Grab or pixmap an image

Started by DragonEgg, November 04, 2018, 23:06:51

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Hi All
I am creating a Sprite/Tile editor,and i need advice on saving the image i have created.
Here is the editor so far.
Just downloaded to test.Throws an error funny how all BRL products do it.

I need to use the image at the right,do i GrabImage or use a pixmap to save the image(pixmap is not my strongpoint)
and GrabImage to read the pixels to load a sprite.

Any help much appreciated.By the way this being made in vanilla BlitzMax

I thank you.


GrabImage is limited by your (or the users) GPU maxtexsize.

Pixmaps are some kind of "pixel data maps" - which means the users RAM limites the dimensions.
For a tile-editor-thing I would go with pixmaps. Just create yourself some helper-functions to ease the pain of manipulating/creating/... pixmaps ("DrawImageToPixmap(img, x,y, pix)" or similar stuff).



QuoteThrows an error funny how all BRL products do it.

What errors are you referring to? And compared to what other products?

"When you observe the world through social media, you lose your faith in it."


I *think* he refers to "security centers" classifying all Blitz*-applications as potentially dangerous.