[bb] Lexical scanner framework by Yasha [ 1+ years ago ]

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Title : Lexical scanner framework
Author : Yasha
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : This is a simple library that allows you to describe a lexical scanner, and use it to tokenise an input file or string. It is suitable for use in things like console inputs, expression calculators, data file parsers, or programming/scripting language compilers.
"Lexing" or "tokenising" is the stage of reading some input where the source is broken up into homogenous "tokens", so that you can stop worrying about the input as text (with all of the annoying variations text can have, like the presence of spaces, indents, cases, and whatnot), and instead treat it as a stream of linear "chunks". e.g. a suitable lexer could take the input:

1+2  * 4= 0xC

...which is polluted by annoying spacing problems, formats, and different value lengths, and turn it into a stream of objects representing numbers and operators, so that we can just pull tokens off the top and be given either an operator or a number.

The output of a lexer is "flat" - turning it into a "tree" (i.e. parenting values to operators, putting operators in relative precedence to one another, etc.) is the job of a "parser". So this isn't enough to evaluate languages on its own, but it's the first step. Lexers and parsers are normally designed to work together, with the parser consuming the token stream produced by the lexer (<a href="codearcs369d.html?code=2990" target="_blank">a sister parser API to work with this is now also available</a>).
This library lets you create lexer objects and add rules to them in the form of regular-expression patterns for the input to be matched against, combined with actions and extra result information. Output is directed to a list supplied by the user.

Rules are tested in the order they were added; a longer match overrules a previous match. This may be relevant if you have two potential matches of the same length, so keep it in mind.

Upon match an "action" is performed. By default the lexer can store the result, switch mode, raise an error, "include" a filename, and discard the match. The built-in action constants are all negative, so use positives for any extra ones you care to define; add any extra action implementations to LEX_HandleAction in Lexer-Interface (that's what it's there for). The Include functionality is fairly simple and will require some use of modes to be useful; it does however try to detect recursive includes, and optionally guards against repeated includes (like Blitz Basic does, no error).

The file Lexer-Interface.bb is intended to be supplied by the user: in it, define LEX_HandleAction(l.LEX_Lexer, r.LEX_LexRule, tok$) as explained above, to handle any extra "actions" you want to add; and LEX_Error(l.LEX_Lexer, msg$), because you'll want error handling to suit the logging and handling mechanism of your host program. These two functions are all that are required, and the library does not depend upon either of them doing any more than receiving their arguments (so if you don't care about errors you can even leave them empty!).

Input is read in the form of a LEX_File object, representing a custom pseudo-filestream (basically a bank, but we're calling it a file), which is passed to LEX_ScanFile for scanning; remember to close LEX_File objects with LEX_CloseFile when done (any files opened by Include actions will be closed automatically). LEX_File objects can either be opened from real files (using LEX_ReadFile), or from strings (using LEX_FileFromString); the latter is handy for scanning input from a command prompt or REPL or something, when you don't necessarily actually have a file providing input. You still need to close LEX_Files created from strings, though.
Here's a small example that uses the library to create a lexer for a minimal calculator language with operators, numbers, functions and comments:

; Generic Lexer: demonstration

Include "Lexer.bb"
Include "LList.bb"

Local l.LEX_Lexer = LEX_CreateLexer() ;Lexer object

Local tokenList.LList = CreateList() ;Output token list (this isn't "owned" by the lexer so we create it externally)
LEX_SetOutput l, tokenList ;Do this before each scanning job, or they'll get appended!

; For the example, we'll scan a simple mathematical expression language with numbers,
; arithmetic operators, function calls, parentheses and also (for some reason) comments.
; We won't bother with variables or includes.

; Values: numeric, in decimal or hex format (won't distinguish ints from floats today)
; Comments: /* */ and //, like in C
; Operators: + - * / % << >> ^ = != <= >=
; Punctuation: ( ) ,
; Function names: begin with a letter and then have numbers or underscores as well, like Blitz
; Whitespace: is ignored, but separates tokens or terminates comments where relevant
; Everything else: is an error

;Block comments need a mode; custom modes must not be zero

;Numbers (most complicated patterns)
LEX_AddLexRule l, "[0-9]*", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "number" ;Simple int
LEX_AddLexRule l, "0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "number" ;Hex int (style: 0xABC12)
LEX_AddLexRule l, "[0-9]*.[0-9]+([eE]-?[0-9][0-9]*)?", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "number" ;Float, simple or scientific

LEX_AddLexRule l, "/*", LEX_ACTION_MODE, COMMENT_MODE, 0 ;Note that the star must be escaped
LEX_AddLexRule l, ".", LEX_ACTION_DISCARD, "", COMMENT_MODE ;Match any charcater, but throw it away in comment mode only
LEX_AddLexRule l, "*/", LEX_ACTION_MODE, 0, COMMENT_MODE ;Return to mode 0 on hitting */
LEX_AddLexRule l, "//[^n]*n", LEX_ACTION_DISCARD ;Line comment: match up to end of line

LEX_AddLexRule l, "+", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "add" ;Any Regex operators need to be escaped with
LEX_AddLexRule l, "-",  LEX_ACTION_STORE, "sub"
LEX_AddLexRule l, "*", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "mul"
LEX_AddLexRule l, "/",  LEX_ACTION_STORE, "div"
LEX_AddLexRule l, "%",  LEX_ACTION_STORE, "mod"
LEX_AddLexRule l, "<<", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "shl"
LEX_AddLexRule l, ">>", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "shr"
LEX_AddLexRule l, "^", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "pow"
LEX_AddLexRule l, "=",  LEX_ACTION_STORE, "eql"
LEX_AddLexRule l, "!=", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "neq"
LEX_AddLexRule l, "<=", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "leq"
LEX_AddLexRule l, ">=", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "geq"

LEX_AddLexRule l, "(", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "lparen"
LEX_AddLexRule l, ")", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "rparen"
LEX_AddLexRule l, ",",  LEX_ACTION_STORE, "comma"

LEX_SetCaseSensitivity l, False ;Only really useful to simplify the pattern below
LEX_AddLexRule l, "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*", LEX_ACTION_STORE, "function"

LEX_AddLexRule l, "[^[:space:]]", LEX_ACTION_ERROR ;Raise an error over any other printable character

; OK, let's load a "file":
Local f.LEX_File = LEX_FileFromString("1+2 * atan2(0x43, 1.5e-03)  /* Comment! */ %2")

LEX_ScanFile l, f
LEX_CloseFile f

; So what did we get?
Local i.Iterator = GetIterator(tokenList) : While EachIn(i)
Local t.LEX_Token = Object.LEX_Token iValue
Print tvalue + " : " + ttType
Print "done"
;... a tasty list of tokens all ready to be turned into something useful by a parser!


This uses the following Lexer-Interface.bb file:

; Example lexer specialisations

Function LEX_Error(l.LEX_Lexer, msg$)
If l <> Null
Local err$ = "Lexer Error in '" + lcFilename
err = err + "' ('" + lcFiledir + lcFilename + "')"
err = err + " at line " + lcFilecLine + ", col " + lcFilecCol
Print err + ": " + msg
Print "Lexer Error: " + msg
End Function

Function LEX_HandleAction(l.LEX_Lexer, r.LEX_LexRule, tok$)
; Example doesn't have any custom actions
End Function

That's one way to get nice clean input for an expression evaluator!
This library depends on <a href="codearcs5392.html?code=2632" target="_blank">regular expressions</a> and <a href="codearcs5913.html?code=2873" target="_blank">linked list</a> include files, both of which are available from the code archives at the given links.

This library replaces my older <a href="codearcs31fe.html?code=2636" target="_blank">lexer generator</a>. It's more or less equally powerful (same regex-powered backend), so there's no reason to use the old version, with its inconvenient preprocessing step and custom source format. [/i]

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; Generic lexical scanner/tokeniser framework

Include "LList.bb" ;Get this file at http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=2873
Include "Regex.bb" ;Get this file at http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=2632

;User-specialised interface: supplies LEX_Error and LEX_HandleAction
Include "Lexer-Interface.bb"

Type LEX_Token
Field value$, tType$
Field file$, l, c
End Type

Type LEX_Lexer
Field rules.LList
Field cFile.LEX_File
Field out.LList ;Output list is not "owned" by the lexer
Field csMode, guardMode, errState
Field istk.LList, prev.LList
End Type

Type LEX_LexRule
Field rule.RegEx_Node, pattern$
Field action, result$, mode
End Type

Type LEX_File
Field dir$, name$
Field stream, sLen, cPtr, cLine, cCol
End Type

Type LEX_Guard
Field name$
End Type


;Create a new, empty lexer object
Function LEX_CreateLexer.LEX_Lexer()
Local l.LEX_Lexer = New LEX_Lexer
lrules = CreateList()
lcsMode = True
lguardMode = False
Return l
End Function

;Set the output token list for the lexer
Function LEX_SetOutput(l.LEX_Lexer, out.LList)
lout = out
End Function

;Set whether rules added to this lexer will be case-sensitive (changing this doesn't affect old rules)
Function LEX_SetCaseSensitivity(l.LEX_Lexer, csMode)
lcsMode = csMode
End Function

;Set whether included files are auto-guarded or not (i.e. can they be included twice?)
Function LEX_SetIncludeMode(l.LEX_Lexer, guarded)
lguardMode = guarded
End Function

;(Internal) Try to include a source file, guards and recursion checks permitting (returns boolean indicating success)
Function LEX_TryIncludeFile(l.LEX_Lexer, file$)
Local i.Iterator, fd$[0], fn$[0]
LEX_GetPathCmpts file, fd, fn : file = fd[0] + fn[0] ;Force the path to be absolute for easier comparison

If lguardMode ;Auto-guarded includes: check if it's been used already, if so ignore it
i = GetIterator(lprev) : While EachIn(i)
Local g.LEX_Guard = Object.LEX_Guard iValue
If gname = file Then Return True ;...return without actually changing it

i = GetIterator(listk) : While EachIn(i) ;Check against the currently-open files
Local f.LEX_File = Object.LEX_File iValue
If fdir + fname = file
LEX_Error l, "Cannot recursively include '" + file + "'"
Return False

lcFile = LEX_ReadFile(file)
If lcFile <> Null
ListAddLast listk, Handle lcFile : LEX_GuardFileName l, lcFile
Return True
Return False ;Error has already been issued by LEX_ReadFile
End Function

;(Internal) Clear the include stacks when a scan has stopped, closing any "owned" files
Function LEX_ClearStacks(l.LEX_Lexer, keep.LEX_File)
Local i.Iterator
If listk <> Null
i = GetIterator(listk) : While EachIn(i)
Local f.LEX_File = Object.LEX_File iValue : If f <> keep Then LEX_CloseFile f
FreeList listk
If lprev <> Null
i = GetIterator(lprev) : While EachIn(i)
Delete Object.LEX_Guard iValue
FreeList lprev
lcFile = Null
End Function

;Delete a lexer object and its resources (not output)
Function LEX_FreeLexer(l.LEX_Lexer)
Local i.Iterator = GetIterator(lrules) : While EachIn(i)
Local r.LEX_LexRule = Object.LEX_LexRule(iValue)
RegEx_Delete rrule
Delete r
FreeList lrules

LEX_ClearStacks l, Null
If lcFile <> Null Then LEX_CloseFile lcFile

Delete l
End Function

;Delete an output token stream (convenience function)
Function LEX_FreeTokenStream(s.LList)
Local i.Iterator = GetIterator(s) : While EachIn(i)
Delete Object.LEX_Token iValue
FreeList s
End Function

;Add a scan rule, consisting of a match pattern, action, "result" (additional data such as type or error message) and permitted mode
Function LEX_AddLexRule(l.LEX_Lexer, rule$, action, result$ = "", mode = 0)
Local r.LEX_LexRule = New LEX_LexRule
rrule = RegEx_Parse(rule, lcsMode)
rpattern = rule
raction = action
rresult = result
rmode = mode
ListAddLast lrules, Handle r
End Function

;Scan a file (opened with LEX_ReadFile) using the given lexer
Function LEX_ScanFile(l.LEX_Lexer, f.LEX_File)
LEX_ResetFile f
lerrState = False
lcFile = f

listk = CreateList()
lprev = CreateList()
ListAddLast listk, Handle f
LEX_GuardFileName l, f

Local token$, rule.LEX_LexRule, mode = 0

While lcFilecPtr < lcFilesLen
token = "" : rule = Null

Local i.Iterator = GetIterator(lrules) : While EachIn(i)
Local r.LEX_LexRule = Object.LEX_LexRule iValue
If mode = rmode
Local cMatch$ = RegEx_Match(rrule, lcFilestream, lcFilecPtr)
If Len(cMatch) > Len(token) Then token = cMatch : rule = r

If rule <> Null ;Something matched successfully!
Select ruleaction
ListAddLast lout, Handle LEX_NewToken(token, ruleresult, lcFilename, lcFilecLine, lcFilecCol)
mode = Int ruleresult
LEX_Error l, ruleresult
LEX_ClearStacks l, f : Return ;Clear the include stacks and stop scanning
;Do nothing
LEX_IncrementFilePtr lcFile, Len(token)
token = LEX_FilterIncludeString(token, ruleresult) ;Shorten the token to just the file path
If Not LEX_TryIncludeFile(l, token) Then LEX_ClearStacks l, f : Return

LEX_HandleAction l, rule, token
If lerrState Then LEX_ClearStacks l, f : Return
End Select

If ruleaction <> LEX_ACTION_INCLUDE Then LEX_IncrementFilePtr lcFile, Len(token)
LEX_IncrementFilePtr lcFile, 1

If lcFile <> f ;Pop back to the previous file in the include stack
LEX_CloseFile lcFile
ListRemoveLast listk
lcFile = Object.LEX_File ListLast(listk)
Exit ;If it's f, we're done

LEX_ClearStacks l, f
End Function

;Load a file into a suitable format for scanning
Function LEX_ReadFile.LEX_File(path$)
path = Replace(path, "", "/") ;Normalise slashes

Local dirName$[0], fileName$[0] : LEX_GetPathCmpts path, dirName, fileName

Local stream = ReadFile(path) : If Not stream
LEX_Error Null, "Unable to open file '" + path + "' ('" + dirName[0] + fileName[0] + "')"
Return Null

Local f.LEX_File = New LEX_File
fdir = dirName[0] : fname = fileName[0]

fstream = CreateBank(FileSize(path))
ReadBytes fstream, stream, 0, BankSize(fstream)
CloseFile stream
fsLen = BankSize(fstream)

LEX_ResetFile f
Return f
End Function

;Flag an error, preventing the lexer from continuing and possibly logging it via the interface
Function LEX_Error(l.LEX_Lexer, msg$)
LEX_LogError l, msg
lerrState = True
End Function

;(Internal) Use a simple set of filter chars to chop the path out of an include directive
Function LEX_FilterIncludeString$(inc$, filter$)
Local i, p
For i = 1 To Len(filter)
p = Instr(inc, Mid(filter, i, 1))
If p Then inc = Mid(inc, p + 1) : Exit
For i = 1 To Len(filter)
p = Instr(inc, Mid(filter, i, 1))
If p Then inc = Left(inc, p - 1) : Exit
Return inc
End Function

;(Internal) Get the absolute directory and stripped filename from a path
Function LEX_GetPathCmpts(path$, dirOut$[0], fileOut$[0])
dirOut[0] = "" : fileOut[0] = path
Local tgt$ : If Instr(path, "/") Then tgt = "/" : Else tgt = ":"

Local c : For c = Len(path) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(path, c, 1) = tgt
dirOut[0] = Left(path, c) : If Left(dirOut[0], 1) = "/" Then dirOut[0] = Mid(dirOut[0], 2)
fileOut[0] = Mid(path, c + 1)

Local isAbsolute = (Left(path, 2) = "//") Or Instr(path, ":") ;UNC/driveletter/URL
If Not isAbsolute Then dirOut[0] = dirOut[0] + Replace(CurrentDir(), "", "/")
End Function

;(Internal) Reset a LEX_File's pointer fields
Function LEX_ResetFile(f.LEX_File)
fcPtr = 0
fcLine = 1
fcCol = 1
End Function

;(Internal) Increment a LEX_File's pointer fields
Function LEX_IncrementFilePtr(f.LEX_File, count)
Local c : For c = 1 To count
Local char = PeekByte(fstream, fcPtr)
If char < 32 ;Only count printable characters in the column field
If char = 10 Then fcLine = fcLine + 1 : fcCol = 1
fcCol = fcCol + 1
fcPtr = fcPtr + 1
End Function

;(Internal) "Guard" a file against being included twice
Function LEX_GuardFileName(l.LEX_Lexer, f.LEX_File)
Local g.LEX_Guard = New LEX_Guard
gname = fdir + fname
ListAddLast lprev, Handle g
End Function

;"Close" a file opened for scanning
Function LEX_CloseFile(f.LEX_File)
If fstream Then FreeBank fstream
Delete f
End Function

;Treat the contents of a string as a lexer file (useful for short inputs)
Function LEX_FileFromString.LEX_File(s$)
Local f.LEX_File = New LEX_File
fdir = "" : fname = "<string>"

fstream = CreateBank(Len(s))
Local c : For c = 1 To BankSize(fstream)
PokeByte fstream, c - 1, Asc(Mid(s, c, 1))
fsLen = BankSize(fstream)

LEX_ResetFile f
Return f
End Function

;Create a new match result (token object)
Function LEX_NewToken.LEX_Token(val$, tt$, file$, l = 0, c = 0)
Local t.LEX_Token = New LEX_Token
tvalue = val : ttType = tt
tfile = file : tl = l : tc = c
Return t
End Function

;~IDEal Editor Parameters:

Comments : none...