[bb] BB Data packing by _PJ_ [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:40

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Title : BB Data packing
Author : _PJ_
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Based on other Archive entries, the packaging here entails conversion from file to bank then to an "Include-able" dependency for Blitz containing Data statements.

Functionality is improved as the packaging here is function based and allows for configurable parameters as well as informative return values.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select

Test_Data=ReadFileData("C:WINDOWSMedia ada.wav")
If (Not(Test_Data)) Then RuntimeError "Data was not read."
Pack_File=PackData(Test_Data,"Test Pack.bb","DataPack")
If (Not(Pack_File)) Then RuntimeError "Data was not packed to file."

;Copy and Uncomment from a new blitz file to test Unpacking

;Include "Test Pack.bb"
;Restore DataPack
;If (Not(UnpackData("Unpacked Test.wav"))) Then RuntimeError "File was not unpacked"
;Function UnpackData(fp_FilePath$) ; Unpacks an included Data Package into a real file. User MUST use Restore command with the correct label before calling this
; If (fp_FilePath$<>"")
; Local d_ReadByte
; Local n_ByteCount
; Local h_FileHandle=WriteFile(fp_FilePath$)
; Repeat
; Read d_ReadByte
; If (d_ReadByte<0) Then Exit
; n_ByteCount=n_ByteCount+1
; WriteByte(h_FileHandle,d_ReadByte)
; Until KeyDown(True)
; CloseFile h_FileHandle
; If (Not(n_ByteCount)) Then DebugLog "No data written"
; Return n_ByteCount
; End If
; DebugLog "Invalid Filename"
; Return False
;End Function

; The Functions
Function ReadFileData(fp_FilePath$) ; Reads a File to Memory Bank and returns the Bank
Local n_Size=FileSize(fp_FilePath$)
If (n_Size)
Local h_FileHandle=ReadFile(fp_FilePath$)
If (h_FileHandle)
Local bb_Databank=CreateBank(n_Size)
If (bb_Databank)
Local n_IterBytes
Local d_Byte
For n_IterBytes=1 To n_Size
PokeByte bb_Databank,n_IterBytes-1,d_Byte
CloseFile h_FileHandle
Return bb_Databank
End If
End If
End If
End If
DebugLog "Error Reading File "+fp_FilePath$
Return False
End Function

Function PackData(bb_PackBank%, fp_WritePath$, s_DataLabel$) ; Writes the Bank to a .bb File
If (bb_PackBank)
Local n_Size=BankSize(bb_PackBank)
If (n_Size)
If (s_DataLabel$="") Or (Not(GetLabelNameValid(s_DataLabel)))
DebugLog "Invalid Data Label Name"
Return False
End If
Local h_FileHandle=WriteFile(fp_WritePath$)
If (h_FileHandle)
Local d_Byte
Local n_IterBytes
Local n_IterBlocks
Local n_OverFlow=n_Size Mod 16
Local n_EndBlock=((n_Size-n_OverFlow) Shr 4)
For n_IterBlocks=0 To n_EndBlock-1
WriteStringData(h_FileHandle,"Data ",True)
For n_IterBytes=0 To 15
d_Byte=PeekByte(bb_PackBank,n_IterBytes+(n_IterBlocks Shl 4))
If (n_IterBytes<15) Then WriteStringData(h_FileHandle,",")
If (n_OverFlow)
WriteStringData(h_FileHandle,"Data ",True)
For n_IterBlocks=0 To n_OverFlow
d_Byte=PeekByte(bb_PackBank, n_Size-(n_IterBlocks+1))
End If
WriteByte  h_FileHandle,-1
CloseFile h_FileHandle
Return True
End If
End If
End If
DebugLog "Memory Bank Error"
Return False
End Function

Function ClearPackBank(bb_PackBank%) ; Frees up the memory
If (bb_PackBank) Then FreeBank bb_PackBank
End Function

Function UnpackData(fp_FilePath$) ; Unpacks an included Data Package into a real file. User MUST use Restore command with the correct label before calling this
If (fp_FilePath$<>"")
Local d_ReadByte
Local n_ByteCount
Local h_FileHandle=WriteFile(fp_FilePath$)
Read d_ReadByte
If (d_ReadByte<0) Then Exit
Until KeyDown(True)
CloseFile h_FileHandle
If (Not(n_ByteCount)) Then DebugLog "No data written"
Return n_ByteCount
End If
DebugLog "Invalid Filename"
Return False
End Function

; The following are system functions to enable operation of the Packing/Unpacking. These are not for user calls.

Function WriteStringData(h_FileHandle%,s_String$,b_NewLine=False) ; Writes Strings as Byets to the pack file
If (b_NewLine)
WriteByte h_FileHandle,13
WriteByte h_FileHandle,10
End If
Local n_IterBytes
Local n_Length=Len(s_String$)
If (n_Length)
For n_IterBytes=1 To n_Length
WriteByte h_FileHandle,Asc(Mid(s_String$,n_IterBytes,1))
End If
End Function

Function WriteByteData(h_FileHandle%,d_ByteData) ; Writes Bytes to the pack file
Local n_IterDecimal
Local n_DecSize=Len(Str(d_ByteData))
If (d_ByteData)
Local d_WriteByte
For n_IterDecimal=n_DecSize-1 To 1 Step -1
d_WriteByte=(Int(Floor(d_ByteData/(10^n_IterDecimal))) Mod 10^n_IterDecimal)
WriteByteValue(h_FileHandle,(d_ByteData Mod 10))
End If
End Function

Function WriteByteValue(h_FileHandle%,n_Value) ; Helps translate Byte values for writing
WriteByte h_FileHandle,n_Value
End Function

Function GetLabelNameValid(s_String$) ; Used to ensure validity of the Blitz .Label
If (s_String$="") Then Return False
Local n_IterAsc
For n_IterAsc=0 To 47
If Instr(s_String,Chr(n_IterAsc)) Then Return False
For n_IterAsc=58 To 64
If Instr(s_String,Chr(n_IterAsc)) Then Return False
For n_IterAsc=91 To 94
If Instr(s_String,Chr(n_IterAsc)) Then Return False
If Instr(s_String,Chr(96)) Then Return False
For n_IterAsc=122 To 255
If Instr(s_String,Chr(n_IterAsc)) Then Return False
Return True
End Function

Comments :

_PJ_(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Added a fix, underscores are now viable in Data Label names.