[bb] 2d Map Builder by Matthew Smith [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:38

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Title : 2d Map Builder
Author : Matthew Smith
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : This tool takes an image and based on settings (ie. tile size) chops it up to build a 2d map file and tile image file for scrolling/arcade games from it.

It's a good tool to grab images if you are doing a remake!

The tool takes a .png image and creates a .bmp (Blitz can't natively write .pngs) tile map, a basic data file and a Monkey code file.  All files will be dumped to a subfolder called Map.

v2.0 changes
Updated to properly pad tiles when scaling.  You can now create a 'Config.ini' file to adjust some of the features.  Include any of the following depending on your requirements:

Tile padding will create the required border (1 = 1 pixel) around each tile.
Map padding will create an 'empty' one cell border around the map

This tool is really for my own use, but a good place to store it for later, plus someone may get some use from it!

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; MapBuilder
; v2.0
; Matthew Smith 2001, 2011, 2013

AppTitle "Map Builder v2.0 - Matthew Smith"
Graphics 640, 480, 16, 2

Global MapName$
MapName$=Input$("Enter filename of level gfx: ")
If (MapName = "") Then End

Dim TileMap(1, 1) ;Map Information
Global MapSizeX
Global MapSizeY

;Adjust these items depending on game
Global ScaleTiles = True
Global TileWidth = 32 ;Tile Sizes
Global TileHeight = 32
Global TilePadding = 1 ;Padding added to tile
Global MapPadding = False ;Padding added to map (1 cell border)

Global gfxMap
Global gfxTileStore
Global gfxTileCompareStore

Dim ColorTiles(1, 1)
Const CompareAtOnce = 250
Global TilesMax = 0 ;Number of Tiles Created

;Read Ini File


FreeImage gfxTileStore
FreeImage gfxTileCompareStore
FreeImage gfxMap

Function SetGfxMapInfo()
;Load image
gfxMap = LoadImage(MapName + ".png")

;Get size of map (tiles)
MapSizeX = Int(ImageWidth(gfxMap) / TileWidth)
MapSizeY = Int(ImageHeight(gfxMap) / TileHeight)

;Set map size
ClearMap(MapSizeX, MapSizeY)

;Set tile image store
FreeImage gfxTileStore
gfxTileStore = CreateImage(TileWidth, TileHeight, 512)

;Set comparison tile image store
FreeImage gfxTileCompareStore
gfxTileCompareStore = CreateImage(TileWidth * (CompareAtOnce + 1), TileHeight)

;Set counter
TilesMax = 0

End Function

Function ClearMap(sizeX, sizeY)
Local x, y

Dim TileMap(sizeX, sizeY)

For x = 0 To sizeX
For y = 0 To sizeY
TileMap(x, y) = -1

End Function

Function CreateBlankTile()
ClsColor(0, 0, 0)

;Copy blank tile and set value in map
DrawBlockRect(gfxMap, 0, 0, TileWidth, TileHeight, TileWidth, TileHeight)
TileMap(0, 0) = 0

;Inc counter
TilesMax = TilesMax + 1

End Function

Function CreateTile(BX, BY)
SetBuffer(ImageBuffer(gfxTileStore, TilesMax))

;Copy tile and set value in map
DrawBlockRect(gfxMap,  0, 0, (BX * TileWidth), (BY * TileHeight), TileWidth, TileHeight)
TileMap(BX, BY) = TilesMax

;Inc counter
TilesMax = TilesMax + 1


End Function

Function PrepareMapComparison(BX, BY, TC)
Local counter
Local compare
Local index

;Set buffer

;Clear comparison image
Color 0, 0, 0

;Get map tile
DrawBlockRect(gfxMap, 0, 0, (BX * TileWidth), (BY * TileHeight), TileWidth, TileHeight)

;Get total tiles to compare
compare = TC + CompareAtOnce
If (TC + CompareAtOnce > TilesMax) Then compare = TilesMax

;Get stored tile(s) to compare
counter = 1
For index = TC To compare - 1
DrawBlock(gfxTileStore, TileWidth * counter, 0, index)
counter = counter + 1


;Copy into Backbuffer

DrawBlock(gfxTileCompareStore, 0, 16)

End Function

Function DisplayMap()
Local x, y

For y = 0 To MapSizeY - 1
For x = 0 To MapSizeX - 1
If (TileMap(x, y) <> -1) Then
DrawBlock(gfxTileStore, x * TileWidth, 100 + (y * TileHeight), TileMap(x, y))

End If



DrawBlock gfxMap, 260, 100

End Function

Function BuildMap()
Local BX, BY, TC, TB, TileCount
Local counter# = 0
Local matchIndex = -1
Local totalTiles# = (MapSizeX * MapSizeY)

; Work Thru Loaded Map
For BY = 0 To MapSizeY - 1
For BX = 0 To MapSizeX - 1
;Trap ESC key
If KeyDown(1) Then Return

TC = 0

For TC = 0 To TilesMax - 1 Step CompareAtOnce
;Prepare comparision
PrepareMapComparison(BX, BY, TC)

;Update display summary
Color 255, 255, 255
Text 0, 0, "X" + Right$("000" + (BX + 1), 3) + " Y" + Right$("000" + (BY + 1), 3) + " (" + MapSizeX + "x" + MapSizeY + ") "  + Right$("   " + Int((counter / totalTiles) * 100), 3) + "%"
Text 320, 0, "Found:" + Right$("0000" + TilesMax, 4)
;Text 296, 0, "TF" + Right$("00000" + TilesMax, 5) + "/" + Right$("00000" + Int(counter), 5)

;Validate if exists
matchIndex = CompareTiles(TC)
If (matchIndex <> -1) Then
;Store result
TileMap(BX, BY) = matchIndex

End If


;No match found?, if so create new tile
If (matchIndex = -1) Then CreateTile(BX, BY)

;Increment counter
counter = counter + 1


;Save Map and Tiles

;Set finalised message
Color 255, 255, 255
Text(0, 120, "Process complete! Press any key to exit...")


End Function

;Returns the index of the matching tile if found
Function CompareTiles(TC)
Local x, y, index
Local compare
Local counter
Local ct
Dim ColorTiles(3, CompareAtOnce)


;Set number of tiles to compare
compare = TC + CompareAtOnce
If (TC + CompareAtOnce > TilesMax) Then compare = TilesMax

;Search for existing tile match
For y = 0 To TileHeight - 1
For x = 0 To TileWidth - 1
;Get image
GetColor x, y
ColorTiles(1, 0) = ColorRed()
ColorTiles(2, 0) = ColorGreen()
ColorTiles(3, 0) = ColorBlue()

counter = 1
For ct = TC To compare - 1
If (ColorTiles(0, counter) <> -1) Then
;Get tile store image
GetColor x + (TileWidth * counter), y
ColorTiles(1, counter) = ColorRed()
ColorTiles(2, counter) = ColorGreen()
ColorTiles(3, counter) = ColorBlue()

If (ColorTiles(1, 0) <> ColorTiles(1, counter) Or ColorTiles(2, 0) <> ColorTiles(2, counter) Or ColorTiles(3, 0) <> ColorTiles(3, counter)) Then
ColorTiles(0, counter) = -1

End If

End If

counter = counter + 1


counter = 1
For index = TC To compare - 1
;Match?, if so return tile index
If (ColorTiles(0, counter) <> -1) Then Return index

counter = counter + 1


;Not found
Return -1

End Function

Function SaveTiles()
Local BT
Local TX, TY
Local BX, BY
Local TC
Local gfxTileFinalStore

Local finalImageWidth = 320
Local finalTileWidth = TileWidth
Local finalTileHeight = TileHeight

If (ScaleTiles) Then
;finalImageWidth = finalImageWidth * 2
finalTileWidth = finalTileWidth * 2
finalTileHeight = finalTileHeight * 2

End If

;Create store
FreeImage gfxTileFinalStore
TX = finalImageWidth / TileWidth
TY = Int((TilesMax - 1) / TX) + 1
gfxTileFinalStore = CreateImage(TX * (finalTileWidth + (TilePadding * 2)), TY * (finalTileHeight + (TilePadding * 2)))

;Set buffer
Color 0, 0, 0

;Output tiles to store
TC = 0
For BY = 0 To TY - 1
For BX = 0 To TX - 1
If TC <= TilesMax - 1
;Grab image
Local gfxTile = CreateImage(TileWidth, TileHeight)

If (ScaleTiles) Then gfxTile = ScaleImageFast(gfxTile, 2.0, 2.0)

DrawBlock(gfxTile, BX * (finalTileWidth + (TilePadding * 2)) + TilePadding, (BY * (finalTileHeight + (TilePadding * 2)) + TilePadding))

End If
TC = TC + 1

;Save tiles to file
SaveImage(gfxTileFinalStore, "map" + MapName + ".bmp")

FreeImage gfxTileFinalStore

End Function

Function SaveTileMapData()
Local fileName$ = "map" + MapName + ".tiles.map"
Local x, y

;Create file
Local file = WriteFile(fileName)

;Pad map?
Local msX = MapSizeX
Local msY = MapSizeY
If (MapPadding) Then msX = msX + 2
If (MapPadding) Then msY = msY + 2

;Scale tiles sizes?
Local tsX = TileWidth
Local tsY = TileHeight
If (ScaleTiles) Then tsX = (tsX * 2)
If (ScaleTiles) Then tsY = (tsY * 2)

;Output map summary
WriteString(file, MapName + ".png") ;Tile filename
WriteInt(file, TilesMax) ;Total tiles
WriteInt(file, msX) ;Map Size
WriteInt(file, msY)
WriteInt(file, tsX) ;Tile Size
WriteInt(file, tsY)

;Output padding - top row?
If (MapPadding) Then WritePaddingRowData(file)

;Output map
For y = 0 To MapSizeY - 1
If (MapPadding) Then WriteInt(file, 0)

For x = 0 To MapSizeX - 1
WriteInt(file, TileMap(x, y))

If (MapPadding) Then WriteInt(file, 0)

;Output padding - bottom row?
If (MapPadding) Then WritePaddingRowData(file)


End Function

Function SaveTileMapMonkey()
Local fileName$ = "map" + MapName + ".tiles.monkey.txt"
Local x, y

;Create file
Local file = WriteFile(fileName)

;Pad map?
Local msX = MapSizeX
Local msY = MapSizeY
If (MapPadding) Then msX = msX + 2
If (MapPadding) Then msY = msY + 2

;Scale tiles sizes?
Local tsX = TileWidth
Local tsY = TileHeight
If (ScaleTiles) Then tsX = (tsX * 2)
If (ScaleTiles) Then tsY = (tsY * 2)

;Output map summary
WriteLine(file, "'#Region " + Chr(34) + " MapData " + Chr(34))
WriteLine(file, " 'Map summary")
WriteLine(file, " 'Map dump file: " + MapName + ".png")
WriteLine(file, " Field TilesMax:Int=" + TilesMax)
WriteLine(file, " Field MapSizeX:Int=" + msX)
WriteLine(file, " Field MapSizeY:Int=" + msY)
WriteLine(file, " Field TileWidth:Int=" + tsX)
WriteLine(file, " Field TileHeight:Int=" + tsY)
WriteLine(file, "")
WriteLine(file, " 'Map Data")
WriteLine(file, " Field TileMap:=[")

;Output padding - top row?
If (MapPadding) Then WritePaddingRowMonkey(file)

;Output Map
For y = 0 To MapSizeY - 1
Local mapRow$ = ""

If (MapPadding) Then mapRow = "0"

;Build row data
For x = 0 To MapSizeX - 1
If (Len(mapRow) > 0) Then mapRow = mapRow + ","
mapRow = mapRow + Str(TileMap(x, y))

If (MapPadding) Then mapRow = mapRow + ",0"

;Append to end of row?
Select MapPadding
Case True
mapRow = mapRow + ","
Case False
If (y < MapSizeY - 1) Then mapRow = mapRow + ","
If (y = MapSizeY - 1) Then mapRow = mapRow + "]"
End Select

mapRow = " " + mapRow

;Write row
WriteLine(file, mapRow)


;Output padding - botton row?
If (MapPadding > 0) Then WritePaddingRowMonkey(file, True)

WriteLine(file, "")
WriteLine(file, "'#End Region")


End Function

Function WritePaddingRowData(file)
Local x

;Get width
Local width = MapSizeX
If (MapPadding) Then width = width + 2

For x = 0 To width - 1
WriteInt(file, 0)

End Function

Function WritePaddingRowMonkey(file, isLast=False)
Local paddingRow$ = ""
Local x

;Get width
Local width = MapSizeX
If (MapPadding) Then width = width + 2

;Build row data
For x = 0 To width - 1
If (Len(paddingRow) > 0) Then paddingRow = paddingRow + ","
paddingRow = paddingRow + "0"

;Append to end of row?
If (Not isLast) Then paddingRow = paddingRow + ","
If (isLast) Then paddingRow = paddingRow + "]"

paddingRow = " " + paddingRow

;Write row
WriteLine(file, paddingRow)

End Function

Function CreateFolder(path$)
Local folder$ = SystemProperty("appdir") + path

End Function

;sswift - Scales the image without blurring
Function ScaleImageFast(SrcImage, ScaleX#, ScaleY#)
Local SrcWidth,  SrcHeight
Local DestWidth, DestHeight
Local ScratchImage, DestImage
Local SrcBuffer, ScratchBuffer, DestBuffer
Local X1, Y1, X2, Y2

;Get the width and height of the source image.
SrcWidth  = ImageWidth(SrcImage)
SrcHeight = ImageHeight(SrcImage)

;Calculate the width and height of the dest image.
DestWidth  = Floor(SrcWidth  * ScaleX#)
DestHeight = Floor(SrcHeight * ScaleY#)

;If the image does not need to be scaled, just copy the image and exit the function.
If (SrcWidth = DestWidth) And (SrcHeight = DestHeight) Then Return CopyImage(SrcImage)

;Create a scratch image that is as tall as the source image, and as wide as the destination image.
ScratchImage = CreateImage(DestWidth, SrcHeight)

;Create the destination image.
DestImage = CreateImage(DestWidth, DestHeight)

;Get pointers to the image buffers.
SrcBuffer     = ImageBuffer(SrcImage)
ScratchBuffer = ImageBuffer(ScratchImage)
DestBuffer    = ImageBuffer(DestImage)

;Duplicate columns from source image to scratch image.
For X2 = 0 To DestWidth-1
X1 = Floor(X2 / ScaleX#)
CopyRect X1, 0, 1, SrcHeight, X2, 0, SrcBuffer, ScratchBuffer

;Duplicate rows from scratch image to destination image.
For Y2 = 0 To DestHeight-1
Y1 = Floor(Y2 / ScaleY#)
CopyRect 0, Y1, DestWidth, 1, 0, Y2, ScratchBuffer, DestBuffer

;Free the scratch image.
FreeImage ScratchImage

;Return the new image.
Return DestImage

End Function

Function ReadIniFile()
Local fileName$="Config.ini"
Local stream = ReadFile(fileName)
Local l$,flag$,value$

If (Not stream) Then Return

While Not Eof(stream)
l = ReadLine(stream)
flag = Upper(GetIniFlag(l))
value = GetIniValue(l)

Select Upper(value)
Case "TRUE"
value = 1
Case "FALSE"
value = 0
;DO nothing
End Select

Select flag
ScaleTiles = value
TileWidth = value
TileHeight = value
TilePadding = value
MapPadding = value
;DO nothing
End Select



End Function

Function GetIniFlag$(l$)
Local pos = Instr(l,"=")
If (pos = 0) Then Return l
Return Mid(l,1,pos-1)
End Function

Function GetIniValue$(l$)
Local pos = Instr(l,"=")
If (pos = 0) Then Return ""
Return Mid(l,pos + 1,Len(l) - pos)
End Function

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