Unity dark theme now available to all.

Started by Amon, August 13, 2020, 00:31:44

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Unity just recently let users of the free/persona version access the dark theme. It's no longer a pro feature. It took several hundred complaint threads and trolling from all species of the unity forums and it worked; 8 years later.


When you compared the features between the Personal plan version and higher plan versions, they explicitly mentioned a "Pro editor UI theme - Develop your game within our beautiful, easy-on-the-eyes, dark UI environment.", as something thay you'd be paying for: http://web.archive.org/web/20200405161204/https://store.unity.com/compare-plans

I don't know about the UI toolkit they're using for the editor, but changing the style of widgets, at least in Qt, is as simple as rewriting the .CSS file that drives the UI style of your application.

So, yeah, I've always felt that was a useless selling point. Good to know it's not a thing anymore.
That said, I think this wasn't the best fight that the community could've picked. It's kinda meaningless when compared to the stigma associated with the forced splash screen, "Made with Unity - Personal Edition":
Tons of free crappy games have that, and the presence of that screen might give people a bad feeling about your game, even if unjustified.