[bb] Perlin noise by Flanker [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:43

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Title : Perlin noise
Author : Flanker
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : One of the first thing I did in Blitz3D, based on an article from Ken Perlin. It's quite old and it's probably not optimize or correct and it's badly commented but it works quite well. It generates perlin noise in an array with values beetween 0 and 255.

Function parameters to play with (all are optionnal):
- size : size of the "texture", must be power of 8 (64,128,256...)
(note that it will actually generate a "texture" of size+1)
- octaves : number of layers to merge, increasing octaves gives more details but is slower to generate.
- frequency : frequency of "big" details like craters or hills.
- persistence : persistence is like smooth or accentuate the result.
- loop : makes the "texture" seamless
- seed : you can provide a random seed to generate the exact same noise.

Octaves and frequency values can cause strange results if not chosen correctly. Just test yourself.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
Dim octave(x,y,octaves)
Dim perlin#(x,y)

; example ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Graphics 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

SeedRnd MilliSecs()

perlin_size = 256

While Not KeyHit(1)


time = Perlin_Generate(perlin_size,8,4,0.5,False,0)


For x = 0 To perlin_size-1
For y = 0 To perlin_size-1

rgb = perlin(x,y) Or (perlin(x,y) Shl 8) Or (perlin(x,y) Shl 16)

WritePixelFast x,y,rgb



Text 650,50,time + "ms"





Function Perlin_Generate(size#=128,octaves#=8,frequency#=8,persistence#=0.5,loop=False,seed=0)

; time measure
time = MilliSecs()

; used to store maximum value
maximum# = 0
minimum# = 2147483647

; resize arrays
Dim octave(size+1,size+1,octaves)
Dim perlin(size+1,size+1)

; calculate the size of initial cells
inc# = size / frequency

; fill randomly octave 0
If seed <> 0 Then SeedRnd seed
For x = 0 To size
For y = 0 To size

octave(x,y,0) = Rand(255)

; to loop the noise : fill cells from a side with value from opposite side
If loop = True
If x = size Then octave(x,y,0) = octave(0,y,0)
If y = size Then octave(x,y,0) = octave(x,0,0)


; interpolate points from octaves, based on first octave
For layer = 1 To octaves

; initialize new x for each layer
x1# = 0
x2# = inc

For x = 0 To size

; advance in x if necessary
If x = x2
x1 = x2
x2 = x2+inc
If x2 > size+1 Then x2 = size+1

; initialize new x for each layer
y1# = 0
y2# = inc

For y = 0 To size

; advance in x if necessary
If y = y2
y1 = y2
y2 = y2+inc
If y2 > size+1 Then y2 = size+1

; special function from Ken Perlin, similar to a sinusoid but faster than Sin/Cos
position# = (y-y1) / (y2-y1)
position = position * position * position * (position * (position * 6 - 15) + 10)

v1# = octave(x1,y1,0) + position * (octave(x1,y2,0) - octave(x1,y1,0))
v2# = octave(x2,y1,0) + position * (octave(x2,y2,0) - octave(x2,y1,0))

position = (x-x1) / (x2-x1)
position = position * position * position * (position * (position * 6 - 15) + 10)

octave(x,y,layer) = v1 + position * (v2 - v1)

; add the new point to perlin array (sum)
perlin(x,y) = perlin(x,y) + octave(x,y,layer) * persistence^layer

; update minimum and maximum values
If perlin(x,y) > maximum Then maximum = perlin(x,y)
If perlin(x,y) < minimum Then minimum = perlin(x,y)


frequency = frequency * 2 ; from each octave to the next, multiply the frequency by 2
inc = size / frequency ; update the cells size (or step)


; interpolate noise from 0 to 255
For x = 0 To size
For y = 0 To size

perlin(x,y) = (perlin(x,y)-minimum) / (maximum-minimum) * 255


; return the time taken to proceed
Return MilliSecs()-time

End Function

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