[bmx] OOP File System Interface by Otus [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:41

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Title : OOP File System Interface
Author : Otus
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Install as a module or comment out the module lines and import directly. For module installations, bbdocs included.

TDir objects support EachIn, TFile objects can be used as url for stream functions, e.g. OpenStream.

Code :
Code (blitzmax) Select

bbdoc: File system interface
End Rem
Module Otus.FS

ModuleInfo "Version: 1.00"
ModuleInfo "Author: Jan Varho"
ModuleInfo "License: Public domain (none)"

Import BRL.FileSystem

bbdoc: A file in the file system
Open files using #Open. TFile objects can be used with OpenStream.
End Rem
Type TFile

Field _path:String

bbdoc: Read the file
returns: A file stream
End Rem
Method Read:TStream()
Return ReadFile(_path)
End Method

bbdoc: Write the file
returns: A file stream
End Rem
Method Write:TStream()
Return WriteFile(_path)
End Method

bbdoc: Open the file
returns: A file stream
End Rem
Method OpenStream:TStream(readable% = True, writeable% = True)
Return OpenFile(_path, readable, writeable)
End Method

bbdoc: Remove the file
returns: True if successful
End Rem
Method Remove:Int()
If DeleteFile(_path)
_path = ""
Return True
End If
Return False
End Method

bbdoc: Rename the file
returns: True if successful
End Rem
Method Rename:Int(name:String)
If RenameFile(_path, name)
_path = RealPath(name)
Return True
End If
Return False
End Method

bbdoc: Copy the file
returns: A TFile object for the copy if successful
End Rem
Method Copy:TFile(dest:String)
If CopyFile(_path, dest)
Return Open(dest)
End If
Return Null
End Method

bbdoc: Get the parent directory of the file
returns: A #TDir object
End Rem
Method GetDir:TDir()
Return TDir.Open( ExtractDir(_path) )
End Method

bbdoc: Get file extension
returns: A string representing the file extension
End Rem
Method GetExt:String()
Return ExtractExt(_path)
End Method

bbdoc: Get the filename
returns: A string representing the name of the file
End Rem
Method GetName:String()
Return StripDir(_path)
End Method

bbdoc: Get filemode
returns: The file's mode flags
End Rem
Method GetMode:Int()
Return FileMode(_path)
End Method

bbdoc: Set filemode
returns: True if successful
End Rem
Method SetMode:Int(mode:Int)
SetFileMode _path, mode
Return FileMode(_path)=mode
End Method

bbdoc: Get path
returns: The full path of the file
End Rem
Method GetPath:String()
Return _path
End Method

bbdoc: Get filesize
returns: The size of the file in bytes
End Rem
Method GetSize:Int()
Return FileSize(_path)
End Method

bbdoc: Last modified
returns: The timestamp of the last modification to the file
End Rem
Method GetTime:Int()
Return FileTime(_path)
End Method

bbdoc: Creates a new file
returns: A TFile object if successful
End Rem
Function Create:TFile(path:String)
If Not CreateFile(path) Then Return Null
Return Open(path)
End Function

bbdoc: Opens a file
returns: A TFile object if successful
You can test if it's a directory by casting to #TDir
End Rem
Function Open:TFile(path:String)
Local f:TFile
Select FileType(path)
f = New TFile
f = New TDir
Return Null
End Select
f._path = RealPath(path)
Return f
End Function

End Type

bbdoc: A directory in the filesystem
You can open a directory using #Open and cycle the files in it using EachIn.
Note that directories are also files.
End Rem
Type TDir Extends TFile

bbdoc: Changes the current directory
End Rem
Method ChangeTo:Int()
Return ChangeDir(_path)
End Method

Method Read:TStream()
Return Null
End Method

Method Write:TStream()
Return Null
End Method

Method OpenStream:TStream(readable% = True, writeable% = True)
Return Null
End Method

bbdoc: Removes the directory
returns: True on success
Removing directories is recursive!
End Rem
Method Remove:Int()
If DeleteDir(_path, True)
_path = ""
Return True
End If
Return False
End Method

Method Copy:TDir(dest:String)
If CopyDir(_path, dest)
Return Open(dest)
End If
Return Null
End Method

Method GetExt:String()
Return Null
End Method

bbdoc: Open a file in the directory
returns: A #TFile object for the file
End Rem
Method OpenFile:TFile(name:String)
Return TFile.Open(GetPath()+"/"+name)
End Method

bbdoc: Open a sub directory
returns: A #TDir object for the directory
End Rem
Method OpenDir:TDir(name:String)
Return TDir.Open(GetPath()+"/"+name)
End Method

bbdoc: Create a file in the directory
returns: A #TFile object for the new file
End Rem
Method CreateFile:TFile(name:String)
Return TFile.Create(GetPath()+"/"+name)
End Method

bbdoc: Create a sub directory
returns: A #TDir object for the new directory
End Rem
Method CreateDir:TDir(name:String)
Return TDir.Create(GetPath()+"/"+name)
End Method

Method ObjectEnumerator:TDirEnum()
Return TDirEnum.Create(Self)
End Method

bbdoc: Creates a directory
returns: A TDir object if successful
End Rem
Function Create:TDir(path:String)
If FileType(path)<>FILETYPE_DIR And Not CreateDir(path, True) Then Return Null
Return Open(path)
End Function

bbdoc: Current directory
returns: A TDir object for the current directory
End Rem
Function Current:TDir()
Return Open(CurrentDir())
End Function

bbdoc: Opens a directory
returns: A TDir object if successful
End Rem
Function Open:TDir(path:String)
If FileType(path)<>FILETYPE_DIR Then Return Null
Local d:TDir = New TDir
d._path = RealPath(path)
Return d
End Function

End Type

Type TDirEnum

Field _dirname:String

Field _handle:Int, _next:String

Method Delete()
If _handle CloseDir _handle
End Method

Method HasNext:Int()
If _next Then Return True
If _handle CloseDir _handle
_handle = 0
Return False
End Method

Method NextObject:Object()
Local f:TFile = TFile.Open(_dirname+_next)
_next = NextFile(_handle)
While _next="." Or _next=".."
_next = NextFile(_handle)
Return f
End Method

Function Create:TDirEnum(d:TDir)
Local e:TDirEnum = New TDirEnum
e._dirname = d.GetPath() + "/"
e._handle = ReadDir(d._path)
Return e
End Function

End Type

New TFileStreamFactory

Type TFileStreamFactory Extends TStreamFactory

Method CreateStream:TStream( url:Object, proto$, path$, readable%, writeable% )
Local f:TFile = TFile(url)
If Not f Return Null
Return f.OpenStream(readable, writeable)
End Method

End Type

Comments :

Otus(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Sample use (logs files in the current directory with sizes):

Framework BRL.StandardIO
Import Otus.FS

Local out:TStream = TDir.Current().CreateDir("output").CreateFile("log.txt").Write()

For Local f:TFile = EachIn TDir.Current()
out.WriteLine f.GetName() + "(" + f.GetSize() + ")"