[bb] EntityExists(), iterate entities by jfk EO-11110 [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:41

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Title : EntityExists(), iterate entities
Author : jfk EO-11110
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Nothing to say, useful stuff.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
; This code will automaticly iterate trough all entities. Based on an idea by
; Halo, this one works with a simple "decls" userlib.

; Userlib declaration: RTLMoveMemory2 from the kernel32.dll is used,
; you need at least the following 2 lines in your kernel32.decls:

; .lib "kernel32.dll"
; RtlMoveMemory2%(Destination*,Source,Length) : "RtlMoveMemory"

; Note: The pivot that is created in the init section must be the first entity
; that was created or loaded. You may have to recreate it after a "ClearWorld()"

Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()


; init Cycles entity iteration------------------------
Global Cycle_bank=CreateBank(16)
Const  Cycle_NextEntity=4
Const  Cycle_LastEntity=8
Global Cycle_FirstEntity=CreatePivot()
Global Cycle_CurrentEntityPointer=Cycle_FirstEntity

; create some test entities
For i=0 To 7
 NameEntity dudu,Chr$(Rand(65,90))+""+Rand(1000)

; how to cycle trough all entities:
While MoreEntities()
 entity= NextEntity()
 Print "Handle: " + entity
 Print "Name:   " + EntityName$(entity)
 Print "Class:  " + EntityClass$(entity)
 Print "-------------------------------"

; How to use EntityExists():

;freddy=CreatePivot() ; try unrem
Print EntityExists(freddy)


Function MoreEntities() ; check if there are further entities
 If PeekInt(Cycle_bank,0)<>0
  Return True
End Function

Function NextEntity()
 Local entity
 Cycle_CurrentEntityPointer = entity
 Return entity
End Function

Function EntityExists(entity)
 While MoreEntities()
  If NextEntity()=entity Then Return True
End Function


Comments :

Damien Sturdy(Posted 1+ years ago)

 I could have killed for this code a few years ago. Lovely work :)

Mike Barwise(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Excellent piece of code, really powerful and professional!I found changing the EntityExists( entity ) function to this:Function EntityExists( entity )   ;make sure pointer is reset to the start of the list   Cycle_CurrentEntityPointer=Cycle_FirstEntity      While MoreEntities()      DebugLog( "entity requested " + entity )          If NextEntity() = entity Then          DebugLog( entity + " found" )         Return True      EndIf   Wend      DebugLog( entity + " not found" )   Return False End FunctionSolved a few problems for me.