[bb] Anti-aliased line by MikeK [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:39

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Title : Anti-aliased line
Author : MikeK
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : The code below contains the actual anti-aliased line routine as well as a very small demo that shows the visual result and measures drawing speed.  See comments for usage details.

Lines are plenty fast enough for non-real-time use (e.g., predrawing graphics) and can even be used in real time as long as the number of pixels drawn per frame time is fairly small. A few short rotating lines on a HUD display, for instance, should take under a millisecond.  The routine spends most of its time doing ReadPixel and WritePixel, so there isn't much chance for further optimization.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; Anti-aliased lines demo & routine.   By Mike Keith, Feb 2002
;  To use anti-aliased lines in your program, just take the two lines below (between ===),
;  which set up a 256-byte lookup table, and the two functions after End.
;  AntiLine(x1,y1,x2,y2) draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) in the
;  current drawing color to the currently selected buffer.
;  You can Lock and Unlock the buffer used (before and after batches of calls to AntiLine)
;  to gain some additional speed, as is done in the sample code below, which draws
;  the same pattern using regular and anti-aliased lines, so you can see the visual difference.

Graphics 800,600,32,1

;  Lookup table required for Anti-aliased line routine.
Dim AlineTable%(64)

InitAlineTable   ; You MUST do this once to initialize table

SetBuffer BackBuffer()
For y=0 To 599
z = y*255/599
Color z/2,z/3,0
Line 0,y,799,y

Color 0,255,255
t1 = MilliSecs()
For i=0 To 360 Step 5
dx = 150*Sin(i)
dy = 150*Cos(i)
Line 160+dx,300+dy,160-dx,300-dy
t2 = MilliSecs()

Color 0,0,0
Text 50,535,"Regular lines"
Text 50,550,"Took "+Str$(t2-t1)+" ms"

If 1
LockBuffer BackBuffer()
Color 0,255,255
t3 = MilliSecs()
For i=0 To 360 Step 5
dx = 150*Sin(i)
dy = 150*Cos(i)
t4 = MilliSecs()
UnlockBuffer BackBuffer()

Color 0,0,0
Text 500,535,"Anti-aliased lines"
Text 500,550,"Took "+Str$(t4-t3)+" ms"


While Not(KeyHit(1))


;  Here are the actual Anti-aliased line functions
Function AntiLine(x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%)

xd = x2-x1
yd = y2-y1

If (xd = 0 Or yd = 0)

r = ColorRed() Shl 16
g = ColorGreen() Shl 8
b = ColorBlue()

WritePixel x1,y1,r+g+b
WritePixel x2,y2,r+g+b

If (Abs(xd) > Abs(yd))
If (x1 > x2)
tmp = x1: x1 = x2: x2 = tmp
tmp = y1: y1 = y2: y2 = tmp
xd = x2-x1
yd = y2-y1

grad = yd*65536/xd
yf = y1*65536

For x=x1+1 To x2-1
yf = yf + grad
w = (yf Sar 10) And $3f
y = yf Sar 16


If (y1 > y2)
tmp = x1: x1 = x2: x2 = tmp
tmp = y1: y1 = y2: y2 = tmp
xd = x2-x1
yd = y2-y1

grad = xd*65536/yd
xf = x1*65536

For y=y1+1 To y2-1
xf = xf + grad
w = (xf Sar 10) And $3f
x = xf Sar 16



End Function

Function MergePixel(x,y,r,g,b,w)

w = AlineTable(w)
pix = ReadPixel(x,y)

ro = pix And $ff0000
go = pix And $ff00
bo = pix And $ff

rnew = (ro + ((w*(r-ro)) Sar 8)) And $ff0000
gnew = (go + ((w*(g-go)) Sar 8)) And $ff00
bnew = bo + ((w*(b-bo)) Sar 8)

WritePixel x,y,rnew+gnew+bnew

End Function

Function InitAlineTable()

For i=0 To 63
ALineTable(i) = (Sqr(Float(4*i))*16)*.4 + (4*i)*.6

End Function

Comments :

TAS(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Very nicely done, I wonder if there is way to extent to lines wider than 1 pixel?

Nate the Great(Posted 1+ years ago)

 wow nicely done and very fast thanks!