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Languages & Coding => Blitz Code Archives => 3D Graphics - Effects => Topic started by: BlitzBot on June 29, 2017, 00:28:38

Title: [bb] Realtime Color-filter by Kryzon [ 1+ years ago ]
Post by: BlitzBot on June 29, 2017, 00:28:38
Title : Realtime Color-filter
Author : Kryzon
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : By using an overlay mesh with a Multiply blend mode you can select which colors are visible on screen and which aren't, just like a filter in real life.

You control how much value of a certain RGB channel is able to reach the viewer's eye depending on the way you color the filter mesh.
Something like [255,0,0] would only allow the red color to pass, and thus this could be called a "red filter" RGB.
You can use other RGB combinations to allow other shades of filter.

Note this demo uses a full-screen filter, but you can scale the quad to fit any portion of it and it will still filter out colors - say, for a GUI element that has a small camera viewport, like an inventory viewer.

PS: VariousOtherThings() function by Floyd.

PS.2: This filter effect is most likely ported to BMax using the SHADEBLEND blend flag.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
Graphics3D 800,600,0,2

Local camera = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,0,5,-5
RotateEntity camera,45,0,0

Local filterQuad = CreateFilterQuad(camera)

LightRange CreateLight(2),3
AmbientLight 100,100,100

VariousOtherThings 30

Local fpsTimer = CreateTimer(60)
Const FILTER_SPEED# = 0.01
Local filterStrength# = 1.0
Local activeColors$ = ""

Local redPass% = 1, greenPass% = 0, bluePass% = 0

While Not KeyHit(1)

filterStrength = filterStrength + (KeyDown(30)*FILTER_SPEED) - (KeyDown(44)*FILTER_SPEED)
If filterStrength > 1.0 Then filterStrength = 1.0
If filterStrength < 0.0 Then filterStrength = 0.0

;Possible filter colors:

;RED: 255,0,0
;YELLOW: 255,255,0
;GREEN: 0,255,0 (Great for night-vision scenes.)
;CYAN: 0,255,255
;BLUE: 0,0,255
;PINK: 255,0,255

;(You can use any values lower than 255, but that may darken the screen a bit.)

activeColors = ""
If (KeyHit(2) + KeyHit(79)) Then redPass = 1 - redPass
If redPass Then activeColors  = activeColors + "RED"

If (KeyHit(3) + KeyHit(80)) Then greenPass = 1 - greenPass
If greenPass Then activeColors = activeColors + " GREEN"

If (KeyHit(4) + KeyHit(81)) Then bluePass = 1 - bluePass
If bluePass Then activeColors = activeColors + " BLUE"

If (redPass+greenPass+bluePass = 0) Then activeColors = "NONE"
If (redPass+greenPass+bluePass = 3) Then activeColors = "ALL"

;Update filter color.
SetFilterColor(filterQuad, filterStrength, 255*redPass, 255*greenPass, 255*bluePass)

Text 10,10,"Use the A or Z keys to control the intensity of the filter."
Text 10,30,"Use the 1, 2 and 3 keys to toggle the colors of the filter."
Text 10,60,"Active colors: "+activeColors
Text 10,80,"Filter intensity: ["+Int(filterStrength*100)+" %]"


;Creates a full screen quad.
Function CreateFilterQuad(parent=0)
Local mesh = CreateMesh(parent)
Local surf = CreateSurface(mesh)

AddVertex surf,-0.5,0.5,0
AddVertex surf,0.5,0.5,0
AddVertex surf,-0.5,-0.5,0
AddVertex surf,0.5,-0.5,0

AddTriangle surf,0,1,3
AddTriangle surf,0,3,2

EntityColor mesh,255,255,255

EntityFX mesh,1 ;Fullbright FX
EntityBlend mesh,2 ;Multiply

ScaleMesh mesh,4,3,1 ;Scale the quad mesh with a 4:3 ratio, to fill the entire screen.
MoveEntity mesh,0,0,2 ;Move quad mesh so it fills the entire screen of the 4:3 camera.

Return mesh
End Function

Function SetFilterColor(filterMesh, fVal#=1.0, r#=0, g#=0, b#=0)
;Interpolate from [255,255,255] (which is white, no filter) to [r,g,b] supplied by the user.
EntityColor filterMesh, 255.0 - (255.0-r)*fVal, 255.0 - (255.0-g)*fVal, 255.0 - (255.0-b)*fVal
End Function

;Aesthetics. Function by Floyd.
Function VariousOtherThings( quantity )
For n = 1 To quantity
Select Rand( 1, 4 )
Case 1 : temp = CreateSphere()
Case 2 : temp = CreateCone()
Case 3 : temp = CreateCylinder()
Case 4 : temp = CreateCube()
End Select
ScaleEntity temp, Rnd( 0.6, 1.5 ), Rnd( 0.6, 1.5 ), Rnd( 0.6, 1.5 )
EntityColor temp, Rand( 100, 255 ), Rand( 100, 255 ), Rand( 100, 255 )
RotateEntity temp, Rnd( -20, 20 ), Rnd( -50, 50 ), Rnd( -20, 20 )
angle# = Rnd( -45, 225)
dist#  = Rnd( 2.5, 6 )
PositionEntity temp, dist * Cos( angle ), Rnd( - 3, 3 ), dist * Sin( angle )
End Function


Comments :

BlitzSupport(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Nice one!

Kryzon(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I was thinking of possible uses for this. Mainly color grading, narratively: using the filter in a subtle manner, to convey certain sensations to the player.

Bobysait(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Simple and average, well done !To be sure you won't get into trouble using some blitz3d effects, like fog, you should enable the "+8" on the filter mesh
EntityFX mesh,1+8 ;Fullbright FX
And to assert your mesh is drawn in front of everything that could be in the "near plane" of the camera :EntityOrder mesh, -999
and by the way :<div class="quote"> ScaleMesh mesh,4,3,1 ;Scale the quad mesh with a 4:3 ratio, to fill the entire screen.   MoveEntity mesh,0,0,2 ;Move quad mesh so it fills the entire screen of the 4:3 camera. </div>actually, you just need a quad that fullfill the screen, so, no matter if it is larger than the screen ...Then, if you really want generic stuff :- just enlarge the mesh, no matter if it's larger than the screen.- or use the Float(GraphicsHeight())/GraphicsWidth() ratio to define the height of the mesh to really fit the screen (then you won't need to take care of the screen ratio) [/i]