[bmx] Mouse controlled "spaceship" firing rockets which explode after a defined time by kronholm [ 1+ years ago ]

Started by BlitzBot, June 29, 2017, 00:28:39

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Title : Mouse controlled "spaceship" firing rockets which explode after a defined time
Author : kronholm
Posted : 1+ years ago

Description : Nothing fancy, just a fully commented code snippet written to help you understand basic movement, gravity, classes (types) etc.

Code :
Code (blitzmax) Select
'fire multiple rockets that blow up at a certain time
Graphics 800,600,0 'init gfx window

Global rocketlist:TList = CreateList() 'make a list for active rockets
Global gravity# = -0.07 'gravity
SeedRnd(MilliSecs()) 'make a quick "random" seed

Repeat 'mainloop, runs until escape pressed
If MouseHit(1) Then trocket.fire(5) 'fire 5 rockets on LMB click, change to mousedown for autofire
DrawRect MouseX(),580,10,40
For Local rocket:trocket = EachIn rocketlist 'run thru rocketlist
rocket.drawandmove() 'draw a rocket
Next 'move to next object in rocketlist
GCCollect() 'collect garbage
Flip ; Cls 'flip backbuffer and clear it
Until KeyHit(key_escape)

Type trocket
Field x#,y# 'position of the rocket
Field xvel#=Rand(-2,2),yvel#=Rand(5,8) 'velocity of the rocket
Field timetolive = 0, timetodie = 100 'a crude timer deciding when rocket dies
Function fire(number) 'the "fire x number of rockets function"
For Local i=1 To number 'simply creates x number of trockets and adds them to list
Local newrocket:trocket = New trocket
newrocket.x = MouseX()+5 ; newrocket.y = 580 'set coordinates to mouse
Method drawandmove() 'move and draw a rocket
x:+xvel ; y:-yvel 'add the veloceties
yvel:+gravity 'add the gravity to the y velocity
DrawOval x,y,1,1 'draw the rocket itself
timetolive:+1 'add to the timetolive counter
If timetolive >= timetodie Then die() 'counter check
Method die() 'death method
DrawText "BOOM",x-20,y ' :)
Local rocket:trocket = Self
rocketlist.remove(rocket) 'remove rocket from list
rocket = Null 'die.

Comments :

IKG(Posted 1+ years ago)

 Love this thing! Helped me learn so much more about Max. Thanks again!