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Languages & Coding => Blitz Code Archives => BlitzPlus Gui => Topic started by: BlitzBot on June 29, 2017, 00:28:38

Title: [bb] Start Screen by Nicstt [ 1+ years ago ]
Post by: BlitzBot on June 29, 2017, 00:28:38
Title : Start Screen
Author : Nicstt
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : The code below is split into two .bb files - the first is called 'Main Game', the second is 'Opening' which is an include called by Main Game Loop

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; ************************************************************************************************************************
; Written by Nicholas Tindall
; ************************************************************************************************************************
AppTitle "version 0"
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Include "Opening"

; constants that should be adjusted depending on requirements - see: Opening

; SETUP_Help ; used to inform Opening Screen if addition help/instructions available - true or false - disables the radio button if false
; SETUP_Prefs ; not used atm,  true or false - disables the radio button if false
; SETUP_TwoPlayer ; true or false - disables the radio button if false
; SETUP_CompPlayer ; true or false - disables the radio button if false
; SETUP_Full ; true of false - disables the radio button if false
; SETUP_Windowed ; true of false - disables the radio button if false
; SETUP_Psudo ; true of false - disables the radio button if false

; info passed to these from Opening

; screenWidth ; width of game screen
; screenHeight ; height of game screen
; screenDepth ; depth of game screen
; screenType ; type is windowed or full screen - 1 = full screen, 2 = windowed, 3 = Psuedo, will be reset to 1 by main game loop
; playerNumber ; 1 = one, 2 = two, 3 = computer oponent

; Opening uses them to determine actions - .StartGameSetup is where game starts
; COMBO_position = 0 ; what number the combo box should begin, ie first in list or further

; HELP_frame = 18 ; how many lines of text per page of help displayed
; HELP_title = True ; set to false if no title lines - otherwise displays first line of help centered and in a larger font
; displays first page with title line regardless

.StartGameSetup ; main game starts from here
; ... Constants and Globals ...

; ... Type Setup ...

; ... Sound Setup ...

; ... Graphics Setup ...

If (screenType > 0) And (screenType < 3)
Graphics screenWidth, screenHeight, screenDepth, screenType
ElseIf screenType = 3
screenType = 2
Graphics screenWidth, screenHeight, screenDepth, screenType
ElseIf screenType = 0
RuntimeError "ERROR on screenType - Problem with depth"

SetBuffer(BackBuffer()) : ClsColor 0, 0, 0 : Cls : Flip
; * * * * * * * * *  M A I N  L O O P  * * * * * * * * * *
Global delay_timer = CreateTimer(60)

If KeyHit(1) Then Exit

Gosub clearandfreestuff: EndGraphics
FlushKeys : FlushEvents()
Goto startoptionscreen
; * * * * * * * * * *  F U N C T I O N S  * * * * * * * * * *

; * * * * * * * * * *  S U B - R O U T I N E S  * * * * * * * * * *

; clear and free stuff


; ... Data ...

If CountGfxModes()=0 RuntimeError "No fullscreen gfx modes detected"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ...Button Controls and globals for game/program, some info to be passed to main program...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; constants that should be adjusted depending on requirements
Const SETUP_Help = False ; used to inform Opening Screen if addition help/instructions available - true or false - NOT disabled
Const SETUP_Prefs = False ; not used atm,  true or false - disables the radio button if false
Const SETUP_TwoPlayer = False ; true or false - disables the radio button if false
Const SETUP_CompPlayer = False ; true or false - disables the radio button if false
Const SETUP_Full = True ; true of false - disables the radio button if false
Const SETUP_Windowed = True ; true of false - disables the radio button if false
Const SETUP_Psudo = True ; true of false - disables the radio button if false - will be disabled if current Windows mode not one of options available
; info passed to Main
Global screenWidth = 0 ; width of game screen
Global screenHeight = 0 ; height of game screen
Global screenDepth = 0 ; depth of game screen
Global screenType = 0 ; type is windowed or full screen - 1 = full screen, 2 = windowed, 3 = Psuedo, will be reset to 1 by main program
Global playerNumber = 1 ; 1 = one, 2 = two, 3 = computer oponent

; instructions and/or help,
Const HELP_frame = 18 ; how many lines of text per page of help displayed
Const HELP_title = True ; set to false if no title lines - otherwise displays first line of help centered and in a larger font
; displays first page with title line regardless

; useful during game creation to always start at specific resolution, i think so anyway :)
Const COMBO_position = 0 ; what number the combo box should begin, ie first in list or further

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ...Event definitions...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Const EVENT_None = $0 ; No event (eg. a WaitEvent timeout)
Const EVENT_KeyDown = $101 ; Key pressed
Const EVENT_KeyUp = $102 ; Key released
Const EVENT_ASCII = $103 ; ASCII key pressed
Const EVENT_MouseDown = $201 ; Mouse button pressed
Const EVENT_MouseUp = $202 ; Mouse button released
Const EVENT_MouseMove = $203 ; Mouse moved
Const EVENT_Gadget = $401 ; Gadget clicked
Const EVENT_Move = $801 ; Window moved
Const EVENT_Size = $802 ; Window resized
Const EVENT_Close = $803 ; Window closed
Const EVENT_Front = $804 ; Window brought to front
Const EVENT_Menu = $1001 ; Menu item selected
Const EVENT_LostFocus = $2001 ; App lost focus
Const EVENT_GotFocus = $2002 ; App got focus
Const EVENT_Timer = $4001 ; Timer event occurred

Type gfxTypes
Field width
Field height
Field depth
Field count
End Type

Type helptext
Field linetext$
Field page
Field linenumber
End Type

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ...Main Window Setup...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; help window
Global helpwindow, canvasPreview, panelButtonHelp, buttonQuitHelp, buttonPreviousHelp, buttonNextHelp
; * * * info for main window in the function
Global mainwindow = CenterWindow ("Setup Screen", 390, 200, 0, 3) ; name, width, height, group, style
SetMinWindowSize mainwindow, 390, 200

;icon=ExtractIconA(QueryObject(mainwindow,1),"OWN ICON HERE.ico",0) ; used to display own icon if have the required userlibs in blitz
;SetClassLongA(QueryObject(mainwindow,1),-14,icon) ; thx to Grey Alien for that:)
; ******

; * * * CreateButton( text$,x,y,width,height,group[,style] )
Global panelButton = CreatePanel ( 260, 5, 114, 159, mainwindow, 0 )
Global buttonQuit  = CreateButton( "'Q'uit",   0, 0,  110, 35, panelButton , 1 )
Global buttonStart = CreateButton( "'S'tart",  0, 41, 110, 35, panelButton , 1 ) ; start game
Global buttonHelp  = CreateButton( "'H'elp",   0, 82, 110, 35, panelButton , 1 ) ; show instructions / help
Global buttonPrefs= CreateButton( "'P'references",   0, 123, 110, 35, panelButton , 1 ) ;
SetGadgetLayout panelButton, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonQuit, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonStart, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout buttonHelp, 2, 2, 2, 2  : SetGadgetLayout buttonPrefs, 2, 2, 2, 2
; ******

; * * * panel and label for full screen or windowed mode
Global panelRadio = CreatePanel ( 10, 5, 119, 120, mainwindow, 1 ) ; 0 = no border, 1 = sunken border
Global labelRadio = CreateLabel ( "     Screen Options", 1, 0, 100, 15, panelRadio, 0 ) ; 0 = no border, 1 = border, 3 = sunken border
Global radioWind = CreateButton( "Window Mode",         2, 22, 94, 20, panelRadio, 3 )
Global radioFull = CreateButton( "Full Screen",         2, 53, 94, 20, panelRadio, 3 )
Global radioPsudo = CreateButton( "Psuedo Full Screen",  2, 84, 114, 20, panelRadio, 3 )
SetGadgetLayout panelRadio, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout labelRadio, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout radioWind, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout radioFull, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout radioPsudo, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetButtonState radioWind, 1
; ******

; * * * panel and label for one or two players
Global panelRadio2 = CreatePanel ( 140, 5, 110, 120, mainwindow, 1 ) ; 0 = no border, 1 = sunken border
Global labelRadio2 = CreateLabel ( "  Number of Players", 1, 0, 100, 15, panelRadio2, 0 ) ; 0 = no border, 1 = border, 3 = sunken border
Global radio2OnePlayer = CreateButton( "One Player",     2, 22, 94, 20, panelRadio2, 3 )
Global radio2TwoPlayer = CreateButton( "Two Players", 2, 53, 94, 20, panelRadio2, 3 )
Global radio2CompPlayer = CreateButton( "Computer Player", 2, 84, 104, 20, panelRadio2, 3 )
SetGadgetLayout panelRadio2, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout labelRadio2, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout radio2OnePlayer, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout radio2TwoPlayer, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout radio2CompPlayer, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetButtonState radio2OnePlayer, 1
; ******

; * * * adds combo box then checks for graphics modes and adds them to combo box
Global comboGraphics = CreateComboBox( 10, 140, 240, 24, mainwindow )
GfxModesWindowed() ; adds the gfx modes to combo box
SetGadgetLayout comboGraphics, 2, 2, 2, 2 ; SelectGadgetItem comboGraphics, 0 - sets combo box To display specific entry - 0 is First entry - is set in specific function
; ******

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ...Disable the buttons not required...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

If SETUP_Prefs = False Then DisableGadget buttonPrefs
If SETUP_TwoPlayer = False Then DisableGadget radio2TwoPlayer
If SETUP_CompPlayer = False Then DisableGadget radio2CompPlayer
If SETUP_Full = False Then DisableGadget radioFull
If SETUP_Windowed = False Then DisableGadget radioWind
If SETUP_Psudo = False Then DisableGadget radioPsudo
If SETUP_TwoPlayer = False And SETUP_CompPlayer = False Then DisableGadget radio2OnePlayer
If SETUP_Full = False And SETUP_Psudo = False Then DisableGadget radioWind

; * * * * * * * * *  M A I N  L O O P  * * * * * * * * * *
Select WaitEvent(1)
Case EVENT_Gadget ; gadget clicked $401
Select EventSource()
Case buttonStart
Gosub freeallgadgets : EndGraphics
FlushKeys : FlushEvents()
Goto StartGameSetup
Case buttonHelp
HideGadget mainwindow
helpwindow = CenterWindow ("Help", 485, 514 + 60, 0, 17)
ShowHelp() ; handles help window
ShowGadget mainwindow
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonPrefs
; nothing setup
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonQuit
If Confirm( "Confirm Quit?" ) = True
Gosub freeallgadgets : EndGraphics : End
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case radioWind
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case radioFull
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case radioPsudo
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case comboGraphics
ActivateGadget mainwindow
End Select
Case EVENT_Close ;window close
Gosub freeallgadgets : EndGraphics : End
Case EVENT_LostFocus ;suspend!
While WaitEvent() <> EVENT_GotFocus
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case EVENT_KeyUp
If EventData() = 16 ; quit
If Confirm( "Confirm Quit?" ) = True
Gosub freeallgadgets : EndGraphics : End
ActivateGadget mainwindow
If EventData() = 35 ; help
HideGadget mainwindow
helpwindow = CenterWindow ("Help", 485, 514 + 60, 0, 17)
ShowHelp() ; handles help window
ShowGadget mainwindow
ActivateGadget mainwindow
If EventData() = 31 ; start
Gosub freeallgadgets : EndGraphics
FlushKeys : FlushEvents()
Goto StartGameSetup
If EventData() = 25 ; preferences

End Select

Gosub freeallgadgets : EndGraphics : End

; * * * * * * * * * *  F U N C T I O N S  * * * * * * * * * *
Function GameStart()
mode1=SelectedGadgetItem(comboGraphics) + 1
For mode.gfxTypes = Each gfxTypes
If modecount = mode1
screenWidth = modewidth
screenHeight = modeheight
screenDepth = modedepth
If ( ButtonState (radioPsudo) = 1 )
screenType = 3
ElseIf ( ButtonState (radioWind) = 1 )
screenType = 2
ElseIf ( ButtonState (radioFull) = 1 )
screenType = 1
If ( ButtonState (radio2OnePlayer) = 1 )
playerNumber = 1
ElseIf ( ButtonState (radio2TwoPlayer) = 1 )
playerNumber = 2
ElseIf ( ButtonState (radio2CompPlayer) = 1 )
playerNumber = 3
End Function

Function GfxModesPsudo()
For mode.gfxTypes = Each gfxTypes : Delete mode : Next
count = 1
For k1 = 1 To CountGfxModes() ; 640, 480 / 800, 600 / 1024, 768 / 1280, 1024 / 1600, 1200
t1$ = GfxModeWidth(k1) + " width   x   " + GfxModeHeight(k1) + " height   x   " + GfxModeDepth(k1) + " depth"
; If ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 640 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 800 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1024 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1280 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1600 ) And ( GfxModeHeight(k1) = 480 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 600 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 768 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1024 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1200 )
If ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 640 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 480 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 800 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 600 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1024 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 768 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1280 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1024 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1600 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1200 )
If GraphicsWidth() = GfxModeWidth(k1) And GraphicsHeight() =  GfxModeHeight(k1) And GraphicsDepth() = GfxModeDepth(k1)
AddGadgetItem comboGraphics, t1$
mode.gfxTypes = New gfxTypes
modewidth = GfxModeWidth(k1)
modeheight = GfxModeHeight(k1)
modedepth = GfxModeDepth(k1)
modecount = count
count = count + 1
SelectGadgetItem comboGraphics, COMBO_position
count = 0
If CountGadgetItems(comboGraphics) = 0 Then SetButtonState radioPsudo, 0 : DisableGadget radioPsudo : DisableGadget buttonStart
If CountGadgetItems(comboGraphics) > 0 Then EnableGadget buttonStart
End Function

Function GfxModesWindowed()
For mode.gfxTypes = Each gfxTypes : Delete mode : Next
count = 1
For k1 = 1 To CountGfxModes() ; 640, 480 / 800, 600 / 1024, 768 / 1280, 1024 / 1600, 1200
t1$ = GfxModeWidth(k1) + " width   x   " + GfxModeHeight(k1) + " height   x   " + GfxModeDepth(k1) + " depth"
; If ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 640 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 800 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1024 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1280 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1600 ) And ( GfxModeHeight(k1) = 480 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 600 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 768 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1024 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1200 )
If ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 640 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 480 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 800 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 600 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1024 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 768 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1280 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1024 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1600 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1200 )
If GraphicsWidth() >= GfxModeWidth(k1) And GraphicsHeight() >=  GfxModeHeight(k1) And GraphicsDepth() >= GfxModeDepth(k1)
AddGadgetItem comboGraphics, t1$
mode.gfxTypes = New gfxTypes
modewidth = GfxModeWidth(k1)
modeheight = GfxModeHeight(k1)
modedepth = GfxModeDepth(k1)
modecount = count
count = count + 1
SelectGadgetItem comboGraphics, COMBO_position
count = 0
If CountGadgetItems(comboGraphics) = 0 Then DisableGadget radioWind : SetButtonState radioWind, 0 : DisableGadget buttonStart
If CountGadgetItems(comboGraphics) > 0 Then EnableGadget buttonStart
End Function

Function GfxModesFull()
For mode.gfxTypes = Each gfxTypes : Delete mode : Next
count = 1
For k1 = 1 To CountGfxModes() ; 640, 480 / 800, 600 / 1024, 768 / 1280, 1024 / 1600, 1200
t1$ = GfxModeWidth(k1) + " width   x   " + GfxModeHeight(k1) + " height   x   " + GfxModeDepth(k1) + " depth"
; If ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 640 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 800 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1024 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1280 Or GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1600 ) And ( GfxModeHeight(k1) = 480 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 600 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 768 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1024 Or GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1200 )
If ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 640 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 480 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 800 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 600 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1024 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 768 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1280 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1024 ) Or ( GfxModeWidth(k1) = 1600 And GfxModeHeight(k1) = 1200 )
AddGadgetItem comboGraphics, t1$
mode.gfxTypes = New gfxTypes
modewidth = GfxModeWidth(k1)
modeheight = GfxModeHeight(k1)
modedepth = GfxModeDepth(k1)
modecount = count
count = count + 1
SelectGadgetItem comboGraphics, COMBO_position
count = 0
If CountGadgetItems(comboGraphics) = 0 Then DisableGadget radioFull : SetButtonState radioFull, 0 : DisableGadget buttonStart
If CountGadgetItems(comboGraphics) > 0 Then EnableGadget buttonStart
End Function

Function ShowHelp()
;SETUP_Help - if true extra info GFX_HelpFrames - 15 lines of text
canvasPreview = CreateCanvas (0, 0, ClientWidth (helpwindow), ClientHeight(helpwindow) - 40, helpwindow)
panelButtonHelp = CreatePanel ( 5, ClientHeight (helpwindow) - 30, ClientWidth(helpwindow) - 10, 25, helpwindow, 0 )
buttonQuitHelp  = CreateButton( "Exit Help",    200, 1,  60, 20, panelButtonHelp , 1 )
buttonPreviousHelp = CreateButton( "Previous",  1, 1, 50, 20, panelButtonHelp , 1 )
buttonNextHelp  = CreateButton( "Next",         415, 1, 50, 20, panelButtonHelp , 1 )
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPreview)
ClsColor 255, 255, 255 : Cls  ; maskimage set to 254, 254, 254
Color 0, 0, 0
fntTimes30B = LoadFont("Times New Roman", 30, True, False, False) : If fntTimes30B = False Then RuntimeError "Can't locate the 'Font File'."
fntTimes20 = LoadFont("Times New Roman", 20, False, False, False) : If fntTimes20 = False Then RuntimeError "Can't locate the 'Font File'."

Restore anyhelpdata
Read helpdata$
count = 1 : page = 1
While helpdata$ <> "END OF HELP DATA"
If helpdata$ = "" RuntimeError "Insufficient Help Data Available"
help.helptext = New helptext
helplinetext$ = helpdata$
helppage = page
helplinenumber = count
Read helpdata$
count = count + 1
If count > HELP_frame Then count = 1 : page = page + 1 ; HELP_frame is how many lines per page
If helppage = 1
If helplinenumber = 1
SetFont fntTimes30B : Text ClientWidth (helpwindow) / 2, 5 + helplinenumber * 18, helplinetext$, True, False
SetFont fntTimes20 : Text 50, 25 + helplinenumber * 25, helplinetext$, False, False
HelpTotalFrames = helppage
If HelpTotalFrames = 1
DisableGadget buttonPreviousHelp : DisableGadget buttonNextHelp
DisableGadget buttonPreviousHelp
FlipCanvas canvasPreview
maxpage = page : page = 1
Select WaitEvent(1)
Case EVENT_Gadget ; gadget clicked $401
Select EventSource()
Case buttonQuitHelp
Case buttonPreviousHelp
page = page - 1 : EnableGadget buttonNextHelp
If  page = 1
DisableGadget buttonPreviousHelp : EnableGadget buttonNextHelp : page = 1
For help.helptext = Each helptext
If helppage = page
If helplinenumber = 1 And HELP_title = True
SetFont fntTimes30B : Text ClientWidth (helpwindow) / 2, 5 + helplinenumber * 18, helplinetext$, True, False
SetFont fntTimes20 : Text 50, 25 + helplinenumber * 25, helplinetext$, False, False
FlipCanvas canvasPreview
Case buttonNextHelp
page = page + 1 : EnableGadget buttonPreviousHelp
If  page + 1 = maxpage
DisableGadget buttonNextHelp : EnableGadget buttonPreviousHelp
For help.helptext = Each helptext
If helppage = page
If helplinenumber = 1 And HELP_title = True
SetFont fntTimes30B : Text ClientWidth (helpwindow) / 2, 5 + helplinenumber * 18, helplinetext$, True, False
SetFont fntTimes20 : Text 50, 25 + helplinenumber * 25, helplinetext$, False, False
FlipCanvas canvasPreview
End Select
Case EVENT_Close ;window close - returns to main window
Case EVENT_LostFocus ;suspend!
While WaitEvent() <> EVENT_GotFocus
End Select
If KeyHit(1) Then Exit
FreeGadget canvasPreview : FreeGadget buttonQuitHelp : FreeGadget buttonPreviousHelp : FreeGadget buttonNextHelp
FreeGadget panelButtonHelp : FreeGadget helpwindow
FreeFont fntTimes30B : FreeFont fntTimes20
End Function

Function CenterWindow (title$, width, height, group, style)
;CreateWindow( title$,x,y,width,height[,group[,style]] )
Return CreateWindow (title$, (ClientWidth (Desktop ()) / 2) - (width / 2), (ClientHeight (Desktop ()) / 2) - (height / 2), width, height, group, style)
End Function

; * * * * * * * * * *  S U B - R O U T I N E S  * * * * * * * * * *
; tidies up after option screen window
If gfxHelp = True Then FreeImage gfxHelp
FreeGadget buttonQuit : FreeGadget buttonStart : FreeGadget buttonHelp : FreeGadget buttonPrefs
FreeGadget comboGraphics : FreeGadget labelRadio : FreeGadget radioWind : FreeGadget radioFull : FreeGadget radioPsudo
FreeGadget labelRadio2 : FreeGadget radio2OnePlayer : FreeGadget radio2TwoPlayer : FreeGadget radio2CompPlayer

FreeGadget panelButton
FreeGadget panelRadio
FreeGadget panelRadio2

FreeGadget mainwindow

FreeFont fntTimes30B : FreeFont fntTimes20


; * * * help info page one * * *
Data "I N S T R U C T I O N S", "Select Windowed or Full Screen Mode.", "Psuedo Full Screen uses Desktop graphics settings,"
Data "but plays without the normal sized windows border.", "The three Screen Options will affect the Graphics"
Data "Modes available.", "Select the required Screen Resolution, ideally", "after the required Screen Option has been chosen."
Data "Number of Players when highlighted allows for One", "Player, Two Players or for One Player to compete", "against a Computer Opponent."
Data "Quit Button quits to Desktop.", "Start Button starts the Game with the requied settings.", "Help Button displays the instructions here, plus the"
Data "possible option to view further instructions or help", "if it'savailable.", "Preferences Button when highlighted allows for various"
Data "Game Customisation options."
; * * * help info page two * * *

Data "END OF HELP DATA" ; use this to denote no more data to be read, place at end of data

Comments :

Nicstt(Posted 1+ years ago)
