[bb] GetInternetFile - downloads a file as a string by Zethrax [ 1+ years ago ]

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Title : GetInternetFile - downloads a file as a string
Author : Zethrax
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Grabs a file from the internet and stores it in a global string variable.

Make sure you read the 'Requirements' and other sections of the comments.

Note that this function also requires the 'SplitString()' function found at: <a href="codearcsbfd8.html?code=2991" target="_blank">http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=2991</a>

Can be used in combination with the 'SaveString' function linked below to download and save a file.

SaveString - saves a string value as a file
<a href="codearcs21b9.html?code=3070" target="_blank">http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=3070</a>

Function GetInternetFile( url$, dont_cache = True )
; Downloads a file or webpage from the internet and places it into the string global 'G_internet_file$'.

; = Parameters =
; 'url$' - Should hold the full url of the file or webpage to be downloaded.
; 'dont_cache' - A flag that controls whether browser caching is allowed.
; - True = (default) The browser cache will be ignored and the file will always be sourced from the server.
; - False = The file will be sourced from the browser cache if available, or from the server if not.

; = Data Return Globals =
; The HTTP file body (the actual file data) will be placed into 'G_internet_file$'.
; The HTTP file header will be placed into 'G_internet_file_header$'.
; The HTTP protocol version will be placed into 'G_internet_file_protocol_version$' (eg 'HTTP/1.0').
; The HTTP status code will be placed into 'G_internet_file_status_code$' ('200' means no problems were encountered).
; The HTTP status message will be placed into 'G_internet_file_status_message$' ('OK' means no problems were encountered).
; The error codes returned by this function are also available in 'G_internet_file_error'.

; = Function Return Values =
; 0 = Success (no errors).
; 1 = Unable to connect to server.
; 2 = File request failed.
; 3 = A stream error occurred.
; 4 = The URL was badly formed and could not be parsed.
; 5 = The file header was badly formed or corrupted.
; 6 = Incorrectly formatted status line in header.
; 7 = HTTP status code indicated an error.

; = Requirements =
; Requires that a string global named 'G_internet_file$' be declared.
; Requires that a string global named 'G_internet_file_header$' be declared.
; Requires that a string global named 'G_internet_file_protocol_version$' be declared.
; Requires that a string global named 'G_internet_file_status_code$' be declared.
; Requires that a string global named 'G_internet_file_status_message$' be declared.
; Requires that an integer global named 'G_internet_file_error' be declared.
; Requires the 'SplitString()' function. (http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=2991)

; = Reference Links =
; <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes</a>
; <a href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html" target="_blank">http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html</a>
; <a href="http://www.jmarshall.com/easy/http/" target="_blank">http://www.jmarshall.com/easy/http/</a>

Local tcp, startpos, endpos, host$, header_line$

G_internet_file$ = ""
G_internet_file_header$ = ""

; Extract the hostname from the URL.
startpos = Instr( url$, "://" )
If startpos = 0 Then G_internet_file_error = 4 : Return 4
startpos = startpos + 3
endpos = Instr( url$, "/", startpos )
If endpos = 0 Then endpos = Len( url$ ) + 1
host$ = Mid( url$, startpos, endpos - startpos )
If host$ = "" Then G_internet_file_error = 4 : Return 4

tcp = OpenTCPStream( host$, 80 )

If Not tcp Then G_internet_file_error = 1 : Return 1 ; Unable to connect to server.

; Write the HTTP request header.
; Note that 'WriteLine' automatically adds a linebreak (CRLF), so no need to add one.
WriteLine tcp,"GET " + url$ + " HTTP/1.0"
WriteLine tcp, "Host: " + host$
If dont_cache
WriteLine tcp, "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"
WriteLine tcp, "Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" ; (Just an old date)
WriteLine tcp, "User-Agent: downloader"
WriteLine tcp, "Connection: close"
WriteLine tcp, ""

If Eof( tcp ) Then CloseTCPStream tcp : G_internet_file_error = 2 : Return 2 ; File request failed.

header_line$ = ReadLine( tcp )
If SplitString( header_line$, " " ) <> 2 Then CloseTCPStream tcp : G_internet_file_error = 6 : Return 6 ; Incorrectly formatted status line in header.
G_internet_file_protocol_version$ = A_string$( 0 )
G_internet_file_status_code$ = A_string$( 1 )
G_internet_file_status_message$ = A_string$( 2 )
If G_internet_file_status_code$ <> "200" Then CloseTCPStream tcp : G_internet_file_error = 7 : Return 7 ; HTTP status code indicated an error.
G_internet_file_header$ = G_internet_file_header$ + header_line$ + G_eol$

While Not Eof( tcp )
header_line$ = ReadLine( tcp )
If header_line$ = "" Then Exit ; The blank line terminating the header was found.
G_internet_file_header$ = G_internet_file_header$ + header_line$ + G_eol$

Select Eof( tcp )
Case -1
CloseTCPStream tcp
G_internet_file_error = 3
Return 3 ; A stream error occurred.
Case 1
CloseTCPStream tcp
G_internet_file_error = 5
Return 5 ; The file header was badly formed or corrupted.
End Select

While Not Eof( tcp )
G_internet_file$ = G_internet_file$ + Chr( ReadByte( tcp ) )

If Eof( tcp ) = -1 Then CloseTCPStream tcp : G_internet_file_error = 3 : Return 3 ; A stream error occurred.

CloseTCPStream tcp

G_internet_file_error = 0
Return 0
End Function

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
The code can be found at: http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=3069

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