[bb] BankAsImage by jfk EO-11110 [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:38

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Title : BankAsImage
Author : jfk EO-11110
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : This Method is based on a hack by Tom, so thanks. Make sure to save all your 200 pages letters before you run it - it will crash in 16 Bit mode.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
Graphics 640,480,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;WARNING - this will crash your PC in any other Mode than 32 Bit Color! If you run this windowed,
;the desktop needs to be True Color! (not 16 Bit Aka 65535 Colors!)

;the physical structure of a bank is as follows:
; -at the physical adress (bankhandle + 4) is a 32bit pointer to the banks data segment
; -at the physical adress (bankhandle + 8) is a value that relfects the size of the bank in bytes

;The following example will redirect a banks data pointer to the data of an existing image.
;This method allows to send the physical adress of an image to an external DLL, so the DLL
;may write RGB Data directly to the image and therefor allow Blitz to draw the Image as any
;other Blitz Image.

; There needs to be a kernel32.decls in the userlib folder, containing at least the following
; declaration:

;.lib "kernel32.dll"
;RtlMoveMemory%(Destination,Source*,Length) : "RtlMoveMemory"
;RtlMoveMemory2%(Destination*,Source,Length) : "RtlMoveMemory"
;RtlMoveMemory4%(Destination,Source,Length) : "RtlMoveMemory"

; Sending a DLL our Images physical Adress (well infact it's a bank) over a Userlib interface
; would require to use something like (assuming there is a function "SendImageAdress" in the DLL):

; (In Blitz:)
; SendImageAdress(FakeBank+4)

; (In the Userlib:)
; SendImageAdress%(imagepointer)

; Please note: this is an undocumeted hack. It's compatibility with future updates of Blitz3D
; is in no way ensured.
; Thanks to Tom who did this hack in the first place.



LockBuffer ImageBuffer(hack_image) ; required : kind of activation
UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(hack_image)


FakeBank=CreateBank(4) ; create a bank Handle
; Store the old banks pointer so we can clean up properly
StoreBankInfo(FakeBank,OldBankInfo) ; store FakeBanks original size and pointer to its memory

;testing "plot to the bank": some pink dots
For i=0 To 10000

DrawImage hack_image,0,0

; required(!), never forget this:

Function PokeImageBuffer(image,buffer,x,y,rgba)
 where=(y*imageH*4) + (4*x)
 wmax=(ImageWidth(image)*ImageHeight(image)*16) ; clip to image size
 If where<wmax
  PokeInt( buffer, where, rgba )
End Function

Function StoreBankInfo(b,info)
 Local temp=CreateBank(4)
 PokeInt(info,0,PeekInt(temp,0)) ; store old pointer
 PokeInt(info,4,PeekInt(temp,0)) ; store old size
 FreeBank temp
End Function

; The clever bit, we change 'Bank' to point to the ImageBuffer!
Function PointBankToImagebuffer(b,image)
 size=ImageWidth(image) * ImageHeight(image) * 4
 Local temp=CreateBank(4)
 FreeBank temp
End Function

Function RestoreBankInfo(b,info) ; fake,old
 Local temp=CreateBank(4)
 RtlMoveMemory(b+4,temp,4); restore old pointer
 RtlMoveMemory(b+8,temp,4); restore old size
 FreeBank temp
End Function

Comments :

Mikele(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I would like to know whether it's possible to use this function for textures (by texturebuffer)?

jfk EO-11110(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I think that isn't so easy since textures are managed a bit more complicated (eg. Mipmapping etc.) But you still can use Copyrect from the image to the texture. As long as you use the flag 256 for the texture it's pretty fast.

Mikele(Posted 1+ years ago)

 ahh... ok... then still Copyrect... ;)thanks anyway

Panno(Posted 1+ years ago)

 ah no more  rgb = PeekInt (buffer,pointer) WritePixelFast(y,x,rgb)coolthx