[bb] Lens bal by Nebula [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:40

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Title : Lens bal
Author : Nebula
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Draws a high color lens. Paste compile run.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
Graphics 640,480,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Dim coppermap#(12000)

w = 300
h = 300
While KeyDown(1) = False
If n1 < 600 Then
drawoval 320 , 240 , 600 - n1 , 600 - n1 , n1 * 2,False
End If
w = w - 1
h = h - 1

Function bound(in,min,max)
If in>max Then Return max
If in<min Then Return min
End Function

Function drawoval(x,y,w,h,n,f = 0)
If w < 1 And h < 1 Then Return
Local bmap = CreateImage(w,h)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap)
n = coppermap( n )
;DebugLog n
Color n,n,n
Select f
Case 0
Oval 0,0,w,h,True
Case 1
Oval 0,0,w,h,False
End Select
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
MidHandle bmap
DrawImage bmap,x,y
FreeImage bmap
End Function

Function makecoppermap()
Local a# = 255
Local n# = a# / 1200
Local n1# = 0
For i=0 To 1200
n1 = n1 + n
coppermap(i) = n1
End Function

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