Please help with definition of a .decls file

Started by eNano, May 31, 2019, 20:40:07

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I've been searching for a while but I don't think I will find answers on google, and I don't know almost anything about c++ please someone help me with this
I need to use a function from a dll file that has this declaration inside  extern "C"{}

_DLLEXPORT int OnConnect(const char * port) {
   if (port == nullptr) {
      return -30;
   return s_lidarMgr.onConnect(port);

but I don't know how to define it inside the delcs file because I don't know what type of blitz value has the needed parameter

I've tried some options but gives me Memory Access Violation

Here is the dll just in case someone can help me

This is the full code of the main cpp file:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "rplidar.h"
#include <iostream>

#define _DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)

using namespace rp::standalone::rplidar;

struct LidarData
bool syncBit;
float theta;
float distant;
UINT quality;

class LidarMgr

const LidarMgr operator=(const LidarMgr&) = delete;
const LidarMgr(const LidarMgr&) = delete;

static RPlidarDriver * lidar_drv;
bool m_isConnected = false;
rplidar_response_device_info_t devinfo;

bool m_onMotor = false;
bool m_onScan = false;

int onConnect(const char * port);
bool onDisconnect();

bool checkDeviceHealth(int * errorCode);

bool startMotor();

bool startScan();

bool endMotor();
bool endScan();

bool releaseDrv();

bool grabData(LidarData * ptr) {

if (!m_onScan) {
return false;
rplidar_response_measurement_node_t nodes[360 * 2];
size_t   count = _countof(nodes);

u_result op_result = lidar_drv->grabScanData(nodes, count);
if (IS_OK(op_result)) {
lidar_drv->ascendScanData(nodes, count);
for (int pos = 0; pos < (int)count;pos++) {
ptr[pos].syncBit = nodes[pos].sync_quality & RPLIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_EXP_SYNCBIT;
ptr[pos].theta = (nodes[pos].angle_q6_checkbit >> RPLIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_ANGLE_SHIFT) / 64.0f;
ptr[pos].distant = nodes[pos].distance_q2 / 4.0f;
ptr[pos].quality = nodes[pos].sync_quality >> RPLIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_QUALITY_SHIFT;

return true;

return false;


static LidarMgr s_lidarMgr;

RPlidarDriver* LidarMgr::lidar_drv = nullptr;



int LidarMgr::onConnect(const char * port)
if (m_isConnected) return 0;
if (lidar_drv == nullptr) {
lidar_drv = RPlidarDriver::CreateDriver(RPlidarDriver::DRIVER_TYPE_SERIALPORT);

printf("lidar_drv created");

if (lidar_drv == nullptr) {
return -20;

if (IS_FAIL(lidar_drv->connect(port, 115200))) {
return -21;

u_result ans = lidar_drv->getDeviceInfo(devinfo);

if (IS_FAIL(ans)) {
return ans;

m_isConnected = true;

return 0;

bool LidarMgr::onDisconnect()

if (m_isConnected) {
if (lidar_drv != nullptr) {
printf("lidar_drv is stop.");
m_isConnected = false;
return true;

else {
printf("lidar_drv is null.");
return false;

bool LidarMgr::startMotor()
if (!m_isConnected) return false;
if (m_onMotor) return true;

m_onMotor = true;

return true;

bool LidarMgr::startScan()
if (!m_isConnected) return false;
if (!m_onMotor) return false;
if (m_onScan) return true;

m_onScan = true;
return true;

bool LidarMgr::endMotor()
if (!m_isConnected) return false;
if (!m_onMotor) return true;
if (m_onScan) {
if (m_onScan) return false;

printf("lidar_drv stop motor");
m_onMotor = false;

return true;

bool LidarMgr::endScan()
if (!m_isConnected) return false;
if (!m_onScan) return true;
printf("lidar_drv stop scan");
m_onScan = false;

return true;

bool LidarMgr::releaseDrv()
if (lidar_drv != nullptr) {

lidar_drv = nullptr;

printf("lidar_drv release driver.");

return true;

return true;


extern "C" {

_DLLEXPORT int OnConnect(const char * port) {
if (port == nullptr) {
return -30;
return s_lidarMgr.onConnect(port);

_DLLEXPORT bool OnDisconnect() {

return s_lidarMgr.onDisconnect();

_DLLEXPORT bool StartMotor() {
return s_lidarMgr.startMotor();

_DLLEXPORT bool StartScan() {
return s_lidarMgr.startScan();

_DLLEXPORT bool EndMotor() {
return s_lidarMgr.endMotor();

_DLLEXPORT bool EndScan() {
return s_lidarMgr.endScan();

_DLLEXPORT bool ReleaseDrive() {
return s_lidarMgr.releaseDrv();

_DLLEXPORT int GetLDataSize() {
return sizeof(LidarData);

_DLLEXPORT void GetLDataSample(LidarData * data) {
data->syncBit = false;
data->theta = 0.542f;
data->distant = 100.0;
data->quality = 23;

_DLLEXPORT int GrabData(LidarData * data) {

if (s_lidarMgr.grabData(data)) {
return 720;
return 0;

_DLLEXPORT void GetLDataSampleArray(LidarData * data) {

data[0].syncBit = false;
data[0].theta = 0.542f;
data[0].distant = 100.0;
data[0].quality = 23;

data[1].syncBit = true;
data[1].theta = 2.333f;
data[1].distant = 50.001f;
data[1].quality = 7;



i can provide some source code of libraries that are then compiled to dll / decls if it can help...


WOW that would be AWESOME!
In case anyone find this useful I'm testing a very cheap laser scanning device called RPLidar a1m8 and I only know blitz3d for coding. I know Blitz is really old but is a perfect language to do some research with 3d info because is really simple to learn and is quite powerful
I've found a sample code that someone has shared on GitHub using this library in Unity but I really don't understand anything and I only have Visual C++ 2010 Express, I don't even know if that is the correct tool to make a dll

Anyway, thank you a lot for your answer and any clue that you can give me would be a lot of help for me


ok, here are a few links where you can find the decls + dll + source code of the dll :

good luck !


Thanks a lot RemiD!
I'll try to tie things up using your clues