[bb] VisualB for quickgui by churchaxe [ 1+ years ago ]

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Title : VisualB for quickgui
Author : churchaxe
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : For people who like the quickgui system by wickedrush, here is a graphical editor/form designer. You can place/resize buttons and everything, set properties etc, save/reload
the forms/windows and export all the stuff into BlitzBasic code.

I've been reported that about 1 or 2 functions are missing...
if so, please add the following code to either quickgui.bb or the main-.bb-file:

Function gui_getMode(name)
   For a.gui_gadget=Each gui_gadget
      If a
um=name Then Return amode
End Function

Function gui_setMode(name,md)
   For a.gui_gadget=Each gui_gadget
    If a
um=name Then amode=md
End Function

I've made a few fixes in the quickgui.bb for my own personal use, but I left them out for this version, which uses the original and unmodified files of quickgui (version 1.08)
delivered by wickedrush. One little warning: beware of pressing the del-key in an activated and empty input-gadget. This causes an error in gui_handleinput
(at least on my computer...)

As far as it is my own code it's free for use and whatever you wanna do with it - at your own risk :)

You also need these 2 files:
  quickgui.bb (which is the actual gui system)
  quickGui_fileRequestor.bb   (file open/save dialogs, this is also part of the quickgui package)
<a href="codearcs9950.html?code=229" target="_blank">http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=229</a>

Note that this app needs at least 1024x768 display size, otherwise it won't show the bottom parts of the control window. For those people who have 1024x768, it's best
to run it with Graphics 1024, 768, 32, 1 (fullscreen). If your display is 1280x1024 run it at 1024x768/windowed. 800x600 is very bad whether windowed or fullscreen.
If you get lost in too big windows, remember: F1=help and ESC=quit... :P

Note also that it uses the SystemProperty("APPDIR") as a starting point, which means that if you run it from the IDE it will put its settings-file "VisualB.ini" in your Blitz...in folder.
If you run it as an .exe it'll use the directory the visualb.exe actually is in.

Code :
[code=blitzbasic]Graphics 1024, 768, 32, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Include "quickgui.bb"   ;put in correct path
Include "quickgui_filerequestor.bb"

FreeFont gui_font
gui_font = LoadFont("Arial", 12, True)
SetFont gui_font
gui_usepointer = True

ClsColor 128, 128, 128

Global act   ;selected gadget in form=window under construction
Global ctrlpos
Global cyclic_ids
Global dir_app$ = SystemProperty("APPDIR")
Global dir_img$ = dir_app
Global dir_open$ = dir_app
Global dir_snd$ = dir_app
Global endprog
Global exp_fulapp
Global exp_gadselect
Global exp_modal
Global fatmark
Global form
Global formih
Global formimg$
Global frmfile$
Global gadsel
Global mx, my
Global newwidth, newheight
Global posx, posy
Global wait

Type gad
   Field id
   Field noclick
   Field rightclick
   Field inputgadget
   Field container_for
   Field slider_in
   Field vertical
   Field ni$, nih
   Field di$, dih
   Field oi$, oih
   Field os$, osh
   Field ds$, dsh
End Type

If LoadINI() Then msgbox("if you need some HELP please press F1", 0, "First start...")
AppTitle frmfile + " - VisualB"

While Not endprog
   mx = MouseX()
   my = MouseY()

   gadsel = gui_update(0, wait)
   g.gad = GetGad(gadsel)

   If g <> Null      ;gadget in form selected
      act = gadsel
   ElseIf gadsel > 0   ;gadget in CtrlWin selected
   If act <> 0 And KeyDown(56)      ;test slider movement
      g = GetGad(act)
      If (gslider_in <> 0)
         tmp$ = gui_handleSlider(act, form, act, gslider_in, gvertical, True)
         Color 255, 255, 0
         Text 230, 30, "slider value = " + tmp

   Color 0, 0, 0
   Text 230, 0, "mouse: x = " + mx + "   y = " + my

   ;red marker for selected item
   If Not gui_gethandle(1000)
      Color 255, 0, 0
      If act > 0
         rx = gui_getx(act) + gui_getwinx(form)
         rw = gui_getw(act)
         rx = gui_getwinx(form)
         rw = gui_getwinw(form)
      If gui_gethandle(1)
         If ctrlpos = 0
            If rx < 227
            rw = rw - 227 + rx
            rx = 227
         ElseIf rx + rw > ctrlpos
            rw = ctrlpos - rx

      If act > 0
         Rect rx, gui_gety(act) + gui_getwiny(form), rw, gui_geth(act), False
         If fatmark Then Rect rx + 1, gui_gety(act) + gui_getwiny(form) + 1, rw - 2, gui_geth(act) - 2, False
         Rect rx, gui_getwiny(form), rw, gui_getwinh(form), False
         If fatmark Then Rect rx + 1, gui_getwiny(form) + 1, rw - 2, gui_getwinh(form) - 2, False
      Color 0, 0, 0

   enteringtext = False
   For a.gui_gadget = Each gui_gadget
      If amode And 2048
         enteringtext =  True
   If Not enteringtext Then GetuserInput()


Function ApplyAll()
   If act <> 0
      g.gad = GetGad(act)
      align = GetAlign(3)
      gui_settext(act, gui_gettext(2), align)

      tmp1$ = gui_gettext(16)
      tmp2$ = gui_gettext(17)
      tmp3$ = gui_gettext(18)
      gui_settypes(act, Int(tmp1), Int(tmp2), Int(tmp3))

      x = gui_gettext(23)
      y = gui_gettext(24)
      width = gui_gettext(25)
      height = gui_gettext(26)

      Select Int(tmp1)   ;fixed height for radiobtns and checkboxes
         Case 13, 14
            gui_setsize(act, width, 13)
            gui_settext(26, "13")
         Case 15, 16
            gui_setsize(act, width, 12)
            gui_settext(26, "12")
            gui_setsize(act, width, height)
      End Select

      gui_setposition(act, x, y)      


      ;set slider/container
      tmp1 = gui_gettext(34)
      If tmp1 <> ""
         g2.gad = GetGad(Int(tmp1))
         If g2 <> Null
            If g2id <> act
               If g2slider_in <> 0
                  MsgBox("Gadget " + g2id + " is already a slider in " + g2slider_in, 0, "Setting container...")
                  If Not(gui_getmode(34) And 2048)
                     gui_setmode(34, gui_getmode(34) + 2048)
                     gui_textcursorpos = 0
                     gui_settext(34, "")
               ElseIf g2container_for <> 0 And (g2container_for <> gid)
                  MsgBox("Gadget " + g2id + " is already a container for " + g2container_for, 0, "Setting container...")
                  If Not(gui_getmode(34) And 2048)
                     gui_setmode(34, gui_getmode(34) + 2048)
                     gui_textcursorpos = 0
                     gui_settext(34, "")
                  g3.gad = GetGad(gslider_in)
                  If g3 <> Null
                     g3container_for = 0
oclick = False
                  gslider_in = g2id
                  If gvertical
                     gui_settext(33, "vertical")
                     gui_settext(33, "horizontal")
oclick = True
                  g2container_for = act
               If gslider_in <> 0
                  gui_settext(34, gslider_in)
                  gui_settypes(32, 15)
                  gui_settext(34, "")
            MsgBox("There's no gadget number " + tmp1 + " in Form " + form + ".", 0, "Setting container...")
            If gslider_in <> 0
               gui_settext(34, gslider_in)
               gui_settypes(32, 15)
               gui_settext(34, "")
   Else   ;form
      align = GetAlign(form)
      SetWinText(form, gui_gettext(2), align)

      tmp1$ = gui_gettext(16)
      For a.gui_gadget = Each gui_gadget
         If a
um = 0 And awindownum = form Then a   yp = Int(tmp1)
      x = gui_gettext(23)
      y = gui_gettext(24)
      width = gui_gettext(25)
      height = gui_gettext(26)
      gui_setwinxy(form, x, y)
      gui_setwinsize(form, width, height)
   ;find/goto gadget
   tmp1 = gui_gettext(55)
   If tmp1 <> ""
      If Int(tmp1) = form
         gui_settext(55, "")
         act = 0

      For g.gad = Each gad
         If gid = Int(tmp1)
            act = gid
            gui_settext(55, "")
      If g = Last gad Or g = Null
         MsgBox("There's no gadget number " + tmp1 + " in Form " + form + ".", 0, "Goto Gadget...")
         gui_settext(55, "")
   ;change filename
   tmp1$ = gui_gettext(57)
   If tmp1 <> "unnamed"
      If Lower(Right(tmp1, 4)) <> ".vbf"
         If Instr(tmp1, ".") Then tmp1 = Left(tmp1, Instr(tmp1, ".") - 1)
         tmp1 = tmp1 + ".vbf"
         tmp1 = tmp1
      If frmfile <> tmp1
         frmfile = tmp1
         AppTitle frmfile + " - VisualB"
      gui_settext(57, tmp1, 1)
   ;change to new FormID
   tmp1$ = gui_gettext(49)
   If Int(tmp1) <> form
End Function

Function CtrlWin()
   If gui_gethandle(1) Then gui_freewindow(1)

   gui_makewindow(1, 226, 768, 0, 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 1, 1, 27, 29, 15, 5, 8, "text", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 2, 27, 27, 195, 15, 261, 2, "texttext", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 3, 99, 6, 122, 15, 1, 1, "alignment", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 4, 4, 70, 42, 15, 5, 8, "modes", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 5, 5, 90, 55, 12, 5, 15, "noclick", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 6, 5, 105, 67, 12, 5, 15, "nosunken", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 7, 5, 120, 66, 12, 5, 15, "rightclick", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 8, 5, 135, 57, 12, 5, 15, "shadow", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 9, 5, 150, 46, 12, 5, 15, "ghost", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 10, 5, 165, 81, 12, 5, 15, "autobrighten", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 11, 5, 180, 45, 12, 5, 15, "input", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 12, 160, 71, 42, 15, 5, 8, "types", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 13, 132, 91, 42, 15, 5, 8, "normal", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 14, 132, 114, 42, 15, 5, 8, "over", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 15, 132, 137, 42, 15, 5, 8, "down", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 16, 176, 91, 25, 15, 261, 2, "16", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 17, 176, 114, 25, 15, 261, 2, "15", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 18, 176, 137, 25, 15, 261, 2, "11", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 19, 5, 210, 40, 14, 5, 8, "X", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 20, 5, 229, 40, 14, 5, 8, "Y", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 21, 5, 248, 40, 14, 5, 8, "width", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 22, 5, 267, 40, 14, 5, 8, "height", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 23, 50, 210, 35, 15, 261, 2, "xval", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 24, 50, 229, 35, 15, 261, 2, "yval", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 25, 50, 248, 35, 15, 261, 2, "wval", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 26, 50, 267, 35, 15, 261, 2, "hval", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 27, 110, 190, 110, 15, 1, 1, "compress IDs now", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 28, 142, 248, 64, 15, 1, 1, "duplicate", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 29, 142, 267, 64, 15, 1, 1, "delete", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 30, 1, 6, 42, 15, 5, 8, "gadget", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 31, 41, 6, 46, 15, 261, 2, "gadID", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 32, 1, 306, 108, 12, 5, 15, "slider in container", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 33, 163, 306, 56, 15, 1, 1, "vertical", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 34, 110, 306, 46, 15, 261, 2, "containerID", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 35, 6, 359, 45, 15, 5, 8, "images", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 36, 6, 379, 25, 15, 5, 8, "ni", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 37, 6, 399, 25, 15, 5, 8, "oi", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 38, 6, 419, 25, 15, 5, 8, "di", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 39, 6, 445, 46, 15, 5, 8, "sounds", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 40, 6, 465, 25, 15, 5, 8, "os", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 41, 6, 485, 25, 15, 5, 8, "ds", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 42, 21, 379, 200, 15, 1, 1, "nival", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 43, 21, 399, 200, 15, 1, 1, "oival", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 44, 21, 419, 200, 15, 1, 1, "dival", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 45, 21, 465, 200, 15, 1, 1, "osval", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 46, 21, 485, 200, 15, 1, 1, "dsval", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 47, 142, 229, 64, 15, 1, 1, "insert", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 48, 3, 520, 32, 12, 5, 8, "form", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 49, 38, 518, 50, 15, 261, 2, "formID", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 50, 100, 518, 50, 15, 1, 1, "new", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 51, 160, 518, 50, 15, 1, 1, "open", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 52, 100, 538, 50, 15, 1, 1, "save", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 53, 160, 598, 50, 15, 1, 1, "export", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 54, 1, 52, 79, 12, 5, 8, "goto", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 55, 80, 50, 46, 15, 261, 2, "", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 56, 4, 562, 52, 12, 5, 8, "filename", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 57, 53, 561, 166, 15, 261, 2, "filenameval", 1)
   gui_makegadget(1, 58, 156, 746, 64, 15, 1, 1, "quit", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 59, 5, 598, 103, 12, 5, 15, "long gadgetIDs", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 60, 5, 623, 201, 13, 5, 13, "full application", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 61, 36, 638, 136, 13, 5, 13, "without selector", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 62, 36, 654, 137, 13, 5, 13, "select / case selector", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 63, 36, 670, 137, 13, 5, 13, "if / then / else selector", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 64, 5, 719, 202, 13, 5, 13, "form and gadget code only", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 65, 119, 686, 53, 12, 5, 15, "modal", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 66, 1, 326, 108, 15, 5, 8, "container for slider", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 67, 110, 326, 46, 15, 5, 8, "sliderID", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 68, 110, 170, 110, 12, 5, 15, "cyclic IDs", 2)
   gui_makegadget(1, 69, 38, 538, 50, 15, 1, 1, "reload", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 70, 142, 50, 64, 15, 1, 1, "IDs info", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 71, 7, 746, 64, 15, 1, 1, "help", 0)
   gui_makegadget(1, 72, 160, 538, 50, 15, 1, 1, "save as", 0)

   gui_settiptext(2, "F2")
   gui_settiptext(28, "Ctrl/Shift+D")
   gui_settiptext(29, "Ctrl+X")
   gui_settiptext(33, "horizontal/vertical")
   gui_settiptext(47, "Ins")
   gui_settiptext(50, "Ctrl+N")
   gui_settiptext(51, "Ctrl+O")
   gui_settiptext(52, "Ctrl+S")
   gui_settiptext(53, "Ctrl+E")
   gui_settiptext(55, "F3")
   gui_settiptext(58, "Alt+F4")
   gui_settiptext(69, "Ctrl+Z")
   gui_settiptext(70, "Ctrl+I")
   gui_settiptext(71, "F1")

   gui_drawwindow(1, ctrlpos, 0)

   If exp_fulapp = True
      gui_settypes(60, 14)
      gui_settypes(64, 13)
      If exp_modal
         gui_settypes(65, 16)
         gui_settypes(65, 15)
      If exp_gadselect = 0
         gui_settypes(61, 14)
         gui_settypes(62, 13)
         gui_settypes(63, 13)
      ElseIf exp_gadselect = 1
         gui_settypes(61, 13)
         gui_settypes(62, 14)
         gui_settypes(63, 13)
         gui_settypes(61, 13)
         gui_settypes(62, 13)
         gui_settypes(63, 14)
      gui_settypes(60, 13)
      gui_settypes(64, 14)
      gui_settypes(65, 15)
      gui_settypes(61, 13)
      gui_settypes(62, 13)
      gui_settypes(63, 13)
   If cyclic_ids Then gui_settypes(68, 16)
   gui_drawwindow(1, ctrlpos, 0)
End Function

Function Export()
   If Instr(frmfile, ".")
      expfile$ = dir_open + Left(frmfile, Instr(frmfile, ".") - 1) + ".bb"
      expfile$ = dir_open + frmfile + ".bb"

   fileh = WriteFile(expfile)

      WriteLine(fileh, ";created by VisualB")
      If exp_fulapp   ;sample app code
         WriteLine(fileh, "Graphics 1024, 768, 32, 2")
         WriteLine(fileh, "SetBuffer BackBuffer()")
         WriteLine(fileh, "Include " + Chr(34) + "quickGui.bb" + Chr(34) + "   ;complete with correct path")
         WriteLine(fileh, "")
         WriteLine(fileh, "FreeFont gui_font")
         WriteLine(fileh, "gui_font = LoadFont(" + Chr(34) + "Arial" + Chr(34) + ", 12, True)")
         WriteLine(fileh, "SetFont gui_font")
         WriteLine(fileh, "gui_usepointer = True")
         WriteLine(fileh, "Global debugtext$")

         If exp_gadselect > 0
            WriteLine(fileh, "Global gui_wait")
            WriteLine(fileh, "Global gadsel")
            WriteLine(fileh, "")

         If Not exp_modal Then WriteLine(fileh, "CreateWindow()")

         WriteLine(fileh, "")
         WriteLine(fileh, "While Not KeyHit(1)      ;mainloop")
         WriteLine(fileh, "   Cls")
         If exp_gadselect > 0
            WriteLine(fileh, "   gadsel = gui_update(0, gui_wait)")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   gadsel = gui_update()")
         If exp_modal = False
            For g.gad = Each gad
               If gslider_in <> 0
                  If actline = False
                     WriteLine(fileh, "   If gadsel Then act = gadsel")
                     actline = True

                  If gui_gettype(59) = 16
                     exp_ID$ = Str(form) + Str(gid - form)
                     exp_ID2$ = Str(form) + Str(gslider_in - form)
                     exp_ID = gid
                     exp_ID2 = gslider_in
                  WriteLine(fileh, "   If act = " + exp_ID + " Then debugtext = gui_HandleSlider(act, " + form + ", " + exp_ID + ", " + exp_ID2 + ", " + gvertical + ", True)")

            WriteLine(fileh, "")
            If exp_gadselect > 0 Then WriteLine(fileh, "   HandleGuiInput()")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   If debugtext <> " + Chr(34) + Chr(34))
            WriteLine(fileh, "      Color 255, 0, 0")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      Text 0, 0, debugtext")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   EndIf")
            WriteLine(fileh, "")
         ElseIf exp_modal
            WriteLine(fileh, "   Color 255, 255, 255")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   If retval Then t$ = " + Chr(34) + " again" + Chr(34))
            WriteLine(fileh, "   Text 0, 0, " + Chr(34) + "hit SPACE to start window function" + Chr(34) + " + t + " + Chr(34) + ", ESC To Exit program" + Chr(34))
            WriteLine(fileh, "   If KeyHit(57)")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      FlushKeys")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      retval = CreateWindow()")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   EndIf")
            WriteLine(fileh, "")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   If retval")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      Color 255, 255, 0")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      Text 0, 30, " + Chr(34) + "returned value = " + Chr(34) + " + retval")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   EndIf")
            WriteLine(fileh, "")

         WriteLine(fileh, "   Flip")
         WriteLine(fileh, "Wend")
         WriteLine(fileh, "End")
         WriteLine(fileh, "")

         If exp_gadselect
            WriteLine(fileh, "Function HandleGUIInput()")

            If exp_gadselect = 1
               WriteLine(fileh, ";gadget selector type: select/case")
               WriteLine(fileh, "   Select gadsel")
               For g.gad = Each gad
                  If Not g
                     If gui_gettype(59) = 16
                        exp_ID$ = Str(form) + Str(gid - form)
                        WriteLine(fileh, "   Case " + exp_ID)
                        WriteLine(fileh, "      debugtext = " + Chr(34) + "gadget " + Chr(34) + " + " + exp_ID + " + " + Chr(34) + " selected" + Chr(34))
                        WriteLine(fileh, "   Case " + gid)
                        WriteLine(fileh, "      debugtext = " + Chr(34) + "gadget " + Chr(34) + " + " + gid + " + " + Chr(34) + " selected" + Chr(34))
               WriteLine(fileh, "   End Select")
               WriteLine(fileh, "")
            ElseIf exp_gadselect = 2
               WriteLine(fileh, ";gadget selector type: if/then/else")
               For g.gad = Each gad
                  If gui_gettype(59) = 16
                     exp_ID$ = Str(form) + Str(gid - form)
                     If g = First gad
                        WriteLine(fileh, "   If gadsel = " + exp_ID)
                        WriteLine(fileh, "      debugtext = " + Chr(34) + "gadget " + Chr(34) + " + " + exp_ID + " + " + Chr(34) + " selected" + Chr(34))
                     ElseIf Not g
                        WriteLine(fileh, "   ElseIf gadsel = " + exp_ID)
                        WriteLine(fileh, "      debugtext = " + Chr(34) + "gadget " + Chr(34) + " + " + exp_ID + " + " + Chr(34) + " selected" + Chr(34))
                     If g = First gad
                        WriteLine(fileh, "   If gadsel = " + gid)
                        WriteLine(fileh, "      debugtext = " + Chr(34) + "gadget " + Chr(34) + " + " + gid + " + " + Chr(34) + " selected" + Chr(34))
                     ElseIf Not g
                        WriteLine(fileh, "   ElseIf gadsel = " + gid)
                        WriteLine(fileh, "      debugtext = " + Chr(34) + "gadget " + Chr(34) + " + " + gid + " + " + Chr(34) + " selected" + Chr(34))
               WriteLine(fileh, "   EndIf")

            WriteLine(fileh, "   If MouseDown(1)")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      gui_wait = True")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   Else")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      gui_wait = False")
            WriteLine(fileh, "   EndIf")
            WriteLine(fileh, "End Function")
            WriteLine(fileh, "")

         WriteLine(fileh, "Function CreateWindow()")

         If exp_modal      ;modal test win
            WriteLine(fileh, ";program stops until dialog is terminated")
            WriteLine(fileh, ";returns 1 when ended with ESC, 2 when ended with ENTER")
            WriteLine(fileh, "")

      w_x = gui_getwinx(form)
      w_y = gui_getwiny(form)
      w_width = gui_getwinw(form)
      w_height = gui_getwinh(form)
      w_type = GetWinType(form)
      WriteLine(fileh, "   gui_makewindow(" + form + ", " + w_width + ", " + w_height + ", 0, " + w_type + ")")

      For g.gad = Each gad   ;gadgets
         If gui_gettype(59) = 16
            exp_ID = Str(form) + Str(gid - form)
            exp_ID = gid
         width = gui_getw(gid)
         height = gui_geth(gid)
         mode =  gui_getmode(gid)
         If g
oclick Then mode = mode + 2
         If gightclick Then mode = mode + 8
         If gInputgadget Then mode = mode + 256

         nt =  gui_gettype(gid)
         ot = GetOverType(gid)
         dt = GetDownType(gid)

         ni$ = g
         oi$ = goi
         di$ = gdi
         os$ =  gos
         ds$ =  gds

         WriteLine(fileh, "   gui_makegadget(" + form + ", " + exp_ID + ", " + gui_getx(gid) + ", " + gui_gety(gid) + ", " + width + ", " + height + ", " + mode + ", " + nt + ", " + Chr(34) + gui_gettext(gid) + Chr(34) + ", " + GetAlign(gid) + ")")
         If (ot Or dt) Then WriteLine(fileh, "      gui_settypes(" + exp_ID + ", " + nt + ", " + ot + ", " + dt + ")")
         If g
i <> ""
            WriteLine(fileh, "      nih = LoadImage(" + Chr(34) + g
i + Chr(34) + ")")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      If nih <> 0 Then nih = gui_givebutton(nih, " + width + ", " + height + ")")
            tmp1$ = "nih"
            tmp1$ = Chr(34) + Chr(34)
         If goi <> ""
            WriteLine(fileh, "      oih = LoadImage(" + Chr(34) + goi + Chr(34) +  ")")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      If oih <> 0 Then oih = gui_givebutton(oih, " + width + ", " + height + ")")
            tmp2$ = "oih"
            tmp2$ = Chr(34) + Chr(34)
         If gdi <> ""
            WriteLine(fileh, "      dih = LoadImage(" + Chr(34) + gdi + Chr(34) +  ")")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      If dih <> 0 Then dih = gui_givebutton(dih, " + width + ", " + height + ")")
            tmp3$ = "dih"
            tmp3$ = Chr(34) + Chr(34)
         If g
i <> "" Or goi <> "" Or gdi <> ""
            WriteLine(fileh, "      gui_setimages(" + exp_ID + ", 0, 0, " + tmp1 + ", " + tmp2 + ", " + tmp3 + ")")
            WriteLine(fileh, "")

         If gos <> ""
            WriteLine(fileh, "      osh = LoadSound(" + Chr(34) + gos + Chr(34) + ")")
            tmp1$ = "osh"
            tmp1$ = Chr(34) + Chr(34)
         If gds <> ""
            WriteLine(fileh, "      dsh = LoadSound(" + Chr(34) + gds + Chr(34) +  ")")
            tmp2$ = "dsh"
            tmp2$ = Chr(34) + Chr(34)
         If gos <> "" Or gds <> ""
            WriteLine(fileh, "      gui_setsounds(" + exp_ID + ", " + tmp1 + ", " + tmp2 + ")")
            WriteLine(fileh, "")

      WriteLine(fileh, "")
      WriteLine(fileh, "   gui_drawwindow(" + form + ", " + w_x + ", " + w_y + ")")
      If exp_modal And exp_fulapp
         WriteLine(fileh, "")
         WriteLine(fileh, "   Repeat      ;loop")
         WriteLine(fileh, "      Cls")
         WriteLine(fileh, "      Color 255, 255, 255")
         WriteLine(fileh, "      Text 0, 0, " + Chr(34) + "hit ESC to exit and return 1" + Chr(34))
         WriteLine(fileh, "      Text 0, 10, " + Chr(34) + "hit ENTER to exit and return 2" + Chr(34))
         WriteLine(fileh, "      gadsel = gui_update(" +  form + ", gui_wait)")

            For g.gad = Each gad
               If gslider_in <> 0
                  If actline = False
                     WriteLine(fileh, "      If gadsel Then act = gadsel")
                     WriteLine(fileh, "")
                     actline = True

                  If gui_gettype(59) = 16
                     exp_ID$ = Str(form) + Str(gid - form)
                     exp_ID2$ = Str(form) + Str(gslider_in - form)
                     exp_ID = gid
                     exp_ID2 = gslider_in
                  WriteLine(fileh, "      If act = " + exp_ID + " Then debugtext = gui_HandleSlider(act, " + form + ", " + exp_ID + ", " + exp_ID2 + ", " + gvertical + ", True)")
         If exp_gadselect > 0
            WriteLine(fileh, "")
            WriteLine(fileh, "      HandleGuiInput()")

         WriteLine(fileh, "")
         WriteLine(fileh, "      If debugtext <> " + Chr(34) + Chr(34))
         WriteLine(fileh, "         Color 255, 0, 0")
         WriteLine(fileh, "         Text 0, 30, debugtext")
         WriteLine(fileh, "      EndIf")
         WriteLine(fileh, "")

         WriteLine(fileh, "      Flip")
         WriteLine(fileh, "")
         WriteLine(fileh, "      If KeyHit(1)")
         WriteLine(fileh, "         FlushKeys")
         WriteLine(fileh, "         gui_freewindow(" + form + ")")
         If exp_gadselect Then WriteLine(fileh, "         debugtext = " + Chr(34) + Chr(34))
         WriteLine(fileh, "         Return 1")
         WriteLine(fileh, "      ElseIf KeyHit(28)")
         WriteLine(fileh, "         FlushKeys")
         WriteLine(fileh, "         gui_freewindow(" + form + ")")
         If exp_gadselect Then WriteLine(fileh, "         debugtext = " + Chr(34) + Chr(34))
         WriteLine(fileh, "         Return 2")
         WriteLine(fileh, "      EndIf")
         WriteLine(fileh, "   Forever")
      If exp_fulapp Then WriteLine(fileh, "End Function")

End Function

Function FillCtrl()
   gui_settext(57, frmfile, 1)
   gui_settext(49, form)
   If act > 0
      g.gad = GetGad(act)
      If gcontainer_for <> 0
         gui_settext(67, gcontainer_for)
         gui_settext(67, "")

      If gslider_in <> 0
         gui_settypes(32, 16)
         gui_settext(34, gslider_in)
         If gvertical
            gui_settext(33, "vertical")
            gui_settext(33, "horizontal")
         gui_settypes(32, 15)
         gui_settext(33, "")
         gui_settext(34, "")

      gui_settext(2, gui_gettext(act), 1)
      mode = gui_getmode(act)
      If g
oclick Then
         gui_settypes(5, 16)
         gui_Settypes(5, 15)

      If mode And 4 Then
         gui_settypes(6, 16)
         gui_settypes(6, 15)

      If gightclick Then
         gui_settypes(7, 16)
         gui_settypes(7, 15)

      If ginputgadget Then
         gui_settypes(11, 16)
         gui_settypes(11, 15)

      If mode And 16 Then
         gui_settypes(8, 16)
         gui_settypes(8, 15)

      If mode And 32 Then
         gui_settypes(9, 16)
         gui_settypes(9, 15)
      If mode And 64 Then
         gui_settypes(10, 16)
         gui_settypes(10, 15)
      gui_settext(31, act)
      ntyp = gui_gettype(act)
      gui_settext(16, ntyp)
      gui_settext(17, GetOverType(act))
      gui_settext(18, GetDownType(act))

      align = GetAlign(act)
      If ntyp > 12 And ntyp < 17
         tmp1$ = "right"
         align = 2
         If align = 0
            tmp1$ = "center"
         ElseIf align = 1
            tmp1 = "left"
         ElseIf align = 2
            tmp1 = "right"
      gui_settext(3, tmp1 + " align", align)
      gui_settypes(3, 1)

      If g
i <> ""
         gui_settext(42, g
         gui_settext(42, "(none)")
      If goi <> ""
         gui_settext(43, goi)
         gui_settext(43, "(none)")
      If gdi <> ""
         gui_settext(44, gdi)
         gui_settext(44, "(none)")
      If gos <> ""
         gui_settext(45, gos)
         gui_settext(45, "(none)")
      If gds <> ""
         gui_settext(46, gds)
         gui_settext(46, "(none)")
      gui_settext(23, gui_getx(act))
      gui_settext(24, gui_gety(act))
      gui_settext(25, gui_getw(act))
      gui_settext(26, gui_geth(act))
   Else   ;form
      gui_settypes(32, 15)
      gui_settext(33, "")
      gui_settext(34, "")
      gui_settext(67, "")

      tmp1$ = GetWinText(form)

      If tmp1 = ""
         gui_settext(2, tmp1)
         gui_settext(2, tmp1, 1)

      align = GetAlign(form)
      If align = 0
         tmp1$ = "center"
      ElseIf align = 1
         tmp1 = "left"
      ElseIf align = 2
         tmp1 = "right"
      gui_settext(3, tmp1 + " align", align)
      gui_settypes(3, 1)

      gui_settypes(5, 15)
      gui_settypes(6, 15)
      gui_settypes(7, 15)
      gui_settypes(8, 15)
      gui_settypes(9, 15)
      gui_settypes(10, 15)
      gui_settypes(11, 15)

      mode = gui_getmode(0)
      If mode And 2
         gui_settypes(5, 16)
      ElseIf mode And 4
         gui_settypes(6, 16)
      ElseIf mode And 8
         gui_settypes(7, 16)
      ElseIf mode And 16
         gui_settypes(8, 16)
      ElseIf mode And 32
         gui_settypes(9, 16)
      ElseIf mode And 64
         gui_settypes(10, 16)
      ElseIf mode And 256
         gui_settypes(11, 16)

      ntyp = GetWinType(form)
      gui_settext(16, ntyp)
      gui_settext(31, "")
      gui_settext(43, "")
      gui_settext(44, "")
      gui_settext(45, "")
      gui_settext(46, "")
      If formimg <> ""
         gui_settext(42, formimg)
         gui_settext(42, "(none)")
      gui_settext(23, gui_getwinx(form))
      gui_settext(24, gui_getwiny(form))
      gui_settext(25, gui_getwinw(form))
      gui_settext(26, gui_getwinh(form))
      gui_settext(17, "")
      gui_settext(18, "")
   If gui_gethandle(1) Then gui_redrawwindow(1)
End Function

Function GetAlign(name)
   For w.gui_gadget = Each gui_gadget
      If w
um = name Or (wwindownum = name And w
um = 0)
         Return wjustify
End Function

Function GetDownType(name)
   For w.gui_gadget = Each gui_gadget
      If w
um = name
         Return wdown_gad_type
End Function

Function GetFreeID(num)
   If num < form + 1 Then num = form + 1
   g.gad = First gad
   If g = Null Then Return num
      For g = Each gad
         If num = gid Then Exit   ;not free
         If g = Last gad
            Return num
      num = num + 1
End Function

Function GetGad.gad(id)
   For g.gad = Each gad
      If gid = id Then Return g
End Function

Function GetOverType(name)
   For w.gui_gadget = Each gui_gadget
      If w
um = name
         Return wover_gad_type
End Function

Function GetUserInput()
   If (MouseHit(3) Or MouseHit(2))      ;init pos for pan/scale
      If act > 0
         posx = mx - gui_getwinx(form) - gui_getx(act)
         posy = my - gui_getwiny(form) - gui_gety(act)
         posx = mx - gui_getwinx(form)
         posy = my - gui_getwiny(form)

   If MouseDown(2)      ;pan
      If act > 0
         If KeyDown(42) Or KeyDown(54)      ;horiz
            newx = mx - gui_getwinx(form) - posx
            newy = gui_gety(act)
         ElseIf KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)   ;vert
            newx = gui_getx(act)
            newy = my - gui_getwiny(form) - posy
         Else                        ;both
            newx = mx - gui_getwinx(form) - posx
            newy = my - gui_getwiny(form) - posy

         gui_setposition(act, newx, newy)
      Else   ;form
         If KeyDown(42) Or KeyDown(54)
            newx = mx - posx
            newy = gui_getwiny(form)
         ElseIf KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)
            newx = gui_getwinx(form)
            newy = my - posy
            newx = mx - posx
            newy = my - posy
         gui_setwinxy(form, newx, newy)
   ElseIf MouseDown(3)   ;scale
      mxspd# = MouseXSpeed()
      myspd# = MouseYSpeed()
      If act > 0
         If KeyDown(42) Or KeyDown(54)      ;width
            newwidth = gui_getw(act) + mxspd
            newheight = gui_geth(act)
         ElseIf KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)   ;height
            newwidth = gui_getw(act)
            newheight = gui_geth(act) + myspd
         Else                        ;both
            newwidth = gui_getw(act) + mxspd
            newheight = gui_geth(act) + myspd
         If newwidth < 25 Then newwidth = 25
         If newheight < 10 Then newheight = 10
         nt = gui_gettype(act)

         Select nt   ;radiobtns/checkboxes (needs fix in quickgui.bb)
            Case 13, 14
               newheight = 13
            Case 15, 16
               newheight = 12
         End Select
         gui_setsize(act, newwidth, newheight)

      Else   ;form
         If KeyDown(42) Or KeyDown(54)
            newwidth = gui_getwinw(form) + mxspd
            newheight = gui_getwinh(form)
         ElseIf KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)
            newwidth = gui_getwinw(form)
            newheight = gui_getwinh(form) + myspd
            newwidth = gui_getwinw(form) + mxspd
            newheight = gui_getwinh(form) + myspd
         If newwidth < 100 Then newwidth = 100
         If newheight < 50 Then newheight = 50
         gui_setwinsize(form, newwidth, newheight)
   If MouseDown(3) = False And newwidth <> 0 And newheight <> 0
      If act > 0
      newwidth = 0
      newheight = 0
   If MouseDown(1) Or MouseDown(2) Or MouseDown(3)
      wait = True
      wait = False
   If KeyHit(28)   ;return
   ElseIf gadsel = 58
      endprog = True
   ElseIf KeyHit(62)   ;f4
      If gui_gethandle(1)
   ElseIf KeyHit(45) And (KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)) Or gadsel = 29   ;ctrl+X
      If act = 0 Then Return
      g.gad = GetGad(act)
      FreeImage g
      FreeImage goih
      FreeImage gdih
      FreeSound gosh
      FreeSound gdsh
      If gcontainer_for
         g2.gad = GetGad(gcontainer_for)
         g2slider_in = 0
      If gslider_in
         g2.gad = GetGad(gslider_in)
         g2container_for = 0

      Delete g
      For w.gui_gadget = Each gui_gadget
         If w
um = act
            Delete w.gui_gadget
      If cyclic_IDs Then SortIDs()
      act = 0
   ElseIf KeyHit(31) And (KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)) Or gadsel = 52 Or gadsel = 72   ;save
      tmp$ = gui_gettext(57)
      If Lower(Left(tmp, 9) = "unnamed") Or gadsel = 72
         gui_filter(0) = ".vbf"
         tmp = gui_Filerequestor("Save file as...", dir_open, "", GraphicsWidth()/2 - 225, GraphicsHeight()/2 - 160)
         If tmp <> ""
            For position = Len(tmp) - 1 To 1 Step - 1
               If Mid(tmp, position, 1) = ""
                  path$ = Left(tmp, position)
            If Lower(Right(tmp, 4)) <> ".vbf" Then tmp = tmp + ".vbf"
            dir_open = path         
            SaveForm(Right(tmp, Len(tmp) - Len(path)))
      ElseIf tmp <> ""
         If Lower(Right(tmp, 4)) <> ".vbf" Then tmp = tmp + ".vbf"
   ElseIf KeyHit(24) And (KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)) Or gadsel = 51   ;open
      gui_filter(0) = ".vbf"
      tmp$ = gui_filerequestor("Open file...", dir_open, "", GraphicsWidth()/2 - 225, GraphicsHeight()/2 - 160)

      If tmp <> ""
         For position = Len(tmp) - 1 To 1 Step - 1
            If Mid(tmp, position, 1) = ""
               path$ = Left(tmp, position)

         dir_open = path
         LoadForm(Right(tmp, Len(tmp) - Len(path)))
   ElseIf KeyHit(32) And (KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(42)) Or gadsel = 28   ;dup gad, shift=horiz, ctrl=vert
      If act = 0 Then Return
      oldgad.gad = GetGad(act)

      width = gui_getw(act)
      height = gui_geth(act)

      If KeyDown(42)
         x = gui_getx(act) + width + 5
         y = gui_gety(act)
         x = gui_getx(act)
         y = gui_gety(act) + height + 5

      mode = gui_getmode(act)
      nt = gui_gettype(act)
      ot = GetOverType(act)
      dt = GetDownType(act)
      align = GetAlign(act)
      g.gad = New gad
      gid = GetFreeID(form + 1)
oclick = oldgad
      gightclick = oldgadightclick
      ginputgadget = oldgadinputgadget
i = oldgad
      goi = oldgadoi
      gdi = oldgaddi
      gos = oldgados
      gds = oldgadds
      gui_makegadget(form, gid, x, y, width, height, mode, 1, gid, align)
      gui_settypes(gid, nt, ot, dt)
      act = gid
   ElseIf KeyHit(49) And (KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)) Or gadsel = 50   ;new form
      For g.gad = Each gad
         FreeImage g
         FreeImage goih
         FreeImage gdih
         FreeSound gosh
         FreeSound gdsh
         Delete g
      frmfile = "unnamed"
      form = 100
      gui_makewindow(form, 400, 300, 0, 1)
      gui_drawwindow(form, 260, 60)
      act = 0

      AppTitle frmfile + " - VisualB"
   ElseIf KeyHit(210) Or gadsel = 47   ;ins-new gad
      g.gad = New gad
      gid = GetFreeID(form + 1)
      gui_makegadget(form, gid, 50, 50, 60, 25, 1, 1, gid)
      act = gid
   ElseIf gadsel = 27   ;compress IDs
      retval = MsgBox("Gadget IDs will be changed. Continue?", 1, "Sort and compress gadget IDs...")
      If retval = 1
   ElseIf gadsel = 0 And MouseHit(1) And mx>gui_getwinx(form) And mx<gui_getwinx(form)+gui_getwinw(form) And my>gui_getwiny(form) And my<gui_getwiny(form)+gui_getwinh(form) And KeyDown(56) = False
      ;Lclick: activate form
      act = 0
   ElseIf KeyHit(60)   ;F2 edit text
      If Not(gui_getmode(2) And 2048)
         gui_settext(2, "", GetAlign(2))
         gui_setmode(2, gui_getmode(2) + 2048)
         gui_textcursorpos = 0
   ElseIf KeyHit(59) Or gadsel = 71   ;F1 help
      txt$ = "Ins - adds new gadget at (form-) position x=50, y=50" + Chr(31) + "LMB - selects item. MMB - resizes, RMB - moves selected item." + Chr(31) + "Shift - limits resizing/moving to horizontal only, "
      txt = txt + "Ctrl - limits to vertical" + Chr(31) + "Enter - applies changes made in control window"  + Chr(31) + Chr(31) + "Some hotkeys can be retrieved by holding the mouse over a button for about "
      txt = txt + "two secs..." + Chr(31) + Chr(31) + "F1 - displays this help" + Chr(31) + "F2 - edit gadget text" + Chr(31) + "F3 - find/goto gadget" + Chr(31) + "F4 - show/hide control window"
      txt = txt + Chr(31) + "F5 - left/right position of control window" + Chr(31) + "F6 - slim/fat gadget marker" + Chr(31) + "Alt+F4 - ends program" + Chr(31) + "Tab/Shift+Tab - jumps from item To item"
      txt = txt + Chr(31) + "Alt+drag - tests slider movement" + Chr(31) + Chr(31) + "SPECIAL THANKS TO THE PEOPLE OF WICKEDRUSH SOFTWARE FOR THE WORK AND POWER THEY PUT IN QUICKGUI!"
      MsgBox(txt, 0, "Help...")
   ElseIf KeyHit(1)
      endprog = True
   ElseIf KeyHit(61)   ;F3   goto
      If Not(gui_getmode(55) And 2048)
         gui_setmode(55, gui_getmode(55) + 2048)
         gui_textcursorpos = 0
   ElseIf KeyHit(63)   ;F5 left/right position
      If gui_gethandle(1)
         If  ctrlpos = 0
            ctrlpos = GraphicsWidth() - 227
            ctrlpos = 0
   ElseIf KeyHit(64)
      fatmark = Not fatmark
   ElseIf KeyHit(23) And (KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)) Or gadsel = 70      ;ctrl+i gad info
      For g.gad = Each gad
         gadcount = gadcount + 1

      tmp1$ = gadcount + " gadgets" + Chr(31) + "Used IDs: "
      For g.gad = Each gad
         If tmp1 = ""
            tmp1 = gid
            tmp1$ = tmp1 + " " + gid

      For g.gad = Each gad
         If gid > max Then max = gid

      tmp1 = tmp1 + Chr(31) + Chr(31) + "Free:"
      For i = form + 1 To max
         free = GetFreeID(i)
         If free = i
            tmp1 = tmp1 + " " + i
      If Right(tmp1, 1) = ":" Then tmp1 = tmp1 + " (none)"
      MsgBox(tmp1, 0, "Info...")

   ElseIf KeyHit(15)   ;Tab
      If act <> 0
         g.gad = GetGad(act)
         If KeyDown(42)   ;Lshift previous gad
            If g = First gad
               g = Last gad
               g = Before g
         Else         ;next gad
            If g = Last gad
               g = First gad
               g = After g
         act = gid
         If KeyDown(42)
            g = Last gad
            g = First gad
         If g <> Null
            act = gid
            act = 0
   ElseIf gadsel = 42 Or gadsel = 43 Or gadsel = 44   ;load image
      tmp1 = gadsel
      If act <> 0 Or tmp1 = 42
         gui_filter(0) = ".bmp"
         gui_filter(1) = ".jpg"
         tmp2$ = gui_filerequestor("Load image...", dir_img, "", GraphicsWidth()/2 - 225, GraphicsHeight()/2 - 160)

      If act <> 0
         g.gad = GetGad(act)
         If tmp1 = 42      ;normalimg
i = tmp2
         ElseIf tmp1 = 43   ;overimg
            goi = tmp2
         ElseIf tmp1 = 44   ;downimg
            gdi = tmp2
      ElseIf tmp1 = 42
         formimg = tmp2

      ;checkout path...
      If tmp2 <> ""
         For position = Len(tmp2) - 1 To 1 Step - 1
            If Mid(tmp2, position, 1) = ""
               path$ = Left(tmp2, position)
         dir_img = path

   ElseIf act <> 0 And (gadsel = 45 Or gadsel = 46)   ;load sound
      tmp1 = gadsel
      gui_filter(0) = ".wav"
      tmp2$ = gui_filerequestor("Load sound...", dir_snd, "", GraphicsWidth()/2 - 225, GraphicsHeight()/2 - 160)
      g.gad = GetGad(act)

      If tmp1 = 45      ;oversnd
         gos = tmp2
      ElseIf tmp1 = 46   ;downsnd
         gds = tmp2

      If tmp2 <> ""
         For position = Len(tmp2) - 1 To 1 Step - 1
            If Mid(tmp2, position, 1) = ""
               path$ = Left(tmp2, position)
         dir_snd = path

   ElseIf gadsel = 3   ;align left/center/right (right needs fix in quickgui)
      If act > 0
         align = GetAlign(act)
         align = align + 1
         If align > 2 Then align = 0
         gui_settext(act, gui_gettext(act), align)
         align = GetAlign(form)
         align = align + 1
         If align > 2 Then align = 0
         SetWinText(form, gui_gettext(2), align)

                           ;gad-modes (left out 128)
   ElseIf gadsel = 5 And act > 0   ;2
      g.gad = GetGad(act)
      If gui_gettype(5) = 15
         gui_settypes(5, 16)
oclick = True
         gui_settypes(5, 15)
oclick = False
   ElseIf gadsel = 6 And act > 0   ;4
      mode = gui_getmode(act)
      If gui_gettype(6) = 15
         gui_settypes(6, 16)
         If Not(mode And 4) Then mode = mode + 4
         gui_settypes(6, 15)
         If mode And 4 Then mode = mode - 4
      gui_setmode(act, mode)
   ElseIf gadsel = 7 And act > 0   ;8
      g.gad = GetGad(act)
      If gui_gettype(7) = 15
         gui_settypes(7, 16)
         gightclick = True
         gui_settypes(7, 15)
         gightclick = False
   ElseIf gadsel = 8 And act > 0   ;16
      mode = gui_getmode(act)
      If gui_gettype(8) = 15
         gui_settypes(8, 16)
         If Not(mode And 16) Then mode = mode + 16
         gui_settypes(8, 15)
         If mode And 16 Then mode = mode - 16
      gui_setmode(act, mode)
   ElseIf gadsel = 9 And act > 0   ;32
      mode = gui_getmode(act)
      If gui_gettype(9) = 15
         gui_settypes(9, 16)
         If Not(mode And 32) Then mode = mode + 32
         gui_settypes(9, 15)
         If mode And 32 Then mode = mode - 32
      gui_setmode(act, mode)
   ElseIf gadsel = 10 And act > 0   ;64
      mode = gui_getmode(act)
      If gui_gettype(10) = 15
         gui_settypes(10, 16)
         If Not(mode And 64) Then mode = mode + 64
         gui_settypes(10, 15)
         If mode And 64 Then mode = mode - 64
      gui_setmode(act, mode)
   ElseIf gadsel = 11 And act > 0   ;256
      g.gad = GetGad(act)
      If gui_gettype(11) = 15
         gui_settypes(11, 16)
         ginputgadget = True
         gui_settypes(11, 15)
         ginputgadget = False
   ElseIf KeyHit(18) And (KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)) Or gadsel = 53   ;ctrl-e
   ElseIf gadsel = 60   ;sample app code
      gui_settypes(60, 14)
      gui_settypes(64, 13)
      If exp_modal
         gui_settypes(65, 16)
         gui_settypes(65, 15)
      If exp_gadselect = 0
         gui_settypes(61, 14)
      ElseIf exp_gadselect = 1
         gui_settypes(62, 14)
         gui_settypes(63, 14)
      exp_fulapp = True
   ElseIf gadsel = 64   ;no app code
      gui_settypes(64, 14)
      gui_settypes(60, 13)
      gui_settypes(61, 13)
      gui_settypes(62, 13)
      gui_settypes(63, 13)
      gui_settypes(65, 15)
      exp_fulapp = False
   ElseIf gadsel = 61   ;no selector
      gui_settypes(60, 14)
      gui_settypes(64, 13)
      gui_settypes(61, 14)
      gui_settypes(62, 13)
      gui_settypes(63, 13)
      If exp_modal
         gui_settypes(65, 16)
         gui_settypes(65, 15)
      exp_gadselect = 0
      exp_fulapp = True
   ElseIf gadsel = 62   ;select/case
      gui_settypes(60, 14)
      gui_settypes(64, 13)
      gui_settypes(61, 13)
      gui_settypes(62, 14)
      gui_settypes(63, 13)
      If exp_modal
         gui_settypes(65, 16)
         gui_settypes(65, 15)
      exp_gadselect = 1
      exp_fulapp = True
   ElseIf gadsel = 63   ;if/then/else
      gui_settypes(60, 14)
      gui_settypes(64, 13)
      gui_settypes(61, 13)
      gui_settypes(62, 13)
      gui_settypes(63, 14)
      If exp_modal
         gui_settypes(65, 16)
         gui_settypes(65, 15)
      exp_gadselect = 2
      exp_fulapp = True
   ElseIf gadsel = 65   ;modal
      If gui_gettype(65) = 15
         gui_settypes(65, 16)
         gui_settypes(60, 14)
         gui_settypes(64, 13)

         If exp_gadselect = 0
            gui_settypes(61, 14)
         ElseIf exp_gadselect = 1
            gui_settypes(62, 14)
            gui_settypes(63, 14)

         exp_fulapp = True
         exp_modal = True
         gui_settypes(65, 15)
         exp_modal = False
   ElseIf gadsel = 59   ;long IDs, export only
      If gui_gettype(59) = 15
         gui_settypes(59, 16)
         gui_settypes(59, 15)
   ElseIf gadsel = 32   ;slidergad
      If act
         g.gad = GetGad(act)
         If gcontainer_for <> 0
            g2.gad = GetGad(gcontainer_for)
            MsgBox("Gadget " + act + " is already a container for " + g2id, 0, "Make slider gadget...")

         If gui_gettype(32) = 15
            gui_settypes(32, 16)
            If Not(gui_getmode(34) And 2048)
               gui_setmode(34, gui_getmode(34) + 2048)   ;container-ID
               gui_textcursorpos = 0
               gui_settext(34, "")
            If gslider_in <> 0
               g2.gad = GetGad(gslider_in)
               g2container_for = 0
            gslider_in = 0
            gvertical = False
            gui_settext(34, "")
            gui_settypes(32, 15)
            gui_settext(33, "")


   ElseIf gadsel = 33   ;vert/horiz slider
      If act
         g.gad = GetGad(act)
         If gslider_in
            If gui_gettext(33) = "vertical"
               gui_settext(33, "horizontal")
               gvertical = False
               gui_settext(33, "vertical")
               gvertical = True
            gui_settext(33, "")
   ElseIf gadsel = 68                  

      If cyclic_ids   ;starting at form + 1, no gaps in between, e.g. 2001-2002-2003
         cyclic_ids = False
         gui_settypes(68, 15)
      Else         ;noncyclic=IDs only have to be unique, e.g. 2002-2007-2011
         retval = MsgBox("Activating cyclic ID-handling will line up gadget IDs with no gaps in between. " + Chr(31) + "Continue?", 1, "Make IDs cyclic...")
         If retval = 1
            cyclic_ids = True
            gui_settypes(68, 16)
   ElseIf KeyHit(21) And (KeyDown(29) Or KeyDown(157)) Or gadsel = 69   ;ctrl-z reload
End Function

Function GetWinText$(name)
   For w.gui_gadget = Each gui_gadget
      If wwindownum = name And w
um = 0
         Return w   extstr$
End Function

Function GetWinType(name)
   For w.gui_gadget = Each gui_gadget
      If w
um = 0 And wwindownum = name
         Return w   yp
End Function

Function LoadForm(fn$)
   If fn <> "tempfile" Then frmfile = fn

   If FileType(dir_open + fn) = 0

   For g.gad = Each gad
      FreeImage g
      FreeImage goih
      FreeImage gdih
      FreeSound gosh
      FreeSound gdsh
      Delete g
   act = 0

   file = ReadFile(dir_open + fn)
   While Not Eof(file)
      zeile$ = ReadLine(file)
      separatorposition = Instr(zeile, "=")
      wert$ = Mid(zeile, separatorposition + 1, -1)

      Select Trim(Mid(zeile, 1, separatorposition - 1))
         Case "cyclic_ids"
            cyclic_ids = wert
         Case "ctrlpos"
            ctrlpos = wert
         Case "form"
            form = wert
            If form < 100 Then form = 100
         Case "w_x"
            w_x = wert
         Case "w_y"
            w_y = wert
         Case "w_width"
            w_width = wert
         Case "w_height"
            w_height = wert
         Case "w_type"
            w_type = wert
            gui_makewindow(form, w_width, w_height, 0, w_type)
         Case "w_img"
            formimg = wert
            If formimg <> "" Then UpdImages(Null)
         Case "w_text"
            txt$ = wert
         Case "w_align"
            align = wert
            SetWinText(form, txt, align)
         Case "gadget"
            id = wert
         Case "noclick"
            noclick = wert
         Case "rightclick"
            rightclick = wert
         Case "inputgadget"
            inputgadget = wert
         Case "slider_in"
            slider_in = wert
         Case "vertical"
            vertical = wert
         Case "x"
            x = wert
         Case "y"
            y = wert
         Case "width"
            width = wert
         Case "height"
            height = wert
         Case "mode"
            mode = wert
         Case "nt"
            nt = wert
         Case "ot"
            ot = wert
         Case "dt"
            dt = wert
         Case "text"
            txt$ = wert
         Case "align"
            align = wert
         Case "ni"
            ni$ = wert
            If ni <> "" And Instr(ni, "") = 0 Then ni = dir_app + ni
         Case "oi"
            oi$ = wert
            If oi <> "" And Instr(oi, "") = 0 Then oi = dir_app + oi
         Case "di"
            di$ = wert
            If di <> "" And Instr(di, "") = 0 Then di = dir_app + di
         Case "os"
            os$ = wert
            If os <> "" And Instr(os, "") = 0 Then os = dir_app + os
         Case "ds"
            ds$ = wert
            If ds <> "" And Instr(ds, "") = 0 Then ds = dir_app + ds

            gui_makegadget(form, id, x, y, width, height, mode, nt, txt, align)
            gui_settypes(id, nt, ot, dt)
            g.gad = New gad
oclick = noclick
            gightclick = rightclick
            ginputgadget = inputgadget
            gslider_in = slider_in
            gvertical = vertical
            gid = id
i = ni
            goi = oi
            gdi = di
            gos = os
            gds = ds
            If g
i <> "" Or goi <> "" Or gdi <> "" Then UpdImages(g)
            If gos <> "" Or gds <> "" Then UpdSounds(g)
      End Select
   gui_drawwindow(form, w_x, w_y)

   For g.gad = Each gad
      If gslider_in
         tmpgad.gad = GetGad(gslider_in)
oclick = True
         tmpgadcontainer_for = gid

   AppTitle frmfile + " - VisualB"
End Function

Function LoadINI()
   If FileType(dir_app + "visualb.ini") = 0
      firststart = True
      file = WriteFile(dir_app + "visualb.ini")   ;new ini
         WriteLine(file, "dir_app=" + dir_app)
         WriteLine(file, "dir_open=" + dir_app)
         WriteLine(file, "dir_img=" + dir_img)
         WriteLine(file, "dir_snd=" + dir_snd)
         WriteLine(file, "exp_fulapp=" + exp_fulapp)
         WriteLine(file, "exp_modal=" + exp_modal)
         WriteLine(file, "exp_gadselect=" + exp_gadselect)
         WriteLine(file, "fatmark=" + fatmark)
         WriteLine(file, "lastform=")

   file = ReadFile(dir_app + "visualb.ini")
      While Not Eof(file)
         zeile$ = ReadLine(file)
         separator = Instr(zeile, "=")
         Wert$ = Mid(zeile, separator + 1, -1)
         Select Trim(Mid(zeile, 1, separator - 1))
         Case "dir_app"
            dir_app = wert
         Case "dir_open"
            dir_open = wert
         Case "dir_img"
            dir_img = wert
         Case "dir_snd"
            dir_snd = wert
         Case "exp_fulapp"
            exp_fulapp = wert
         Case "exp_modal"
            exp_modal = wert
         Case "exp_gadselect"
            exp_gadselect = wert
         Case "fatmark"
            fatmark = wert
         Case "lastform"
            If wert = "" Or FileType(dir_open + wert) = 0
               frmfile = "unnamed"
               form = 100
               gui_makewindow(form, 400, 300, 0, 1)
               gui_drawwindow(form, 260, 60)
               act = 0
               frmfile = wert
         End Select
   Return firststart
End Function

Function MsgBox$(msg$, typ=0, title$="Message")
;types 0=Ok, 1=Ok/Cancel, 2=Yes/No/Cancel
   If gui_Gethandle(1000) Then gui_freewindow(1000)

   ;limit title
   If Len(title) > 150 Then title = Left(title, 140) + "..."

   ;min width
   If typ = 1
      If width < 210 Then width = 210
   ElseIf typ = 2
      If width < 310 Then width = 310
      If width < 100 Then width = 100

   ;temp subdiv
   originalmsg$ = msg
   j = 1
   pos = Instr(msg, Chr(31))
   While pos
      While pos > 150
         For i = 150 To 1 Step -1
            pos = Instr(msg, " ", i)
            If pos < 150 Then Exit
         tmp$ = Left(msg, pos)
         If width < StringWidth(tmp) Then width = StringWidth(tmp)
         msg = Right(msg, Len(msg) - pos)
         pos = Instr(msg, Chr(31))
         j = j + 1

      tmp = Left(msg, pos - 1)
         If width < StringWidth(tmp) Then width = StringWidth(tmp)
      msg = Right(msg, Len(msg) - pos)
      pos = Instr(msg, Chr(31))
      j = j + 1

   If msg <> ""
      While Len(msg) > 150
         For i = 150 To 1 Step -1
            pos = Instr(msg, " ", i)
            If pos < 150 Then Exit
         tmp = Left(msg, pos)
         If width < StringWidth(tmp) Then width = StringWidth(tmp)
         msg = Right(msg, Len(msg) - pos)
         j = j + 1
      If msg <> ""
         If width < StringWidth(msg) Then width = StringWidth(msg)

   If width < StringWidth(title) Then width = StringWidth(title)
   If width > GraphicsWidth() * .78  Then width = GraphicsWidth() * .78
   height = j * StringHeight(tmp) * 1.5 + 65

   gui_makewindow(1000, width + 16, height, 0, 1)
   gui_makegadget(1000, 1001, 2, 2, width + 13, 18, 7, 7, title, 1)
      gui_settypes(1001, 7, 0, 0)

   If typ = 0
      gui_makegadget(1000, 1003, width/2 - 35, height - 30, 82, 20, 1, 1, "Ok", 0)
         gui_settypes(1003, 1, 0, 0)
   ElseIf typ = 1
      gui_makegadget(1000, 1003, width/2 - 80, height - 30, 82, 20, 1, 1, "Ok", 0)
         gui_settypes(1003, 1, 0, 0)
      gui_makegadget(1000, 1004, width/2 + 15, height - 30, 82, 20, 1, 1, "Cancel", 0)
         gui_settypes(1004, 1, 0, 0)
      gui_makegadget(1000, 1003, width/2 - 130, height - 30, 82, 20, 1, 1, "Yes", 0)
         gui_settypes(1003, 1, 0, 0)
      gui_makegadget(1000, 1005, width/2 - 33, height - 30, 82, 20, 1, 1, "No", 0)
         gui_settypes(1005, 1, 0, 0)
      gui_makegadget(1000, 1004, width/2 + 65, height - 30, 82, 20, 1, 1, "Cancel", 0)
         gui_settypes(1004, 1, 0, 0)

   ;actual subdiv
   msg = originalmsg
   j = 1
   pos = Instr(msg, Chr(31))
   While pos
      While pos > 150
         For i = 150 To 1 Step -1
            pos = Instr(msg, " ", i)
            If pos < 150 Then Exit
         tmp = Left(msg, pos)
         gui_makegadget(1000, 1010 + j, 4, 10 + j * 15, width + 10, 15, 7, 8, tmp, 1)
         msg = Right(msg, Len(msg) - pos)
         pos = Instr(msg, Chr(31))
         j = j + 1

      tmp = Left(msg, pos - 1)
      gui_makegadget(1000, 1010 + j, 4, 10 + j * 15, width + 10, 15, 7, 8, tmp, 1)
      msg = Right(msg, Len(msg) - pos)
      pos = Instr(msg, Chr(31))
      j = j + 1

   If msg <> ""
      While Len(msg) > 150
         For i = 150 To 1 Step -1
            pos = Instr(msg, " ", i)
            If pos < 150 Then Exit
         tmp = Left(msg, pos)
         gui_makegadget(1000, 1010 + j, 4, 10 + j * 15, width + 10, 15, 7, 8, tmp, 1)
         msg = Right(msg, Len(msg) - pos)
         j = j + 1
      If msg <> ""
         gui_makegadget(1000, 1010 + j, 4, 10 + j * 15, width + 10, 15, 7, 8, msg, 1)

   gui_drawwindow(1000, GraphicsWidth()/2 - width/2, GraphicsHeight()/2 - height/2)
      gadsel = gui_update(1000)

      If gadsel=1003 Or gadsel=1004 Or gadsel=1005 Or KeyHit(28) Or KeyHit(1)

         If gadsel = 1003 Or KeyDown(28)      ;ok-yes-ENTER
            Return 1
         ElseIf gadsel = 1004 Or KeyDown(1)   ;cancel-ESC
            Return 0
         ElseIf gadsel = 1005            ;no
            Return 2
End Function

Function SaveForm(fn$)
   If fn <> "tempfile" Then frmfile = fn
   file = WriteFile(dir_open + fn)
      WriteLine(file, "cyclic_ids=" + cyclic_ids)
      WriteLine(file, "ctrlpos=" + ctrlpos)
      WriteLine(file, "form=" + form)
      WriteLine(file, "w_x=" + gui_getwinx(form))
      WriteLine(file, "w_y=" + gui_getwiny(form))
      WriteLine(file, "w_width=" + gui_getwinw(form))
      WriteLine(file, "w_height=" + gui_getwinh(form))
      WriteLine(file, "w_type=" + GetWinType(form))
      WriteLine(file, "w_img=" + formimg)
      WriteLine(file, "w_text=" + GetWinText(form))
      WriteLine(file, "w_align=" + GetAlign(form))

      For g.gad = Each gad
         WriteLine(file, "gadget=" + gid)
         WriteLine(file, "noclick=" + g
         WriteLine(file, "rightclick=" + gightclick)
         WriteLine(file, "inputgadget=" + ginputgadget)
         WriteLine(file, "slider_in=" + gslider_in)
         WriteLine(file, "vertical=" + gvertical)
         WriteLine(file, "x=" + gui_getx(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "y=" + gui_gety(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "width=" + gui_getw(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "height=" + gui_geth(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "mode=" + gui_getmode(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "nt=" + gui_gettype(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "ot=" + GetOverType(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "dt=" + GetDownType(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "text=" + gui_gettext(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "align=" + GetAlign(gid))
         WriteLine(file, "ni=" + g
         WriteLine(file, "oi=" + goi)
         WriteLine(file, "di=" + gdi)
         WriteLine(file, "os=" + gos)
         WriteLine(file, "ds=" + gds)

   AppTitle frmfile + " - VisualB"
   gui_settext(57, frmfile, 1)
End Function

Function SaveINI()
   file = WriteFile(dir_app + "visualb.ini")
      WriteLine(file, "dir_app=" + dir_app)
      WriteLine(file, "dir_open=" + dir_open)
      WriteLine(file, "dir_img=" + dir_img)
      WriteLine(file, "dir_snd=" + dir_snd)
      WriteLine(file, "exp_fulapp=" + exp_fulapp)
      WriteLine(file, "exp_modal=" + exp_modal)
      WriteLine(file, "exp_gadselect=" + exp_gadselect)
      WriteLine(file, "fatmark=" + fatmark)

      If frmfile = "unnamed"
         WriteLine(file, "lastform=")
         WriteLine(file, "lastform=" + frmfile)
End Function

Function SetFormID(nf)
;1000 used for MsgBox, 1-99 for CtrlWin
   If nf = 1000 Or nf = 1001 Or nf < 100
      MsgBox(nf + " can't be used as new form ID. Values < 100, and 1000/1001 are reserved. Going back to " + form, 0, "Change form ID...")
      nf = form
   act = 0

   For g.gad = Each gad
      oldid = gid         ;save old ID
      gid = gid - form      ;remove form-offset
      gid = gid + nf      ;add new form-offset
