[bmx] THeap by Dreamora [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:41

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Title : THeap
Author : Dreamora
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Lightweight THeap datastructure for priority queues etc

Code :
Code (blitzmax) Select
    bbdoc: Heap
    about: Heap class. Can be used for sorting as well as "get always the smallest / largest"
End Rem
Module dreamora.ds_heap

ModuleInfo "Version: 1.0"
ModuleInfo "Author: Marc 'Dreamora' Schaerer"
ModuleInfo "License: Public domain"
ModuleInfo "Copyright: 2006  Marc 'Dreamora' Schaerer"
ModuleInfo "Modserver: dreamora"

ModuleInfo "History:"
moduleinfo "-   1.0 Release"
End Rem
Import brl.retro

bbdoc: THeap
about: Heap class
End Rem
Type THeap
Field _data:Object[]
Field _ascending:Int
Field _length:Int = 1
Field _sortingFunction:Int(one:Object,two:Object)

bbdoc: Create
about: Creates a new THeap and returns the reference to it.<br>
<b>elements:</b> Number of elements you want the heap to initialize with.<br>
The heap will dynamically resize if more elements are added than needed and that in a very performant way.<br>
This is only if you now that you will push x object directly onto it.<br>
Defaults to 1.<br>
<b>maximum:</b> Defines if the heap has maximum on top (true) or minimum.<br>
Defaults to maximum.<br>
<b>ComparisionFunction:int( one:Object,two:Object):</b> Lets you define an own comparision function.<br>
The example shows how to use it and for what type of stuff it might be usefull after all.<br>
Defaults to BMs internal compare Objects functionality.
returns: A valid reference to a THeap object
End Rem
Function Create:THeap(elements:Int = 16, maximum:Int = True, ComparisionFunction:Int( one:Object,two:Object)=CompareObjects)
Local result:THeap = New THeap
result._data = New Object[elements]
result._ascending = maximum
result._sortingFunction = ComparisionFunction
Return result
End Function

bbdoc: Add
about: Adds a new object to the heap.<br>
<b>obj:</b> Object you want to add to the heap.
End Rem
Method Add(obj:Object)
If _length = _data.length _data = _data[.._data.length*2]
_data[_length] = obj
Local ret:Int = _bubbleUp(_length)
If ret > 0 _siftDown(ret)
_length :+ 1
End Method

bbdoc: Top
about: Returns the top element on the heap, without removing it.
returns: Top element on the heap
End Rem
Method Top:Object()
If isEmpty() Throw "THeap.Top: Not supported on an empty heap!"
Return _data[1]
End Method

bbdoc: GetTop
about: Returns the top element on the heap, but with removing it!
returns: Top element on the heap
End Rem
Method GetTop:Object()
If isEmpty() Throw "THeap.GetTop: Not supported on an empty heap!"
Local tmp:Object = _data[1]
_data[1] = _data[_length-1]
_length :- 1
If _data.length <= 0.35 * _length _data = _data[.._data.length/2]
Return tmp
End Method

bbdoc: Count
about: Returns the number of elements on the heap.
returns: Number of elements on the heap.
End Rem
Method Count:Int()
Return _length-1
End Method

bbdoc: isEmpty
about: Returns if the heap is empty.
returns: True if it is empty, otherwise false.
End Rem
Method isEmpty:Int()
Return _length = 1
End Method

Method _bubbleUp:Int(index:Int)
Local tmp:Object = _data[index]
If _ascending
While index > 1 And _sortingFunction(tmp,_data[index/2]) > 0
_data[index] = _data[index/2]
index :/ 2
While index > 1 And _sortingFunction(tmp,_data[index/2]) < 0
_data[index] = _data[index/2]
index :/ 2
_data[index] = tmp
Return index
End Method

Method _siftDown(index:Int)
Local tmp:Object = _data[index]
Local j:Int
Local N:Int = _length - 1
If _ascending
While index <= N/2
j = index+index
If _data[j+1] And _sortingFunction(_data[j + 1],_data[j]) > 0 j :+ 1
If _sortingFunction(tmp,_data[j]) >  0 Exit
_data[index] = _data[j]
index = j
While index <= N/2
j = index+index
If _data[j+1] And _sortingFunction(_data[j + 1],_data[j]) < 0 j :+ 1
If _sortingFunction(tmp,_data[j]) <  0 Exit
_data[index] = _data[j]
index = j
_data[index] = tmp
End Method
End Type

Function CompareObjects:Int(o1:Object, o2:Object)
Return o1.compare(o2)
End Function

Comments :

NoOdle(Posted 1+ years ago)

 thanks, useful code! What would be the fastest way to amend a priority and resort the heap if you really needed to?