[bb] Simple ini functions for Bmax by Filax [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:38

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Title : Simple ini functions for Bmax
Author : Filax
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Hi :)

This is the bmax verison of the skn3[ac] ini file for blitz3D.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select

CFG_WriteValue("Archon", "Video resolution", "Res1", "640")
CFG_WriteValue("Archon", "Video resolution", "Res2", "600")
CFG_WriteValue("Archon", "Video resolution", "Res3", "800")

CFG_WriteValue("Archon", "Video frequence", "Freq1", "60")
CFG_WriteValue("Archon", "Video frequence", "Freq2", "70")
CFG_WriteValue("Archon", "Video frequence", "Freq3", "75")

Print "INI Value = " + CFG_ReadValue("Archon", "Video resolution", "Res1")
Print "INI Value = " + CFG_ReadValue("Archon", "Video frequence", "Freq4",80)

' --------------------------------
' Read a value under a config file
' --------------------------------
Function CFG_ReadValue:String(Filename:String, Section:String, Key:String, DefaultValue:String="")
' --------------------
' Formating parameters
' --------------------
Section:String = "[" + Upper(Trim(Section)) + "]" ; Key:String = Upper(Trim(Key))
Filename:String = CurrentDir() + ""  + Filename + ".ini"

' ---------------------------
' Read the configuration file
' ---------------------------
Local Content:String= CFG_FileToString(Filename)
Local UpperContents:String = Upper(Content)

' ----------------------------
' Search the key and the value
' ----------------------------
Local Value:String = "" ; Local SectionPos:Int = Instr(UpperContents, Section)

If SectionPos <> 0 Then
Local KeyPos:Int = Instr(UpperContents, Key, (SectionPos + Len(Section) + 1))

If KeyPos <> 0 Then
Local StartPos:Int = Instr(UpperContents, "=", (KeyPos + 1))

If StartPos <> 0 Then
Local EndPos:Int = Instr(UpperContents, Chr(0), (StartPos + 1))

If EndPos <> 0 Then
Value = Trim(Mid(Content, StartPos + 1, (EndPos - StartPos - 1)))
End If

End If
End If
End If

' ----------------------------------------------------
' If match then return value else return default value
' ----------------------------------------------------
If Value <> "" Then Return Value Else Return DefaultValue
End Function

' ---------------------------------
' Write a value under a config file
' ---------------------------------
Function CFG_WriteValue(Filename:String, Section:String, Key:String, Value:String)
' --------------------
' Formating parameters
' --------------------
Section = "[" + Trim(Section) + "]" ; Key = Trim(Key) ; Value = Trim(Value)
Filename:String = CurrentDir() + ""  + Filename + ".ini"

' ---------------------------
' Read the configuration file
' ---------------------------
Local UpperSection:String = Upper(Section)
Local Content:String= CFG_FileToString(Filename)

' --------------
' Init local var
' --------------
Local WrittenKey:Int = False
Local SectionFound:Int = False
Local CurrentSection:String = ""

' ----------------------------
' If the file cannot be opened
' ----------------------------
Local FileHandle:TStream = WriteFile(Filename)
If Not FileHandle Then Return False

Local OldPos:Int = 1
Local Position:Int = Instr(Content, Chr(0))

' ---------------------------
' Read the configuration file
' ---------------------------
While Position <> 0

Local TempString:String =Trim(Mid(Content, OldPos, (Position - OldPos)))

If TempString <> "" Then

If Left(TempString, 1) = "[" And Right(TempString, 1) = "]" Then
If CurrentSection = UpperSection And (WrittenKey = False) Then
WrittenKey = CFG_CreateKey(FileHandle, Key, Value)
End If

CurrentSection = Upper(CFG_CreateSection(FileHandle, TempString))

If CurrentSection = UpperSection Then SectionFound = True
Local EqualPos:Int = Instr(TempString, "=")

If EqualPos <> 0 Then
If CurrentSection = UpperSection And (Upper(Trim(Left(TempString, (EqualPos - 1)))) = Upper(Key)) Then
If Value <> "" Then CFG_CreateKey(FileHandle, Key, Value)
WrittenKey = True
WriteLine(FileHandle, TempString)
End If
End If

End If

End If

OldPos = Position + 1 ; Position = Instr(Content, Chr(0), OldPos)

' ---------------------------------------
' If the key is not under the config file
' ---------------------------------------
If WrittenKey = False Then
If SectionFound = False Then CFG_CreateSection FileHandle, Section
CFG_CreateKey(FileHandle, Key, Value)
End If

CloseFile FileHandle

' -----------
' Return TRUE
' -----------
Return True
End Function

' -------------------------------------
' Return the config file under a string
' -------------------------------------
Function CFG_FileToString:String(Filename:String)
Local TempString:String = ""
Local FileHandle:TStream = ReadFile(Filename)

If FileHandle Then
While Not Eof(FileHandle)
TempString = TempString + ReadLine(FileHandle) + Chr(0)

CloseFile FileHandle
End If

Return TempString
End Function

' -----------------------------------
' Write a section under a config file
' -----------------------------------
Function CFG_CreateSection:String(FileHandle:TStream, NewSection:String)
If StreamPos(FileHandle) <> 0 Then WriteLine FileHandle, ""
WriteLine FileHandle, NewSection ; Return NewSection
End Function

' ---------------------------------
' Write a value under a config file
' ---------------------------------
Function CFG_CreateKey(FileHandle:TStream, Key:String, Value:String)
WriteLine FileHandle, Key + "=" + Value ; Return True
End Function

Comments :

deps(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Works great! Thanks.