[bb] Data from an Image by Nicstt [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:40

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Title : Data from an Image
Author : Nicstt
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Will generate a textfile from a picture that can be pasted into your code. Designed specifically for smaller images, but if you really must then it will handle larger images.

Code :
Code (blitzbasic) Select
;**                                                       **
;**            Data Maker by Nicholas Tindall             **
;** Turn Pictures into Data for copying into your program **
;**           Copyright Nicholas Tindall 2005             **
;**                                                       **

Const EVENT_None = $0 ; No event (eg. a WaitEvent timeout)
Const EVENT_KeyDown = $101 ; Key pressed
Const EVENT_KeyUp = $102 ; Key released
Const EVENT_ASCII = $103 ; ASCII key pressed
Const EVENT_MouseDown = $201 ; Mouse button pressed
Const EVENT_MouseUp = $202 ; Mouse button released
Const EVENT_MouseMove = $203 ; Mouse moved
Const EVENT_Gadget = $401 ; Gadget clicked
Const EVENT_Move = $801 ; Window moved
Const EVENT_Size = $802 ; Window resized
Const EVENT_Close = $803 ; Window closed
Const EVENT_Front = $804 ; Window brought to front
Const EVENT_Menu = $1001 ; Menu item selected
Const EVENT_LostFocus = $2001 ; App lost focus
Const EVENT_GotFocus = $2002 ; App got focus
Const EVENT_Timer = $4001 ; Timer event occurred

Global gfxBankDisplay = 0
Global gfxBank3 = 0
Global gfxBank4 = 0
Global encrypting = 0
Global cleaning = 0
Global height1 = 0
Global width1 = 0
Global heightY = 0
Global widthX = 0
Global totalA = 0
Global progress = 0
Global count = 0
Global counter = 0
Global timeSet = 0
Global timeS = 0
Global timeM = 0
Global timeH = 0
Global timeSec$ = "00"
Global timeMin$ = "00"
Global timeHour$ = "00"
Global baseR = 0
Global baseG = 0
Global baseB = 0
Global hexDec$ = ""
Global canvasPicEncrypt
Global picdataBank
Global dirPath$ = ""

Dim progBar (102)
Dim progBar2# (101)
For a = 0 To 100
progBar2#(a) = Float(a) * 0.01
progBar2#(101) = 1

mainwindow= CenterWindow ("Data Maker v1.0", 640, 480, 0, 11) ; name, width, height, group, style
SetMinWindowSize mainwindow, 640, 200

; data at the end if copied into a text file will produce a bmp that i turned into the icon, you need the specific .decl for it - see a post by grey alien
;icon = ExtractIconA (QueryObject (mainwindow, 1), "Data Maker.ico", 0) ; used to display own icon if have the required userlibs in blitz
;SetClassLongA ( QueryObject (mainwindow, 1), - 14, icon) ; thx to Grey Alien for that:)

Global buttonLoadPic = CreateButton( "Load Picture", ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.00+25, 5, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonLoadData = CreateButton( "Load Data", ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.15+25, 5, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonSavePic = CreateButton( "Save Picture", ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.30+25, 5, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonSaveData = CreateButton( "Save Data Info", ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.45+25, 5, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonCompData = CreateButton( "Compile Data",   ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.60+25, 5, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonConvertData= CreateButton( "Convert Data",   ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.00+25, 45, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonViewPic = CreateButton( "View Picture",   ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.15+25, 45, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonStopComp = CreateButton( "Stop Compilation",ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.30+25, 45, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonStopConv = CreateButton( "Stop Conversion",  ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.30+25, 45, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonClearDisplay= CreateButton( "Clear Display", ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.45+25, 45, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonQuit = CreateButton( "Quit Program",   ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.60+25, 45, 85, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonDeleteData = CreateButton( "Delete Data", ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.75+25, 5, 110, 32, mainwindow, 1 )
Global buttonDeletePic = CreateButton( "Delete Picture", ClientWidth(mainwindow)*0.75+25, 45, 110, 32, mainwindow, 1 )

SetGadgetLayout buttonLoadPic, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonLoadData, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonSavePic, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout buttonSaveData, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonCompData, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonConvertData, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout buttonViewPic, 2, 2, 2, 2 SetGadgetLayout buttonStopComp, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonStopConv, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout buttonClearDisplay, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonQuit, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout buttonDeleteData, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout buttonDeletePic, 2, 2, 2, 2

HideGadget buttonStopConv

DisableGadget buttonSavePic : DisableGadget buttonSaveData : DisableGadget buttonCompData : DisableGadget buttonConvertData
DisableGadget buttonViewPic : DisableGadget buttonStopComp : DisableGadget buttonDeleteData : DisableGadget buttonDeletePic
DisableGadget buttonClearDisplay

; * * * listbox that will display list of files chosen
Global listBoxFiles = CreateListBox (10, 90, 250, 230, mainwindow)
DisableGadget listBoxFiles
; ******

; * * * for viewing pictures and displaying data
Global canvasPicPreview = CreateCanvas (270, 88, 359, 388 , mainwindow)
Global listBoxTotal = CreateListBox (10, 325, 250, 20, mainwindow)
Global listBoxTimeH = CreateListBox (10, 380, 28, 18, mainwindow)
Global listBoxTimeM = CreateListBox (40, 380, 28, 18, mainwindow)
Global listBoxTimeS = CreateListBox (70, 380, 28, 18, mainwindow)
DisableGadget listBoxTotal
DisableGadget listBoxTimeH : DisableGadget listBoxTimeM : DisableGadget listBoxTimeS
; ******

SetGadgetLayout listBoxFiles, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout canvasPicPreview, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout listBoxTotal, 2, 2, 2, 2
SetGadgetLayout listBoxTimeH, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout listBoxTimeM, 2, 2, 2, 2 : SetGadgetLayout listBoxTimeS, 2, 2, 2, 2

Global barProcessed = CreateProgBar (10, 350, 250, 20, mainwindow) : SetGadgetLayout barProcessed, 2, 2, 2, 2

SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPicPreview)
ClsColor 212, 208, 200 : Cls : FlipCanvas canvasPicPreview
Select WaitEvent(0)
Case EVENT_Gadget ; gadget clicked
Select EventSource()
Case buttonQuit
If Confirm( "Confirm Quit?" ) = True Then Gosub freeallgadgets2 : EndGraphics : End
Case buttonLoadPic ; select picture to load
dirPath$ = RequestFile ("Select a picture to load...", "bmp,BMP,jpg,*.*,jpeg,JPG,JPEG", 0 )
If dirPath$ <> ""
If gfxBankDisplay <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBankDisplay : gfxBankDisplay = 0
If gfxBank3 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank3 : gfxBank3 = 0
If gfxBank4 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank4 : gfxBank4 = 0
gfxBank3 = LoadImage(dirPath$) : gfxBankDisplay = CopyImage(gfxBank3)
canvasPicEncrypt = CreateCanvas (635, 470, ImageWidth(gfxBank3), ImageHeight(gfxBank3) , mainwindow)
;ClsColor 0, 0, 0 : Cls : FlipCanvas canvasPicEncrypt
gfxBank4 = CreateImage ( ImageWidth(gfxBank3), ImageHeight(gfxBank3) )
gfxBank4 = CopyImage(gfxBank3) : EnableGadget buttonViewPic : EnableGadget buttonSavePic
EnableGadget buttonCompData : EnableGadget buttonDeletePic
If Len(dirPath$) < 120
SetStatusText mainwindow, dirPath$
ElseIf Len(dirPath$) > 119
SetStatusText mainwindow, "..." + Right$ (dirPath$,119)
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonLoadData ; select encripted file to load
dirPath$ = RequestFile ("Select a file to load...", "txt, dat", 0 )
If dirPath$ <> ""
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal
If gfxBankDisplay <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBankDisplay : gfxBankDisplay = 0
If gfxBank3 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank3 : gfxBank3 = 0
If gfxBank4 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank4 : gfxBank4 = 0
count = 0 : progress = 0 : counter = 0 : timeSet = MilliSecs()
canvasPicEncrypt = CreateCanvas (638, 478, width1, height1, mainwindow)
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPicEncrypt)
ClsColor 0, 0, 0 : Cls : FlipCanvas canvasPicEncrypt
EnableGadget buttonDeleteData : EnableGadget buttonConvertData : DisableGadget buttonViewPic : DisableGadget buttonClearDisplay
If Len(dirPath$) < 120
SetStatusText mainwindow, dirPath$
ElseIf Len(dirPath$) > 119
SetStatusText mainwindow, "..." + Right$ (dirPath$,119)
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonViewPic
If ( ImageWidth(gfxBankDisplay) > 359 ) Or ( ImageHeight(gfxBankDisplay) > 388 )
ResizeImage gfxBankDisplay, 359,388
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPicPreview)
ClsColor 0, 0, 0 : Cls : DrawImage gfxBankDisplay, 2, 2
FlipCanvas canvasPicPreview
EnableGadget buttonClearDisplay : ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonSavePic ; save picture
dirPath$ = RequestFile ("Save picture to file...", "bmp, jpg", 1 )
If dirPath$ <> ""
SaveImage(gfxBank3, dirPath$)
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonClearDisplay
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPicPreview)
ClsColor 212, 208, 200 : Cls : FlipCanvas canvasPicPreview
DisableGadget buttonClearDisplay
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonStopComp
EnableGadget buttonLoadPic : EnableGadget buttonLoadData : EnableGadget buttonCompData
DisableGadget buttonStopComp
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPicEncrypt)
Cls : FlipCanvas canvasPicEncrypt
If ImageWidth (gfxBank3) > 0 Or ImageHeight(gfxBank3) > 0
EnableGadget buttonSavePic : EnableGadget buttonViewPic : EnableGadget buttonDeletePic; : EnableGadget buttonClearDisplay
encrypting  = 0 : ActivateGadget mainwindow : FreeBank picdataBank : picdataBank = 0
Case buttonDeleteData
DisableGadget buttonSavePic : DisableGadget buttonCompData : DisableGadget buttonDeleteData
DisableGadget buttonSaveData : DisableGadget buttonConvertData : HideGadget buttonStopConv : ShowGadget buttonStopComp
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal : FreeGadget canvasPicEncrypt : UpdateProgBar barProcessed, 0
SetStatusText mainwindow, "" : ActivateGadget mainwindow : FreeBank picdataBank : picdataBank = 0
Case buttonDeletePic
DisableGadget buttonViewPic : DisableGadget buttonSavePic : DisableGadget buttonCompData : DisableGadget buttonDeletePic
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal : SetStatusText mainwindow, ""
If gfxBankDisplay <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBankDisplay : gfxBankDisplay = 0
If gfxBank3 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank3 : gfxBank3 = 0
If gfxBank4 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank4 : gfxBank4 = 0
SetStatusText mainwindow, "" : UpdateProgBar barProcessed, 0
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPicPreview)
ClsColor 212, 208, 200 : Cls : FlipCanvas canvasPicPreview : ActivateGadget mainwindow : DisableGadget buttonClearDisplay
Case buttonSaveData
dirPath$ = RequestFile ("Save Picture Data to Disk...", "txt", 1 )
If dirPath$ <> "" And Right$(dirPath$,4) = ".txt"
count = 0 : progress = 0 : counter = 0 : timeSet = MilliSecs()
savingdata = WriteFile(dirPath$)
WriteLine savingdata, "Data " + height1 + " ; height of picture" : WriteLine savingdata, "Data " + width1 + " ; width of picture"
WriteLine savingdata, "; rgb values for picture - copy and paste into program"
ab$ = "" : count = 0
For a = 1 To height1
For b = 1 To width1
ab$ = ab$ + PeekByte (picdataBank, count) + ", "
count = count + 1
ab$ = ab$ + PeekByte (picdataBank, count) + ", "
count = count + 1
ab$ = ab$ + PeekByte (picdataBank, count) + ", "
count = count + 1
progress = progress + 1
If progBar(counter) < progress And progBar(counter + 1) > progress
ab$ = Left$(ab$, (Len(ab$) - 2)) + " "
WriteLine savingdata, "Data " + ab$
ab$ = ""
DisableGadget buttonSaveData
;ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal :
FreeBank picdataBank : picdataBank = 0
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonCompData
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPicEncrypt)
Cls : DrawImage gfxBank4, 0, 0 : FlipCanvas canvasPicEncrypt
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal
DisableGadget buttonLoadPic : DisableGadget buttonLoadData : DisableGadget buttonSavePic : DisableGadget buttonSaveData
DisableGadget buttonConvertData : DisableGadget buttonViewPic : DisableGadget buttonClearDisplay : DisableGadget buttonCompData
DisableGadget buttonDeletePic : EnableGadget buttonStopComp
timeS = 0 : timeM = 0 : timeH = 0 : timeSec$ = "00" : timeMin$ = "00" : timeHour$ = "00"
encrypting = 1 : height1 = ImageHeight (gfxBank4) : heightY = 0 : width1 = ImageWidth (gfxBank4) : widthX = 0
progress = 0 : totalA = width1 * height1 : count = 0
For counter = 0 To 100 : progBar(counter) = (totalA / 100) * counter : Next : counter = 0 : progBar(101) = totalA * 2
AddGadgetItem listBoxTotal, "Total Data:  " + Str totalA
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeH, "00" : AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeM, "00" : AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, "00" : timeSet = MilliSecs()
ActivateGadget mainwindow : picdataBank = CreateBank (totalA * 3)
Case buttonConvertData
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal
DisableGadget buttonLoadPic : DisableGadget buttonLoadData : DisableGadget buttonSavePic : DisableGadget buttonSaveData
DisableGadget buttonConvertData : DisableGadget buttonViewPic : DisableGadget buttonClearDisplay : DisableGadget buttonCompData
DisableGadget buttonDeletePic : DisableGadget buttonStopComp : HideGadget buttonStopComp ShowGadget buttonStopConv
EnableGadget buttonStopConv : DisableGadget buttonDeleteData
timeS = 0 : timeM = 0 : timeH = 0 : timeSec$ = "00" : timeMin$ = "00" : timeHour$ = "00"
cleaning = 1 : heightY = 0 : widthX = 0 : progress = 0 : count = 0
For counter = 0 To 100 : progBar(counter) = (totalA / 100) * counter : Next : counter = 0 : progBar(101) = totalA * 2
AddGadgetItem listBoxTotal, "Total to Draw: " + Str totalA
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeH, "00" : AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeM, "00" : AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, "00" : timeSet = MilliSecs()
ActivateGadget mainwindow
Case buttonStopConv
EnableGadget buttonLoadPic : EnableGadget buttonLoadData : EnableGadget buttonConvertData : EnableGadget buttonClearDisplay
ShowGadget buttonStopComp : EnableGadget buttonConvertData : HideGadget buttonStopConv : EnableGadget buttonDeleteData
ClsColor 212, 208, 200 : Cls : FlipCanvas canvasPicPreview
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal
cleaning = 0 : ActivateGadget mainwindow
End Select
Case EVENT_KeyUp
If EventData() = 1 ; quit
Gosub freeallgadgets2 : EndGraphics : End
If EventData() = 25 ; preferences

Case EVENT_Close ;window close
Gosub freeallgadgets2 : EndGraphics : End
End Select

If encrypting  = 1 Then EncryptFile()
If cleaning = 1 Then CleanFile()

Gosub freeallgadgets2 : EndGraphics
; * * * * *  F U N C T I O N S  * * * * *

Function CleanFile()

If progress = 0
ClsColor 0, 0, 0 : Cls

red = PeekByte (picdataBank, count)
count = count + 1
green = PeekByte (picdataBank, count)
count = count + 1
blue = PeekByte (picdataBank, count)
count = count + 1

Color red, green, blue
Plot widthX, heightY
FlipCanvas canvasPicEncrypt
red = PeekByte (picdataBank, count)
count = count + 1
green = PeekByte (picdataBank, count)
count = count + 1
blue = PeekByte (picdataBank, count)
count = count + 1

Color red, green, blue
Plot widthX, heightY : FlipCanvas canvasPicEncrypt
widthX  = widthX + 1
If widthX = width1
heightY = heightY + 1
widthX = 0
progress = progress + 1
If progBar(counter) < progress And progBar(counter + 1) > progress
If progress = totalA
If gfxBank3 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank3 : gfxBank3 = 0
gfxBank3 = CreateImage ( width1, height1 )
CopyRect 0, 0, width1, height1, 0, 0, CanvasBuffer(canvasPicEncrypt), ImageBuffer(gfxBank3)
cleaning = 10 : heightY = 0 : widthX = 0
FreeGadget canvasPicEncrypt
EnableGadget buttonLoadPic : EnableGadget buttonLoadData : EnableGadget buttonSavePic : EnableGadget buttonClearDisplay
ShowGadget buttonStopComp HideGadget buttonStopConv : DisableGadget buttonStopComp : EnableGadget buttonDeletePic
DisableGadget buttonStopComp : DisableGadget buttonCompData : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal

End Function

Function EncryptFile()
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvasPicEncrypt) ;canvasPicPreview
GetColor(widthX, heightY)
red = ColorRed()
green = ColorGreen()
blue = ColorBlue()

PokeByte picdataBank, count, red
count = count + 1
PokeByte picdataBank, count, green
count = count + 1
PokeByte picdataBank, count, blue
count = count + 1

widthX  = widthX + 1

If widthX = width1
heightY = heightY + 1
widthX = 0
If progBar(counter) < progress And progBar(counter + 1) > progress
progress = progress + 1
If progress = totalA
encrypting = 10 : heightY = 0 : widthX = 0
EnableGadget buttonLoadPic : EnableGadget buttonLoadData : EnableGadget buttonSaveData : EnableGadget buttonDeleteData
EnableGadget buttonClearDisplay
DisableGadget buttonStopComp : DisableGadget buttonCompData : ClearGadgetItems listBoxTotal
End Function

Function PreCleanAndLoad()
loadingData = ReadFile(dirPath$)
linesh$ = ReadLine$(loadingData)
linesw$ = ReadLine$(loadingData)
linesdata$ = ReadLine$(loadingData)
linesdata$ = ReadLine$(loadingData)
linesh$ = Replace$(linesh$, "Data ", "")
linesw$ = Replace$(linesw$, "Data ", "")
linesdata$ = Replace$(linesdata$, "Data ", "")
height1 = Int (linesh$)
width1 = Int (linesw$)
totalA = width1 * height1 : picdataBank = CreateBank (totalA * 3)
For counter = 0 To 100
progBar(counter) = (totalA / 100) * counter
AddGadgetItem listBoxTotal, "Total to Load: " + Str totalA
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeH, "00" : AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeM, "00" : AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, "00"
counter = 0 : progBar(101) = totalA * 2
While  linesdata$ <> ""
temp$ = linesdata$
rgbR = Int(temp$)
pos = Instr (temp$, " ")
temp$ = Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - pos)
PokeByte picdataBank, count, rgbR
count = count + 1

rgbG = Int(temp$)
pos = Instr (temp$, " ")
temp$ = Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - pos)
PokeByte picdataBank, count, rgbG
count = count + 1

rgbB = Int(temp$)
pos = Instr (temp$, " ")
temp$ = Right$(temp$, Len(temp$) - pos)
PokeByte picdataBank, count, rgbB
count = count + 1
progress = progress + 1
If progBar(counter) < progress And progBar(counter + 1) > progress
Until Len(temp$) = 0
linesdata$ = ReadLine$(loadingData)
linesdata$ = Replace$(linesdata$, "Data ", "")
End Function

Function TimeTaken()
totalsecs = ( MilliSecs() - timeSet ) / 1000
If totalsecs > 3599
timeH = totalsecs / 3600
totalsecs = totalsecs - (timeH * 3600)
timeM = totalsecs / 60
totalsecs = totalsecs - (timeM * 60)
If timeH > 9
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeH, Str timeH
ElseIf timeH < 10
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeH
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeH, "0" + Str timeH
If timeM > 9
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeM, Str timeM
ElseIf timeM < 10
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeM, "0" + Str timeM
If totalsecs > 9
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, Str totalsecs
ElseIf totalsecs < 10
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, "0" + Str totalsecs
ElseIf totalsecs > 59
timeM = totalsecs / 60
totalsecs = totalsecs - (timeM * 60)
If timeM > 9
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeM, Str timeM
ElseIf timeM < 10
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeM
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeM, "0" + Str timeM
If totalsecs > 9
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, Str totalsecs
ElseIf totalsecs < 10
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, "0" + Str totalsecs
ElseIf totalsecs < 60
If totalsecs > 9
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, Str totalsecs
ElseIf totalsecs < 10
ClearGadgetItems listBoxTimeS
AddGadgetItem listBoxTimeS, "0" + Str totalsecs
End Function

Function TimeAndProgression()
UpdateProgBar barProcessed, progBar2#(counter)
counter = counter + 1
End Function

Function CenterWindow (title$, width, height, group, style)
Return CreateWindow (title$, (ClientWidth (Desktop ()) / 2) - (width / 2), (ClientHeight (Desktop ()) / 2) - (height / 2), width, height, group, style)
End Function

If gfxBankDisplay <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBankDisplay : gfxBankDisplay = 0
If gfxBank3 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank3 : gfxBank3 = 0
If gfxBank4 <> 0 Then FreeImage gfxBank4 : gfxBank4 = 0
If picdataBank <> 0 Then FreeBank picdataBank : picdataBank = 0
FreeGadget buttonLoadPic : FreeGadget buttonLoadData : FreeGadget buttonSavePic : FreeGadget buttonSaveData : FreeGadget buttonClearDisplay
FreeGadget buttonCompData : FreeGadget buttonConvertData : FreeGadget buttonViewPic : FreeGadget buttonStopComp : FreeGadget canvasPicPreview
FreeGadget buttonQuit : FreeGadget buttonDeleteData : FreeGadget buttonDeletePic : FreeGadget progressBarEncrypt1
FreeGadget progressBarEncrypt2 : FreeGadget listBoxFiles : FreeGadget listBoxTotal : FreeGadget listBoxTimeH
FreeGadget listBoxTimeM : FreeGadget listBoxTimeS : FreeGadget buttonStopConv : FreeGadget mainwindow



Data 32 ; height of picture
Data 32 ; width of picture
; rgb values for picture - copy and paste into program
Data 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255
Data 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255
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Comments :

Conan(Posted 1+ years ago)

 No offense, but I think I'll stick to my method... Less code to swim through...
Function MakeImageToData( Img$, Dest$ = "Image.bb" )
If FileType( Img$ ) = 1
Image = LoadImage( img$ )
DrawImage Image, 0, 0
fileout = WriteFile( Dest$ )
WriteLine fileout, "."+Left$(Img$,Instr(Img$,"."))
WriteLine fileout, "Data "+ImageWidth( image )+", "+ImageHeight( image )
For i = 0 To ImageWidth( Image )
lineout$ = "Data "
For j = 0 To ImageHeight( Image )
If j = 0
lineout$ = lineout$ + Str$( ReadPixel( i, j ) )
lineout$ = lineout$ + ", " + Str$( ReadPixel( i, j ) )
End If
WriteLine fileout, lineout$
CloseFile fileout
End If
End Function

Function MakeImageFromData(  )
Read w, h
img = CreateImage( w, h )
SetBuffer( ImageBuffer( img ) )
For i = 0 To w
For j = 0 To h
Read pix
WritePixel i, j, pix
SetBuffer( BackBuffer() )
Return img
End Function