[bb] Dynamic string array by Mr Brine [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:39

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Title : Dynamic string array
Author : Mr Brine
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Allows one to modify / create one string containing multiple substrings.

- each substring has a maximum length of 65535
- each substring can be made up of any characters you desire

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; (c)oded by Mr Brine
; - doesnt require a split char
; - any character can be passed
; - use the provided functions to create the split string
; - a split string probably wont display properly if viewed in its raw state.
; - max string length that can be added to a split string is $ffff
; - fast, only 2 characters accessed per substring when navigiating the sub strings
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function split_debuglog(raw$)

Local l = Len(raw)
Local o = 1
Local i = 0
Local s$

DebugLog "========================================================================================"
DebugLog "count: " + Split_Count(raw$)
DebugLog "len:   " + Len(raw)
DebugLog "raw:   " + raw
DebugLog "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
DebugLog "substr|   raw  | string | value"
DebugLog "index | offset |  len   |"
DebugLog "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

While o < l

DebugLog i + String(" ", 6 - Len(i)) + "|" + o + String(" ", 8 - Len(o)) + "|" + split_ssi_getlen(raw, o) + String(" ", 8 - Len(split_ssi_getlen(raw, o))) + "|"+ "!" + split_ssi_gettext$(raw, o) + "!"
o = split_ssi_gotonext(raw, o)
i = i + 1


End Function

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function Split_Append$(raw$, sub$)

Return raw + split_ssi_create(sub, 1)

End Function

Function Split_Count(raw$)

Local c
Local l = Len(raw)
Local o = 1

While o < l

c = c + 1
o = split_ssi_gotonext(raw, o)


Return c

End Function

Function Split_Get$(raw$, ndx)

Local l = Len(raw)
Local o = 1

While o < l

If(Not ndx) Return Mid(raw, split_ssi_getoff(o), split_ssi_getlen(raw, o))
o = split_ssi_gotonext(raw, o)
ndx = ndx - 1


End Function

Function Split_GetLen(raw$, ndx)

Local l = Len(raw)
Local o = 1

While o < l

If(Not ndx) Return split_ssi_getlen(raw, o)
o = split_ssi_gotonext(raw, o)
ndx = ndx - 1


End Function

Function Split_Insert$(raw$, ndx, sub$)

Return split_ss_getrange(raw, 0, ndx) + split_ssi_create(sub, 1) + split_ss_getrange(raw, ndx, -1)

End Function

Function Split_Remove$(raw$, ndx)

Return split_ss_getrange(raw, 0, ndx) + split_ss_getrange(raw, ndx + 1, -1)

End Function

Function Split_Set$(raw$, ndx, sub$)

Return split_ss_getrange(raw, 0, ndx) + split_ssi_create(sub, 1) + split_ss_getrange(raw, ndx + 1, -1)

End Function

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; - fi: first index
; - ct: sub string count -1: return all the remaining substrings
; 0: returns nothing
; >0: number of substrings to return
; - if the number of ss defined by ct is greater then the number of ss in raw, then getrange will
;   create however many blank ss is req to make sure the returned value has the stated number of ss
Function split_ss_getrange$(raw$, fi, ct)

Local l = Len(raw)
Local ssi = 1
Local ssi2

If(ct < 0)

While fi

ssi = split_ssi_gotonext(raw$, ssi)
If(ssi => l) Return ""
fi = fi - 1


Return Mid(raw, ssi, l)

Else If(ct > 0)

While fi

ssi = split_ssi_gotonext(raw$, ssi)
fi = fi - 1
If(ssi => l) Exit


If(fi) Return split_ssi_create("", ct)

ssi2 = ssi

While ct

If(ssi2 => l) Exit
ssi2 = split_ssi_gotonext(raw$, ssi2)
ct = ct - 1


If(ct) Return Mid(raw, ssi, l) + split_ssi_create("", ct)

Return Mid(raw, ssi, ssi2 - ssi)

End If

End Function

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ssi - substring index
; - the first substring index (ssi) = 1

Function split_ssi_create$(sub$, rpeat)

Return String(Chr(Len(sub) And $00000ff) + Chr((Len(sub) And $000ff00) Shr 8) + Mid(sub, 1, Len(sub) And $ffff), rpeat)

End Function

Function split_ssi_gotonext(raw$, ssi)

Return ssi + Asc(Mid(raw, ssi, 1)) + Asc(Mid(raw, ssi + 1, 1)) Shl 8 + 2

End Function

Function split_ssi_getlen(raw$, ssi)

Return Asc(Mid(raw, ssi, 1)) + Asc(Mid(raw, ssi + 1, 1)) Shl 8

End Function

Function split_ssi_getoff(ssi)

Return ssi + 2

End Function

Function split_ssi_gettext$(raw$, ssi)

Return Mid(raw, ssi + 2, Asc(Mid(raw, ssi, 1)) + Asc(Mid(raw, ssi + 1, 1)) Shl 8)

End Function

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