations are present in macOS? I can only think of lack of 32-bit support (which is why I can't help with BlitzMax 151).


Yes, 32bit support and you can never go back. I think it is really bad to "upgrade" to a major OS version every year and potentially cut off all bondings some artificial unknown time (days, months...) later.It is still OS 10, right. Every followup is just a revision, it must not break compatibility. That was the rule before. Nowadays they push an update and two years later none of your Apps are working anymore, maybe sooner, who knows?


It is possible that if you have an older version OS then you probably have older version of Xcode developments tools installed. If you update them you might get the module building working. Also, you might be missing Xcode command line tools as well.

If you try then please backup your Blitzmax/mod folder first so if anything goes wrong you can always revert back.

If you destroy anything else in the process then I can't be held responsible :-)

- Got 01100011 problems, but the bit ain't 00000001