spot the difference

Started by Matty, February 22, 2018, 17:22:55

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Can you tell which play store rating tally is fake? ;-)

Unfortunately it's very hard to find games on the play store that DONT have fake ratings and reviews and worse the ones that are full of fakes often need permissions that are totally ridiculous-why any game needs my phone logs or sms information I dont know.


Most permissions are just done the way someone on stackoverflow suggested it. Some permissions are just named "misleading". So often a tool wants to create a unique userid (for multiplayergames) and tries to use the permissions to retrieve hardware/device id. Others use a "share" function to eg. send replay videos to friends ... and therefor they access the phone book.

Of course majority of the "need many permissions" tools are the uhm ..."free"... tools doing simple stuff (sd card repair, permission fixers, ...) or one of the hundreds of free+inapp-purchase+ingame-ads games.
