Monsters and (animal)people sprite sheet

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Description: These are 16x16 dimension using 32 colors made with Aseprite.

I am experimenting with the outlines and shading and lighting. I noticed on a pixelart twitch stream that a sprite had outline colors that were of the darker shade of the inside(shape) color. So I tried to do this myself. Also on the inside of the outline there were some a bit brighter colors placed at strategic positions giving it a shading effect.
I also tried to experiment with height. This I did by stacking colors lighter on top of each other. Kind of where the light hits the higher parts of the sprite shape.

Hopefully it wil get easier to create sprites in the future that I wil be able to use in my games.

If you are into graphics then I find that quite often there are real good streamers on in the art category(#pixelart hashtag) Some explain how they create their art, giving sometimes real good advice.

More of my pixelart at :
Picture Stats:
Views: 48146
Filesize: 11.96kB
Height: 558 Width: 716
Keywords: pixelart, sprites, spritesheet, aseprite, retro, 8bit, gamedev 
Posted by: Pakz at August 17, 2019, 15:43:54

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