Print name of WLAN device from given IP?

Started by Yellownakji, March 14, 2019, 21:29:51

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I'm trying to return the SSID/String name of a device connected to my router.     I'd like to input the IP of my device and then have it print out "XPMachine", which is the name of the device.  Also, i'm curious about how to check if an IP exists or not.  I'd like to know when it's available or not.

Any ideas?  Is there a built in module?  i've never done networking on BMXNG before.




Quote from: Yellownakji on March 20, 2019, 03:08:47
you can look at this project...
if you want to parse results using Blitzmax.. you can modify Windows sources to create a LOG file with IP and devices... and after that process it using BMAX.

3 years ago i started something related to this ... but after a while i switched to an Androdi project (better scan networks using a small portable object... and not a pc)
for android there is an updated source here (not my sources) :

you can also create an IP (only ips) list using standard Windows executables... like:
arp.exe -a

you can call the ARP using a batch file... (you can't run it using SYSTEM_ or "createprocess" redirecting output to a text file)  (maybe copying arp.exe on you project folder...)

arp -a > list.txt

and launch the CMD o BAT file from Blitzmax... after that process the file list.txt