Problem using image arrays with "Var" in BlitzmaxNG

Started by Rooster, April 16, 2018, 20:43:16

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In vanilla Bmax I could make a empty image array, pass it to a function using "Var", and load images into the original variable.
Something like this,
Code (blitzmax) Select

Global Img:TImage []

Graphics 800,600,0

LoadImages (Img:TImage [])

Function LoadImages (i:TImage [] Var)
  i = i [..2]
  i [0] = LoadImage ("image1.png")
  i [1] = LoadImage ("image2.png")
End Function

If( Img [0] = Null)
  Print "fail"
  Print "success"

However in NG The global Img just comes back empty. If I make Img not an array it works just fine.
I've noticed that the same applies to TSound variables.

I know that I can use a empty array as a argument with "Var",
Code (blitzmax) Select

Global text:String  []

Write  (text:String  [])

Function Write (i:String  [] Var)
  i = i [..2]
  i [0] = "textone"
  i [1] = "texttwo"
End Function

If( text [0] = Null)
  Print "fail"
  Print "success"

Did something change about how "Var" works in NG, is it a bug?
Was I just exploiting something in non-strict on vanilla?


Write  (text:String  [])
doesn't compiler for me in the legacy 'Max or NG.

Write (text)
will compile ok

But yes.. your original point with 'Var' looks like a possible bug in NG. It would be worth reporting the find via the GitHub repository as it may get missed if just only posted here.

"When you observe the world through social media, you lose your faith in it."


_meanwhile_ you could wrap your "arr:bla[]" into a custom type - and then remove the need of "var". Real "objects" (so not "string, int, float..") are passed as reference already, so you might adjust their properties within a function.

Code (BlitzMax) Select

Type TAssets
Field images:TImage[]
End Type
Global assets:TAssets = new TAssets


With "var" you are enabled to assign a new "variable/object" to the passed parameter - but with passed by referenced parameters you aren't. But you can still access/manipulate their properties - which is the "Field" in that case.

What also works is this:
Code (BlitzMax) Select

Function LoadImages:TImage[] (i:TImage[] Var)
i = i[..2]
i[0] = CreateImage(100,100)
i[1] = CreateImage(200,100)
Return i
End Function

'until it is fixed, use this way: instead of just "LoadImages(Img)"
Img = LoadImages(Img)

@ your code

Code (BlitzMax) Select

Framework Brl.StandardIO
Import Brl.GLMax2D
'Import Brl.Image

Global Img:TImage[]

Graphics 800,600,0

LoadImages (Img:TImage [])

Function LoadImages (i:TImage [] Var)
  i = i [..2]
  i [0] = LoadImage ("image1.png")
  i [1] = LoadImage ("image2.png")
End Function

If( Img [0] = Null)
  Print "fail"
  Print "success"

outputs here:

[100%] Linking:var_param

Process complete

- so in release mode it finds something "at img[0]" (aka is "TImage") while the index is already an access "out of bounds" (in debug this is catched) - that is pretty odd.

I also replaced that global with a function using a local - to check if it is based on "global passed" versus "local passed".

I created an issue for this thing:
(and maybe in connection to this)

There I also extended your sample code (to not use external media) and also annotated, that using "string[] var" works - which might help narrowing things down.


Okay so it was a bug in NG.
Thanks for reporting it for me Derron. :)
I also didn't think about removing external media from my example code, thanks for bringing that to my attention.

That seems really weird. It doesn't work for me in legacy too, but it works in NG. What version are you using?