

Today at 19:00:39
EXETER V nottingham forest!? I wonder if the Janners down ere are going to give another upset. Could be TrU! ;)


2025-02-09, 20:46:41
The joys of the FA Cup... Yeah, Slot put out a bit of a weak team, but no excuses really, they were lost. Liverpool won't live this down for a while like! :D


2025-02-09, 20:33:26
Argyle knocked out liverpool. I just died.


2025-02-09, 16:34:57
Argyle is winning!? :o


2025-02-09, 06:00:23
@Qube My take on it, is if they have made it not so obvious to find. Then at some point it's getting replaced.


2025-02-05, 22:44:45
@dawlane I've not read anything about KeyChain Access being deprecated? It's not just passwords so wouldn't make sense to migrate it over. Just my crappy take on things  ;D


2025-02-03, 13:44:05
@Qube Looks like that they may be depreciating KeyChain in favour of Password.App with it being hidden. Though I haven't found any information about it yet


2025-02-03, 13:03:39
Just press CMD   SPACE and type in KeyChain. No need to go into the Library folder.


2025-02-03, 06:32:27
No. That's not the Apple way. They charge you £10 every time you want to turn it on.


2025-02-03, 05:44:49
Do you need a Yale key to turn it on too? :D


2025-02-02, 21:06:01
I think I've been off my medication for too long. I've only gone a bought a iMac M4. I could have used the money on something better like retro computers instead! Now I have to get reacquainted with Xcode. An I've now got to read up on the passwords app, with MacOS Sequoia no longer shipping the keychain app. It is there, but hidden in the Library directory. And don't get me started on bloody gate keeper.

Steve Elliott

2025-02-02, 19:02:48


2025-02-02, 18:40:35


2025-02-02, 18:08:29
Sounds like an idea for a game competition.


2025-02-02, 10:41:52
"One Qube And His Man Boob" <---- I'm surprised that isnt a 8-bit micro computer game from the 80's! :D lol


2025-02-02, 09:51:32
Who has man boobs? Qube? We all already know that  ;D


2025-02-02, 08:54:45


2025-02-02, 07:28:51
His manboob tit pits! :D hehehe


2025-02-02, 05:21:54


2025-02-01, 23:05:39
Going to be a hot one today! 39C!

Steve Elliott

2025-01-30, 18:01:37
I had to have one after seeing the 4 million instructions per second advert. Plus I always thought they looked impressive, like a powerful workstation compaired to my all in one box (the Atari ST) which I then sold.


2025-01-30, 07:20:34
The Archimedes was seen as a posh kids computer when I was at school, lol. Only one person had one and brought it into school to demo what it could do. Impressive bit of kit but ultimately too expensive.

Steve Elliott

2025-01-29, 13:33:41
Recieved the old Zarch game today from ebay. Sadly my Archimedes is upgraded to Risc OS 3 and won't run Risc OS 2 games so it just becomes a collectable. I downloaded the excellent Z-Virus from somebody called Stevie G (never heard of him) lol  ;D


2025-01-25, 11:28:18
"and land on thje wicked witch of the North."... Ah, so you've met my ex-wife have you? :D hehehe ;)


2025-01-24, 16:28:53
Yeah it is a bit windy. Just waiting for the house to drop back from the sky, and land on the wicked witch  of the North.


2025-01-24, 14:23:04
Get in sausage... One of my fences is over at the front... There's another spring job I could do without! :D

Steve Elliott

2025-01-19, 16:55:50


2025-01-19, 16:25:03
Oh, yes, of course, I own all the original games I have the roms for. Err, Hey, wait, the Aurora Borealis in  my kitchen is getting out of control. I'm just gonna...........


2025-01-19, 14:07:39
I have quite a few old consoles and buy games from eBay, CEX or even car boots when it's a nice warm sunny day to get out, there is a beauty next to the coast at Seaham I like to go to. ROM wise, thats only reserved for my Amstrad 6128 using Dukes excellent WiFi expansion, which has file access via a SD card. I've pretty much got every ROM available for the auld lad and the size must roll in at about... What... TWO MEGABYTES!!!! PHWOAAARRRR!!! :D :D :D I actually don't know the total size, but it'll be nowt mind! :P :P :P


2025-01-19, 12:26:33
You must have a big storage for all the original cardriges you surely own when storing 1.7TB of "Roms" (with not all being "abandonware"). And I guess if you simply used emuelec or similar other frontends to retroarch you could have spin your retro-cabinet from some 10-15 eur android TV box (depends on what you want to emulate of course). PS: Just played Top Gear on the SNES with my kids this week... "Dad, this really looks great, must be a not so old game" (hah :P)


2025-01-18, 20:01:21
RetroBat is an absolute marvel of a frontend. Launchbox is good but it's just too application looking. Hyperspin, which used to eb king, is dead but surprise surprise, RetroBat to the rescue.


2025-01-18, 19:59:40
I Just configured RetroBat with SNES, NES, MEGADRIVE, MSYSTEM, FBNEO, MAME, HBMAME, NEOGEO-CD, CPS 1-2-3, SEGA Model 1-2-3, C64, ZXSpectrum, Atari2600-5200-7800 with all media, sounds graphics for the frontend and all roms complete. 1.7TB total size.

Steve Elliott

2025-01-18, 16:22:45
Anyway, the Switch 2 is looking very good IMO.  :D

Steve Elliott

2025-01-18, 12:02:53
Thanks guys!  :P


2025-01-18, 08:30:52
Epson printer, yuck  >:(  :P - Had a few over the years and they're great if you use them regularly but if you only use them a few times a month then because the heads are in the printer and not the cartridge then they can get clogged up. Never again! :-X

Steve Elliott

2025-01-17, 19:29:33
Hmm maybe there's some drift with the guides over time, in that case then some 'blu tack' could maybe help there. Or the paper you're using is either too thick or doesn't have a smooth coating (too fibrous) causing it to jam.


2025-01-17, 06:19:17
I do check the guides before I start, but it's a bit hard to check them when it's printing out a manual and I leave the room to do something else and then jams on sheet 40.

Steve Elliott

2025-01-16, 20:54:28
Good to see my Archimedes working after buying it from Ebay and the postal service damaging the monitor! A had to buy another CRT Monitor. Another one for 'Steve's Retro Computing Museum' lol.  :D 

Steve Elliott

2025-01-16, 20:49:13
So can't you just check the paper guides before you print, lol?


2025-01-16, 20:17:44
I don't think that it's down to the paper. Just checked the paper guides and it looks like they have drifted slightly after heavy use. Which would explain why it jams when the loading tray gets empty. And from what I've read this model of printer has been mentioned a few times for paper jams. Wish my Epson L555 didn't reach the end of it's service life, or no longer being supported on Linux. Now that was a good printer provided you printed off a test page once a week to prevent the ink drying in the head.

Steve Elliott

2025-01-16, 17:12:20
I'm using regular A4 designed for "laser and inkjet paper".

Steve Elliott

2025-01-16, 17:10:33
I agree the back rest is too narrow. But like I said I've not had a problem in double sided printing. Maybe your paper is too thick?


2025-01-16, 15:59:56
It actually happens when there is not much paper in it. Part of me thinks that it's the paper quality or a design flaw with the paper back rest, which to me seems a bit too narrow.

Steve Elliott

2025-01-16, 15:24:48
dawlane it sounds like you're over filling the paper tray. No problems yet.


2025-01-16, 07:20:46
refillable cartridges have the benefit of being cheap ... but sooner or later you might have issues with the print headers  ...says industry. Am running old brother printers here (MFC J-series). Albeit ink cartridges became a bit more expensive these days (20pcs for 10 eur) they do what they should (over wifi, A3 print...). Yet I can still refill with a syringe. Remember that too old ink can have effects too.


2025-01-15, 20:43:53
I've got the same printer. Be prepared for a few paper jams when doing double side printing.

Steve Elliott

2025-01-15, 18:34:39
see through the printer's ink windows.

Steve Elliott

2025-01-15, 17:09:24
Bought a new printer (EPSON ET-2850). I got sick of spending a fortune on 2 very small cartridges (black and colours) that had tiny amounts of actual ink in them! This system has large bottles (especially the black) that will last far longer and replacement bottles are full of ink without all the plastic cartridge nonsense - just fill up the ink reservoirs (which you can see through their windows).

Steve Elliott

2025-01-15, 15:36:33
Haha yeah typical Nintendo cash-in  :(  On the plus side they should produce the Switch 2 a bit cheaper and it's a higher resolution than the OLED on Switch 1.  ;D


2025-01-15, 13:47:40
What, no OLED screen? :o - They already have OLED on the updated switch and it makes no sense to go backwards to LCD screens again. Mind you, it makes sense so they can sell more Switch 2 units to the same people months later when they release the updated OLED version. Typical :P

Steve Elliott

2025-01-14, 09:51:16
Yes, bigger screen and controllers, more powerful, yet fully backward compatible with all software and there seems to be an optical sensor in the joycons - for mouse function?...It's a LCD, OLED will probably come down the line. Although LCD tech has improved since the LCD used in the original Switch. But yeah I would have preferred OLED.  ;D


2025-01-14, 08:53:39
Switch 2 has all the rumours if true to be a great new version ;D Hopefully a nice hires, high refresh OLED screen come true.

Steve Elliott

2025-01-13, 18:40:26
Word on the street is, Switch 2 is being revealed on Thursday. A definite purchase for me.  :D

Steve Elliott

2025-01-13, 18:39:01
Well it's not like you'll wear them in a beer garden lol. Maybe at home on a plane or a long train journey, which is kinda private.  :D


2025-01-13, 08:11:03
Sound like decent AR glasses but you'd still stand out a mile with those on ya face 8)

Steve Elliott

2025-01-12, 18:22:08
Yeah, yeah lol. XREAL One - AR Glasses are looking great for mobile gaming and a cinema like experience.


2025-01-12, 12:00:29
But the snow with lumpy brown stuff is great to throw at passing cars. Erm, I mean it was when I was much much younger, honest ;D


2025-01-11, 09:14:07
Give snow that contains lumpy brown stuff a miss too... It gets right between the teeth and is a bugger to get out! :D hehehe


2025-01-10, 18:27:21
we ave U saying duwn ere and it is dont eat YELLOW SNOW!? :-[


2025-01-10, 07:07:28
my kids prefer munching ice to crunching ice.


2025-01-10, 06:50:11
I happily wake up the whole neighbourhood when walking the dog at 2am crunching the ice with my ice-tracks on my shoes. Made a hell of a noise the other night crunching the ice with some nice loud echo's ;D


2025-01-09, 05:37:20
*occasion beep at the odd random


2025-01-09, 05:36:33
:D I love it when you catch people tripping up on something, and they pretend to do a little jog as if nowt was the bother. Also, if I'm bored driving, I might on the odd occasion people at the odd random and wave... They always wave back, but I know they'll be thinking "Who hell was that?" :D hehehe


2025-01-08, 21:23:52
You have to love it when the weather is icy in the U.K. And numpties walk around looking at their mobile phones instead of the fooking ice patch on the pavement that they are just about to step on. :)


2025-01-05, 10:41:50
Well up here, in Durham, back in the day, when 2am hit, that was it, chucky out time! And I still remember old sunday hours opening times, they were shite! :D


2025-01-05, 08:14:33
@Dabz you must have been a lightweight. You actually slept in between  going out. Used to just be getting my legs into bed just as the alarm to get up for work went off.


2025-01-05, 07:05:26
Oh, tell me about it, I'm proper crap at it now like... Once upon a time, out on a Friday, all day Saturday and all day Sunday religiously for the football, coupon on... Maybe during the week if there was a match I wanted to watch. Fooking hell, nowadays, I'm ready for bed at 8pm, whatever the night it is in the week! :D


2025-01-05, 06:43:58
Are ya sober now, Dabz? :P Us old farts can't do it like we used to in our, erm, younger years :-\ ;D


2025-01-03, 08:55:18


2025-01-03, 08:54:53
I was out on the 30th with the lads, we meet up every year because we tend not to see each other much, the usual now, weddings, Christenings etc About 12 of us, lol, 1.30am, and I stumbled back in just after 11pm... What a complete shift mind! :D Tuesday wasnt a good day! :P


2025-01-03, 06:42:59
Yes, I always blame the alcohol level in the Christmas puddings, just can't handle that at this old age ;D

Steve Elliott

2025-01-02, 18:39:49
Haha yeah thanks. Must have been something I eat (ahem)  ;)


2025-01-02, 18:27:17
Any better yet, Steve? No sympathy from me, self induced and all that ;D

Steve Elliott

2025-01-01, 11:45:26
Happy New Year all. Oh my head. It feels like I have a Frenchman living in it lol  :D


2025-01-01, 09:17:27
Happy new year everyone as well, all the best! lol@therevills, now there's a proper "dad" joke if I've ever seen one! ;) hehehe


2025-01-01, 01:25:58
I remember 2024 like it was yesterday  ;D 


2024-12-31, 22:29:26
Happy New Year! 2025 people!!


2024-12-31, 18:29:58
I may post something tonight that i shouldn't


2024-12-31, 17:38:52
Happy Newyear everyone! :D

Steve Elliott

2024-12-30, 13:17:32
Merry Christmas _PJ_  :D

Steve Elliott

2024-12-30, 13:16:48
Dabz that sounds like a lot of walks and cleaning up hair. We have a Poodle/Bichon cross and she's a real character.  :D 

Steve Elliott

2024-12-30, 13:13:39
lol yeah thanks Qube, the gate is fine.  :P


2024-12-30, 10:42:34
Merry [insert cultural significance] time everyone! --- @qube I love the festive decor on the site!


2024-12-30, 08:16:11
If I could solidly work from home, I'd have German Shephard, preferably crossed with a border collie, because that's what my old dog was, Stella, and she just looked like a black wolf! :D All you ever heard was me going "Stella man!!!", always behind me, always tripping up on her, couldnt watch the TV in peace, but she was lush... Miss her loads!


2024-12-29, 21:56:51
Did someone mention doggies? ;D - Is the gate OK, Steve? :))

Steve Elliott

2024-12-29, 15:53:32
Well I currently work from home a lot and my wife is semi retired so we have the time. Rescue doggies can be mad, but also soo loving and fun - rather than a new puppy.  :D


2024-12-29, 15:49:06
I'd love to have a dog, but, I havent got time due to work, and, it would be unfair for it to be left for so long... Many a time I've spied a cutie of a pup, and I have to force myself to just say no! :D

Steve Elliott

2024-12-29, 15:24:46
have a doggie

Steve Elliott

2024-12-29, 15:23:56
lol we have doggie but I'd rather her not barge in a cause some computer damage when we're out so we have a 'safety gate'.  After a few beers I turned the computer off, tripped and took out the gate, I went flying! Ofcourse the sensible thing would have been to have gone onto the landing and turned on the light first, but couldn't be bothered making 2 trips. Luckily I didn't fall down the stairs in complete darkness! :o


2024-12-25, 12:34:00
Also Happy Christmas to my Aussie friends on the beach having a Barbbie! ONLY JELAOUS!


2024-12-25, 12:11:29
Happy Christmas "WILLIAM"!

Steve Elliott

2024-12-25, 10:09:25
Happy Christmas people!  :D


2024-12-25, 08:42:11
Happy Christmas to everyone!  :D


2024-12-25, 06:37:32
Merry Christmas Peeps!  ;D


2024-12-25, 06:26:44
Merry Christmas Steve


2024-12-24, 22:05:28
Merry Christmas (Morning in Oz!) - The Red Backs had a massive party last night around the Tree  ;D


2024-12-24, 19:10:21
I feel very sorry for the Angels that have to sit on top of a tree in Australia. Not only do the have to endure a pine tree stuck up their jacksy , but all those creepy crawlies.


2024-12-24, 14:55:26
@Henri Do Australians have Christmas trees? I bet they still do, but I'd shudder to think what might end up lurking in them! :/


2024-12-24, 11:45:30
It was snowing in Tenerife Island (Spain)


2024-12-24, 11:42:56
Do Australians have Christmas trees ?

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