[bmx] CollideImage2 by RepeatUntil [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:38

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Title : CollideImage2
Author : RepeatUntil
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : This function just use CollideImage, but returns an array *without* the object we are testing. This allows collision between images of the same layer (which is not possible with CollideImage).

Use it like this:
CollideImage2(x,y,frame,0,playerLayer,player) (collideImage would work as well)
Then, later on, to check collisions:
if collideImage2(x, y, frame, playerLayer, 0, null, self) then blah
(where self is the image you are currently testing)

Code :
Code (blitzmax) Select
' Function checking the collision, but will remove the testedObject from the list of collision. This allows
' collision for objects of the same layer.
Function CollideImage2:Object[](image:TImage, x, y, frame, collideMask%, writeMask%,  id:Object, testedObject:Object=Null)
Local collidedObjects:Object[] = CollideImage(image, x, y, frame, collideMask, writeMask, id)
' Test if the object is present in the collision list
Local testedObjectPresent:Byte = False
For Local collidedObject:Object = EachIn collidedObjects
If collidedObject = testedObject Then testedObjectPresent = True
' Create the new array we will return
Local dim
If testedObjectPresent Then dim = collidedObjects.length - 1 Else dim = collidedObjects.length
Local collidedObjectsReturned:Object[dim]
' Remove the object from the collision list if it's present
Local i = 0
For Local collidedObject:Object = EachIn collidedObjects
If collidedObject <> testedObject Then
collidedObjectsReturned[i] = collidedObject
Return collidedObjectsReturned
End Function

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